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remain是什么意思 remain的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:18:41
  • 186

remain是什么意思 remain的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The house remained empty for years. (这房子多年来一直空着。)

2. Despite the changes in society, some things remain unchanged. (尽管社会变化了,有些事情仍然没有改变。)

3. Only a few apples remained on the tree. (树上只剩下几个苹果。)

4. We will remain here until further notice. (我们将一直待在这里,直到另行通知。)

5. She remained calm and composed during the crisis. (她在危机中保持冷静和镇定。)




例句:Please remain calm and seated for the duration of the flight. (请在飞行过程中,保持平静,请勿走动。Please remain calm and seated for the duration of the flight.)


例句:Remain still, sir. Hands where we can see them. (不要动 先生 把手放在我们看得见的地方 Remain still, sir.)


例句:What I am about to tell you must remain between us. (Catelyn: What I am about to tell you must remain between us.)


例句:You have the right to remain silent. (翻译:You have the right to remain silent. 你有权保持沉默的权利。)


remain一般作为名词、动词使用,如在remain at(继续留在(某处);坚守(岗位等))、remain in(待在屋里; 停留在…)、remain of(由…遗留下来)等常见短语中出现较多。

remain at继续留在(某处);坚守(岗位等)
remain in待在屋里; 停留在…
remain of由…遗留下来
remain on停留在…之上
remain to[网络] 留下来做;回到心头时你们是存在
remain with属于, 取决于
to remain as[网络] 一直是;继续是
fossil remain化石,遗体
remain abreast of与…并驾齐驱;不落后于…


1. What I am about to tell you must remain between us. (翻译:Catelyn: What I am about to tell you must remain between us.)

2. You have the right to remain silent. (翻译:You have the right to remain silent. 你有权保持沉默的权利。)

3. Done lost it all but remain (翻译:Done lost it all but remain)

4. I want you to remain behind. (翻译:我要你殿后 I want you to remain behind.)

5. The rules remain the same. (翻译:规则还是一样 The rules remain the same.)

6. A-Wing is evacuating and locked down. (翻译:A -Wing is evacuating and locked down. 待在B区 {\3cH202020}Remain in B)

7. - Remain calm and wait for help. (翻译:- You go. - Remain calm and wait for help.)

8. O.J. has not turned himself in. (翻译:我可以保持沉默 所以我拒绝回答 And assert my constitutional right to remain silent.)

9. Mason Rutledge, you have the right to remain silent. (翻译:Mason Rutledge 你有权利保持缄默 Mason Rutledge, you have the right to remain silent.)

10. - And the orcs that remain? (翻译:-剩下的兽人呢 -之后再解决他们 - And the orcs that remain?)

11. I am willing to allow the paintings to remain in the Belvedere. (翻译:我愿意允许美景宫保管那些画 I am willing to allow the paintings to remain in the Belvedere.)

12. Only New York and Hong Kong remain now... (翻译:只有纽约圣殿和香港圣殿 Only New York and Hong Kong remain now...)

13. And no right to remain silent. (翻译:也无权保持沉默 And no right to remain silent.)

14. Twenty-two percent remain undecided. (翻译:-two percent remain undecided. 你可以换台 You can switch it.)

15. Remain inside your vehicle until otherwise directed. (翻译:请呆在车里 直到另行指示 {\3cH202020}Remain inside your vehicle until otherwise directed.)



1. Definition:

'Remain' is a verb that means to continue to exist, be left, or stay in the same place or state. It can also be used as a noun referring to what is left over or surviving.

2. Synonyms:

Some synonyms for 'remain' in English include stay, continue, endure, persist, and abide.

3. Usage:

'Remain' is often used in formal or academic writing, as well as in news reports or official documents. It can also be used in everyday conversation to express continuity or persistence.


1. "The old house remained standing even after the storm had passed."("即使风暴过去了,那座老房子仍然屹立不倒。")

2. "Despite the difficulties, she remained optimistic about the outcome."("尽管遇到了困难,她仍然对结果持乐观态度。")

3. "The remains of the ancient civilization can still be seen in these ruins."("这些遗迹中仍然可以看到古代文明的遗址。")

4. "He decided to remain silent and not reveal his true feelings."("他决定保持沉默,不透露自己的真实感受。")

5. "The company's profits remained stable despite the economic downturn."("尽管经济下滑,公司的利润仍然保持稳定。")

I hope this helps!

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