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kinetics是什么意思 kinetics的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-22 21:00:57
  • 331

kinetics是什么意思 kinetics的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The study of kinetics helps us understand the rate and mechanism of chemical reactions.(研究动力学有助于我们理解化学反应的速率和机理。)

2. The kinetics of enzyme-catalyzed reactions is an important research area in biochemistry.(酶催化反应的动力学是生物化学中一个重要的研究领域。)

3. The kinetics of a car crash can determine the severity of the impact.(车祸的动力学可以决定碰撞的严重程度。)




例句:meanwhile , the kinetics law of nickel electrodeposition was investigated by means of steady - state polarization curves. (同时采用稳态技术测定稳态极化曲线,对氨络合物体系阴极电积镍的动力学过程进行了研究。)


例句:LBM calculated from creatinine kinetics is a valid measure reflecting muscle protein status. (其中用肌酐动力学公式计算瘦体重是反映肌肉蛋白质贮存的有效方法。)


例句:The kinetics of enzymatic reaction is fit to Michaelis-Menten equation. (红茶的酶促动力学符合米氏方程。)


例句:OBJECTIVE To study the kinetics of volatile oil dispersion from Gagula-4 decoction. (翻译:目的研究蒙成药嘎咕拉- 4汤中挥发油散失的动力学规律。)


kinetics一般作为名词使用,如在diffusion kinetics([力] 扩散动力学)、disproportion kinetics(歧化动力学)、dissociation kinetics(溶解过程动力学)等常见短语中出现较多。

diffusion kinetics[力] 扩散动力学
disproportion kinetics歧化动力学
dissociation kinetics溶解过程动力学
dissolution kinetics溶解动力学
dyeing kinetics[染料] 染色动力学
enzyme kinetics[机] 酶动力学
electrochemical kinetics电化学动力学
electrode kinetics电极(过程)动力学
electropolar kinetics[电磁] 电极性动力学


1. The kinetics of enzymatic reaction is fit to Michaelis-Menten equation. (翻译:红茶的酶促动力学符合米氏方程。)

2. OBJECTIVE To study the kinetics of volatile oil dispersion from Gagula-4 decoction. (翻译:目的研究蒙成药嘎咕拉- 4汤中挥发油散失的动力学规律。)

3. Kinetics of pressured hydrolysis reaction of cyanides in wastewater and the optimization of reaction conditions (翻译:废水中氰化物加压水解反应动力学及工艺条件的优化)

4. The precipitation kinetics of perovskite phase can be approximately described by the JMAK equation. (翻译:钙钛矿相的析出动力学过程可近似用JMAK经验方程描述。)

5. The effect of THF on the kinetics of the anionic polymerization of styrene in Cyclohexane was studied. (翻译:本文研究了四氢呋哺对环已烷中苯乙烯阴离子聚合动力学的影响。)

6. In addition to this, the isotherms, kinetics and thermodynamics of the biosorption were also studied. (翻译:此外还研究了吸附等温线、吸附动力学和吸附热力学。)

7. Aim To investigate the absorption kinetics of famciclovir at different intestine segments in rats. (翻译:目的研究泛昔洛韦在大鼠各肠段中的吸收动力学特征。)

8. Complex Kinetics Behaviors of Thiourea Oxidation by Chlorite in Unbuffered Solution (翻译:亚氯酸盐氧化硫脲非缓冲体系的复杂动力学行为)

9. The fixed bed kinetics of carbon oxysulphide sorption by Zn Mn Desulphurizer was studied. (翻译:在研究单颗粒动力学的基础上,研究了床层动力学。)

10. The extraction kinetics with HDEHP in different diluents has also been discussed. (翻译:同时讨论了HDEHP在不同稀释剂中的萃取动力学机理。)

11. Objective To study the kinetics of intestine absorption of bergenin in rats. (翻译:目的研究岩白菜素在大鼠肠道内的吸收动力学特征。)

12. Kinetics and reaction conditions of pressured hydrolysis of cyanides in wastewater is studied. (翻译:研究了含氰废水的加压水解反应动力学及反应条件。)

13. Studies on the Kinetics of Unseeded Nucleation of Aluminum Trihydroxide from Supersaturated Sodium Aluminate Solutions (翻译:过饱和铝酸钠溶液中氢氧化铝自发成核动力学规律的研究)

14. The kinetics of hydrodealkylation of toluene into benzene on CrMo catalyst was studied. (翻译:在铬钼型催化剂上研究了甲苯加氢脱甲基反应动力学。)

15. Objective to investigate the in situ intestinal absorption kinetics of etodolac in rats. (翻译:目的考察依托度酸在大鼠各肠段的吸收动力学特征。)




1. 定义:'kinetics'是研究物体运动的学问,包括物体的速度、加速度、运动方式等。

2. 化学上的含义:'kinetics'也是化学中一个重要的术语,指化学反应速率的研究。

3. 生物学上的含义:在生物学领域中,'kinetics'通常指动物运动学方面的研究。

4. 工学上的含义:'kinetics'在工程学领域中代表的是机器和设备的运动学信息。


1. The study of kinetics requires an understanding of the principles of motion and the forces that cause or affect motion. (动力学研究需要了解运动原理和影响运动的力量。)

2. Chemical kinetics is the study of how fast or slow chemical reactions occur and what factors affect this rate. (化学动力学研究化学反应的快慢以及影响反应速率的因素。)

3. Biomechanics is concerned with the kinetics of human movement, studying how the musculoskeletal system works to produce movement. (生物力学关注人体运动的动力学研究,研究肌肉骨骼系统如何制造运动。)

4. The kinetics of a machine refers to how it moves and operates, and is important for understanding its performance and efficiency. (机器的动力学是指它的运动和操作,对于了解其性能和效率很重要。)

5. Understanding the kinetics of a chemical reaction is crucial for predicting how it will behave under different conditions. (了解化学反应的动力学对于其在不同条件下的行为至关重要。)

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