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when you know是什么意思 when you know的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-03-17 18:22:36
  • 155

when you know是什么意思 when you know的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:wɛn ju nəʊ


1. When you know what you want, you'll work harder to get it. (当你知道自己想要什么,你会更加努力去争取。)

2. You will succeed when you know your strengths and weaknesses. (当你知道自己的优势和劣势时,你会获得成功。)

3. It's easier to make decisions when you know all the facts. (当你了解所有的事实,做出决定就更容易了。)

when you know通常被翻译为"但你知道、当你知道"的意思,其次还有"网络"的意思,单词读音音标为[whenyouknow],when you know常被用作名词,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到87个与when you know相关的句子。

When you know的中文翻译


例句:How will you know when that is? (你怎么知道会是什么时候? How will you know when that is?)


例句:Let me know when you get that sorted out. (这个问题解决之后再来找我 Let me know when you get that sorted out.)


例句:Isabella, you know it hurts me very much when you cut communication with me. (Isabella, 伊莎贝拉 you know it hurts me very much 其实你让我有些伤感 when you cut communication with me.)


例句:You know, when I was reading your files... (翻译:You know, when I was reading your files... 我说, 之前我读你档案的时候,)


when you know一般作为名词使用,如在you know(你懂的(网络热词, 这句从英文you know翻译过来的, 乍一听来让人不清不楚的话却成了网友们所有“心照不宣”的最佳表达, 如果你知道他知道, 就可以说上一句“你懂的”来表达你的所有要求和所有心情。); (所说的话对方已知道或了解)你是知道的; (加强语气)你要知道!)、you know it([网络] 你清楚;你也知道;你很明确)、when you believe([网络] 当你相信;埃及王子;心存相信)等常见短语中出现较多。

you know你懂的(网络热词, 这句从英文you know翻译过来的, 乍一听来让人不清不楚的话却成了网友们所有“心照不宣”的最佳表达, 如果你知道他知道, 就可以说上一句“你懂的”来表达你的所有要求和所有心情。); (所说的话对方已知道或了解)你是知道的; (加强语气)你要知道!
you know it[网络] 你清楚;你也知道;你很明确
when you believe[网络] 当你相信;埃及王子;心存相信
did you know你知道吗
Do you know你知道吗
know.you[网络] 认识你;认识了你;我为你跨出第一步
let you know[网络] 让你知道;要让你知道;我让你知道
you already know已经
you know me[网络] 非你莫属;你认识我;你最了我


1. Isabella, you know it hurts me very much when you cut communication with me. (翻译:Isabella, 伊莎贝拉 you know it hurts me very much 其实你让我有些伤感 when you cut communication with me.)

2. You know, when I was reading your files... (翻译:You know, when I was reading your files... 我说, 之前我读你档案的时候,)

3. ♪ when the pigs try to give it you (翻译:* When the pigs try to give it you * # When the pigs try to give it you)

4. You know what I want you to know. (翻译:You know what I want you to know.)

5. You know, on Vulcan, when your brother asks, (翻译:在瓦肯星 当你的哥哥问你 You know, on Vulcan, when your brother asks,)

6. You know what my nickname was when I was a kid? (翻译:你知道我小时候的外号吗 You know what my nickname was when I was a kid?)

7. - And when did you know it? (翻译:是什么时候得知的? And when did you know it?)

8. People cannot ignore that. (翻译:Do you know what Max was doing when he died? 他黑入了什么吗?)

9. You let me know, when I get that. (翻译:可却被放鸽子 You let me know, when I get that.)

10. But, you know, when you were born... and I held you - (翻译:但你要知道,当你出生的时候... ... But, you know, when you were born...)

11. But, you know, when you got a good thing going. (翻译:但是你懂的 这么好的事干嘛要说破呢 But, you know, when you got a good thing going.)

12. If and when you know what. (翻译:您明白的那个万一 If and when you know what.)

13. Let me know when you decide. (翻译:你做出决定的时候告知我 Let me know when you decide.)

14. When were you going to tell me? (翻译:You know. When were you going to tell me?)

15. And you know I like it when you (翻译:..and you know i like it when you..)

when you know 是一个表示一种情况或事情已经被完全理解或掌握的短语。其中 when 表示时间点,you 代表人称,know 表示知道或了解。该短语通常用于强调确定性或确信性。



短语:when you know

发音拼写:/wɛn ju noʊ/


1. When you know what you want, you'll figure out how to get it.


2. You will be more confident when you know more about the topic.


3. When you know your strengths and weaknesses, you can make better decisions.


4. It's easier to deal with problems when you know what's really causing them.


5. You can appreciate something more when you know how much effort went into it.


6. When you know who you are and what you stand for, you can stay true to yourself.


7. You can achieve better results when you know exactly what you need to do.


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