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faulty是什么意思 faulty的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:21:13
  • 200

faulty是什么意思 faulty的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The computer's hard drive is faulty and needs to be replaced. (这台电脑的硬盘有毛病,需要更换。)

2. The product was recalled due to faulty wiring. (由于电线有问题,这个产品被召回了。)

3. His argument is faulty and doesn't hold up under scrutiny. (他的论点有缺陷,在仔细下无法支撑。)

4. The car has faulty brakes and is unsafe to drive. (这辆车的刹车有问题,开起来不安全。)




例句:- ...caused by a faulty gas main. A spokesman from the utility company... He certainly gets about. (-事故缘于煤气总管故障 公用事业公司的发言人 他肯定也看到新闻了)


例句:This faulty has been spent their lives on the board, and now you tell us (我们为这里花了一辈子心血 你现在告诉我们)


例句:Parallel fault tolerant routing algorithms in hypercube networks with a large number of faulty nodes are studied. (研究了具有大量错误结点的超立方体网络中的并行容错路由算法。)


例句:If one is found, a ForbiddenTags error is raised attaching the faulty value and the tuple of forbidden tags to the exception. (翻译:如果一个被发现,一个禁止标记错误异常将会连着失败值和禁止标记的元组一起被引发。)


faulty一般作为形容词使用,如在faulty adjustment([计划] 错误调整)、faulty beer([网络] 块啤酒;劣质啤酒)、faulty block([计] 故障块)等常见短语中出现较多。

faulty adjustment[计划] 错误调整
faulty beer[网络] 块啤酒;劣质啤酒
faulty block[计] 故障块
faulty casting[机] 不良铸造
faulty circuit故障电路
faulty closure封罐不良,卷封不良
faulty closuresun. 卷边不良\n[网络] 卷封不好;封罐不良
faulty coal[化] 劣质煤
faulty component故障部分


1. Parallel fault tolerant routing algorithms in hypercube networks with a large number of faulty nodes are studied. (翻译:研究了具有大量错误结点的超立方体网络中的并行容错路由算法。)

2. If one is found, a ForbiddenTags error is raised attaching the faulty value and the tuple of forbidden tags to the exception. (翻译:如果一个被发现,一个禁止标记错误异常将会连着失败值和禁止标记的元组一起被引发。)

3. Faulty, or you've been hacked and it's a message. (翻译:程序出错 或是你的网站被黑了 这是条线索)

4. Replace the faulty DIMM as soon as possible. (翻译:请尽快更换出现故障的DIMM。)

5. Their interpretation was faulty – they had misinterpreted things. (翻译:他们的解释是错误的–他们曲解了事物。)

6. Air Force is already spinning the two explosions as accidents... faulty engine and a natural gas leak. (翻译:空军已经把这两起爆炸 Air Force is already spinning the two explosions 解释成事故... 引擎故障还有天然气泄露 as accidents...)

7. Now, my recollections may be faulty at times, but I'm not going to lie. (翻译:我的回忆不会一直都很精确 Now, my recollections may be faulty at times,)

8. For the most part, faulty work is considered an uninsurable business risk that contractors must retain. (翻译:在大多数情况下,错误的工作被认为是无法承保的商业风险,承建商必须保留。)

9. The money will be used to repair faulty equipment. (翻译:这笔钱将被用来修理出故障的设备。)

10. When a faulty gas line erupted. (翻译:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}这个小镇发生了件――火灾悲剧)

11. The Briton said the team believes the problem has been isolated to a faulty batch of the $5 parts. (翻译:后,英国人说,小组认为这个问题已经被孤立了故障一批5元部分。)

12. The trouble is caused by the faulty oesophageal sphincter, the muscular ring at the lower end of the oesophagus, near the diaphragm. (翻译:原因是由食道括约肌引起的,肌肉环在食道的近末端,靠近横膈膜的地方。)

13. I monitor for DDOS attacks, emergency database rollbacks, and faulty transaction handlings. (翻译:我监视着分布式拒绝服务攻击 I monitor for DDOS attacks, 紧急的数据库回滚和错误的事件处理 emergency database rollbacks, and faulty transaction handlings.)

14. Rabinowitz broke the record a week ago, but a faulty electronic timer kept the mark out of the books. (翻译:拉比诺维茨一星期前已经打破了世界记录,但是官方计时仪器当天出现电源故障,没有记下拉比诺维茨的成绩。)

15. An artificial pacemaker works by restoring the function of a faulty sinoatrial node, the heart's natural pacemaker. (翻译:人工心率调整器的作用是使紊乱的心脏天然心率调整器窦房结恢复正常功能。)



词组搭配:faulty logic(错误的逻辑),faulty wiring(有故障的电线),faulty product(有缺陷的产品),faulty equipment(有故障的设备)


发音拼写:faulty (ˈfɔːlti)


1. The car's faulty brakes caused the accident.(汽车的故障刹车引起了事故。)

2. The computer had a faulty hard drive.(电脑硬盘有故障。)

3. The faulty wiring caused a fire in the old building.(旧楼的电线故障引起了火灾。)

4. The company recalled the faulty product due to safety concerns.(由于安全问题,公司召回了有缺陷的产品。)

5. The faulty logic in the argument was pointed out by the opposing side.(反对方指出了论据中的错误逻辑。)

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