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vlx是什么意思 vlx的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:35:00
  • 168

vlx是什么意思 vlx的中文翻译、读音、例句





例句:It uses X-rays, X-ray beams, that are rotating very fast around the human body. (它使用X射线,X光束, 从四面对人体进行快速扫射。)


例句:You want to play on my Xbox 360? (你想玩这个360X盒? )


例句:The objective function is named z and equals 3x1 + 2x2. Note that (目标函数称为 z,它等于 3x1 + 2x2。)


例句:So, the number you're trying to figure out is the X, so what is X here? (翻译:好 首先我们设要求的数为X 这里X指的是什么)


1. The objective function is named z and equals 3x1 + 2x2. Note that (翻译:目标函数称为 z,它等于 3x1 + 2x2。)

2. So, the number you're trying to figure out is the X, so what is X here? (翻译:好 首先我们设要求的数为X 这里X指的是什么)

3. Most of all, you can turn your database into standard 2x5, 2x10 or 3x10 mailing labels in just a few clicks. (翻译:最重要的是,可以将您的数据库为标准2x5,2x10或者3x10邮寄标签只要按几下滑鼠。)

4. So 84 in decimal form is 4x10⁰ + 8x10¹. (翻译:因此 84 的十进制形式 是 4x10⁰ + 8x10¹。)

5. Paul and Anne Ehrlich's environmental impact equation: I is equal to P times A times T: population, affluence and technology. (翻译:保罗和安妮的这个环境影响公式 I = P X A X T 人口、财富以及技术 )

6. When you're solving for x, you can begin with an x, that is itself already some other image. (翻译:当你在解出x时, 你可以从一个本身已经是 别的图像的x开始。)

7. Dividing that 5x8 into a 5x5 and a 5x3 leaves us with a score of 10. (翻译:把5x8的再分成5x5和5x3, 我们就能得到10分。)

8. You look at your X-rays on a screen and you do stuff with them, you email them. But we were still using X-rays, but we didn't even have a viewing box! (翻译:你在屏幕上看x光片,然后进行诊断, 然后将结果用邮件发送出去。们还在用x光 们甚至没有x光片机!)

9. It uses X-rays, X-ray beams, that are rotating very fast around the human body. (翻译:它使用X射线,X光束, 从四面对人体进行快速扫射。)

10. X-rays can penetrate many objects. (翻译:X射线能穿透很多物体。)

11. Some kind of Super-X heavy load. (翻译:某种Super -X重载 Some kind of Super -X heavy load.)

12. Rambaldi was Pope Alexander Vl's chief architect. (翻译:兰巴迪是罗马教皇亚历山大 六世的主要建筑师)

13. The X-Men were named for the X in Charles Xavier. (翻译:X战警的X是来自Charles Xavier)

14. The X did not do that, because like, you know, what's X? (翻译:然而 X 染色体并不会这样, 因为,你懂的,X 代表了什么? )

15. Ultraviolet, X-ray, infrared... (翻译:紫外线光 X光 红外线光... ultraviolet, X)

我可能无法提供针对 "vlx" 的详尽说明,因为这个词并不是通用的常用语。以下是一些常见的含有 “vlx” 的词语和缩写词的解释和例句:

1. VLX:这是汽车行业中的一个缩写词,代表着“V6 Lightweight Experience”。它是一种新型发动机类型。

- The new Mercedes-Benz S-Class comes with the latest VLX engine.

- The VLX engine made the car feel faster and more nimble on the road.

2. Virtual LEC Extension(虚拟LEC扩展):VLX 是一种网络电话技术,可以通过云服务器为客户提供企业级电话线路。

- Our company uses VLX technology to connect our customer service representatives with clients from all over the world.

- With VLX, our clients can easily connect with us from anywhere and at any time.

3. Value Line eXtension(价值线扩展):这是一种股票交易平台,由Value Line公司开发。

- I use VLX to keep track of my stock market investments and to make informed trades.

- The VLX platform is user-friendly and easy to navigate, even for beginners.

4. Very Low Frequency Transmitter(甚低频发射机):VLX 通常指具有甚低频传输功能的电信设备。

- The VLX transmitter is widely used for long-range communication in remote areas.

- The U.S. Navy uses VLX technology to communicate with its submarines deep in the ocean.

5. Virtual Learning Experience(虚拟学习体验):这是指通过网络和电子学习平台进行的线上学习活动。

- I enrolled in a VLX program to learn a new language from home.

- VLX allows people to access education and training opportunities from anywhere in the world.

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