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igf1是什么意思 igf1的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:33:26
  • 191

igf1是什么意思 igf1的中文翻译、读音、例句

igf1的全称为Insulin-like Growth Factor 1,中文翻译为1,是一种由肝脏和其他组织分泌的多肽激素,与生长激素密切相关,对骨骼、肌肉等组织的生长和分化起着重要的作用。

读音:/aɪ'dʒiːɛf wʌn/


1. IGF1 is an important factor in regulating bone growth.


2. Elevated levels of IGF1 have been linked to an increased risk of certain cancers.





例句:Many animals' sizes are also controlled by differences in their IGF1-release, with a corresponding increase or decrease in life span. (很多动物的体形也受到其不同IGF1释放量的控制,而且它们的寿命也相应增加或减少。)


例句:Previous work on model organisms had suggested the role of IGF1 in cancer prevention and aging. (先前研究生物模型表明IGF1的作用在癌症预防和老龄化。)


例句:"John Durbeyfield, 1 832 to 1 888. (约翰. 德北菲尔德 生于1832年,卒于1888年)


igf1一般作为名词使用,如在no 1([经] 第一)、1v1(一对一;一对一出迎;一对一定制教学)、dl/1(DL/1资料语言)等常见短语中出现较多。

no 1[经] 第一
diskette 1[计] 单面单密度软磁盘
fresh 1水翼快艇之研究
helium 1[核] 氦1
latin 1Latin 1 标准字元集
level 1[电子] “1”电平
logic ''1''逻辑“1”
Maffei 1马费伊1


1. "John Durbeyfield, 1 832 to 1 888. (翻译:约翰. 德北菲尔德 生于1832年,卒于1888年)

2. Time for the mile and 1/16th: 1:44 and 1. (翻译:1.16英哩比赛的结果 第一局是1分44秒)

3. Sparrow A1 down! Sparrow A1 down! Sparrow A1 down! (翻译:麻雀A1坠毁,麻雀A1坠毁 麻雀A1坠毁!)

4. 31 -32, -31, -32, -31, -32 - 2, -1, -2, -1, -2, -1, -2, -1 (翻译:{\1cH00FF00}31日 -32。-31。)

5. Pulse is dropping. 1 70, 1 60, 1 50. (翻译:脉博在下降, 170, 160, 150)

6. 1 is the number of you, but sometimes 1 is not 1. (翻译:1是一个关于你的数字 但是有时候1不是1)

7. The feedback regulation of IGF-1 on GH secretion from acromegalic pituitary tumors in cell culture was studied in 8 cases. (翻译:作者在8例肢端肥大症体外培养的垂体GH瘤细胞上探讨IGF-1对GH分泌的反馈调节作用。)

8. The expression decrease of IGF2 may be related to adipocyte hyperplasia. (翻译:IGF 2基因表达水平的降低可能与脂肪细胞的增殖有关。)

9. Entogenous IGF 1 has a closely relation with the proliferation and the active degree of fibroblast. (翻译:内源性IGF - 1与成纤维细胞增殖、活跃程度密切相关。)

10. The bottom line: more IGF-1 means a bigger body and a smaller lifespan. (翻译:因此,大概的结论就是:大量的IGF-1意味着更大的体型,更短的寿命。)

11. IGF pathway inhibition sensitizes drug-resistant ovarian carcinoma cells to Taxol. (翻译:抑制IGF通路可使耐药肿瘤细胞重新对紫杉醇敏感。)

12. Engine 2, Engine 1 , Area 1 , Battalion 1 . (翻译:消防车2号 消防车1号 第1区域 第1小队)

13. .. 1 947-1 965 and 1 999 on every pretext. (翻译:-1965年和1999年这样悲惨的战争回忆)

14. The compromise included the creation of the IGF. (翻译:妥协的结果包括互联理论坛的创立。)

15. We didn't note IGF mRNA expression in the lambdoidal suture at all time points. (翻译:而在人字缝的各个时间点都没有表达。)


1. 它的生物学作用


2. 它与疾病的关系


3. 它在医学领域的应用



1. High levels of IGF1 have been linked to an increased risk of cancer. (IGF1水平过高与癌症风险增加有关。)

2. Low levels of IGF1 have been associated with growth ation and osteoporosis. (IGF1水平过低与生长发育迟缓和骨质疏松症有关。)

3. IGF1 therapy has been shown to improve muscle mass and strength in patients with muscle wasting disorders. (IGF1治疗已被证明可以改善肌肉萎缩症患者的肌肉质量和力量。)

4. IGF1 levels can be used as a biomarker to diagnose growth hormone deficiency. (IGF1水平可以用作生长激素缺乏症的生物标志物进行诊断。)

5. Researchers are studying the potential uses of IGF1 in treating type 2 diabetes. (研究人员正在研究IGF1在治疗2型糖尿病中的途。)

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