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vine是什么意思 vine的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-30 05:22:20
  • 217

vine是什么意思 vine的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The vine grew up the trellis and wrapped around the pergola.


2. The vineyard produced a bountiful harvest of gs this year.


3. The leaves of the vine provide excellent shade on hot summer days.





例句:Moonflower is an annual vine with sweet smelling white flowers that open intheevening. (月光花也是一种一年生藤蔓植物,它的花是白色有香味的,在夜晚开放。)


例句:They shall lament for the teats, for the pleasant fields, for the fruitful vine. (他们必为美好的田地,和多结果的葡萄树,捶哀哭。)


例句:It's like a parasitic jungle vine wrapped around a tree and slowly strangling it. (就像是一根寄生丛林葡萄藤 缠绕在一棵树上 慢慢绞杀它)


例句:Have you ever tasted the black vine of Kakheti? (翻译:-你有没有尝过卡赫季的黑葡萄酒? -啥?)


vine一般作为名词、动词、感叹词使用,如在garlic vine([网络] 蒜香藤)、gourd vine([网络] 葫芦)、g vine(葡萄藤)等常见短语中出现较多。

garlic vine[网络] 蒜香藤
gourd vine[网络] 葫芦
g vine葡萄藤
groundnut vine[网络] 花生藤
hop vine啤酒花藤
hummingbird vine[网络] 蜂鸟藤
jade vine[网络] 玉藤;绿玉藤;玉蔓
kangaroo vine[网络] 袋鼠藤
keelie vine[网络] 龙骨藤


1. It's like a parasitic jungle vine wrapped around a tree and slowly strangling it. (翻译:就像是一根寄生丛林葡萄藤 缠绕在一棵树上 慢慢绞杀它)

2. Have you ever tasted the black vine of Kakheti? (翻译:-你有没有尝过卡赫季的黑葡萄酒? -啥?)

3. And the insurgents are gonna die on the vine. (翻译:这使得他们的床垫。与叛乱分子死在草丛中。)

4. Created by macerating selected white peach varieties, including the vine peach; (翻译:创造由浸软的选择的白色桃子品种,包括藤桃子; )

5. It's been a long time since anything happened at Hollywood and Vine. (翻译:好莱坞和维恩地区已经很久 没有出过大案子了.)

6. common North American vine with compound leaves and bluish-black berrylike fruit. (翻译:常见北美藤本植物,有复叶,果实呈浆果状。)

7. No offense, but I don't foresee... the imminent cultivation of the Chicago vine. (翻译:无意冒犯 认为近期内... 芝加哥还不会开始种葡萄)

8. We have used every vine we could gather. (翻译:我们所使用的每一个葡萄树 我们可以聚在一起。)

9. The word preach means "to bring, or declare, good, or glad, tidings" and "to proclaim, " "to be a herald" (Vine's). (翻译:“讲道”一词意为“带来或传扬美好或快乐的消息”及“宣告”“作传令者”。)

10. The vine twines around the trunk. (翻译:藤缠绕着树干。)

11. And some affairs are death knells for relationships that were already dying on the vine. (翻译:有些婚外情只不过是压死婚姻的 最后一根稻草。)

12. That vine looks like a snake. (翻译:You guys see that? That vine looks like a snake.)

13. Woody vine of the southern United States having purple or blue flowers with leathery recurved sepals. (翻译:美国南部木藤植物,蓝紫色花上有似皮革的反曲的萼片。)

14. 'Vine fruit' is the generic term for currants and raisins. (翻译:vine fruit是有核和无核葡萄干的通称。)

15. A vine wraps round a big tree. (翻译:一根藤绕在一棵大树上。)



1. 词义:'vine' 指的是藤本植物,常见的有葡萄藤、瓜类藤等。

2. 词性:'vine' 是一个名词,单数形式为 'vine',复数形式为 'vines'。

3. 词组搭配:

a. g vine: 葡萄藤

b. climbing vine: 攀缘植物

c. trailing vine: 藤状植物

d. vineyard: 葡萄园

e. vine-wrapped: 缠绕藤蔓的

4. 短语:'vine' 并无固定的短语,但可用于构成复合词,如 'vinegar'(醋)和 'vineyard'(葡萄园)等。

5. 发音拼写:'vine' 的发音为 /vaɪn/,拼写为:v-i-n-e


1. I have planted some g vines in my backyard.(我在后院种了几株葡萄藤。)

2. The climbing vine has covered the entire wall.(攀缘植物已经覆盖了整面墙。)

3. The garden is full of trailing vines, it look like a jungle.(花园里到处都是藤状植物,看起来像是一片丛林。)

4. The vineyard produces some of the finest wines in the region.(这个葡萄园生产的酒是该区域中最好的。)

5. The cottage was vine-wrapped, giving it a rustic and charming appearance.(这个小屋被藤蔓缠绕,看起来非常有田园风情和迷人。)

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