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awoken是什么意思 awoken的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 14:05:12
  • 317

awoken是什么意思 awoken的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. I was awoken by the sound of my phone ringing. (我被唤醒了。)

2. The loud thunderstorm awoken me from my sleep. (响亮的雷电声把我从睡梦中唤醒了。)

3. The smell of coffee awoken my senses. (咖啡的香味唤醒了我的感官。)


1. 时态:'Awoken'是'awake'的过去分词形式,通常用于完成时和被动语态。例如,“I have awoken early every day this week” (我这个星期每天都很早醒来) 和“the sound of the alarm awoken me from a deep sleep”(闹钟的声音让我从深度睡眠中醒来)。

2. 动词:'Awoken'是一个动词,表示改变状态或从休眠中醒来。例如,“The volcano has awoken after years of dormancy”(多年来,这座火山醒了)和 “I was awoken by the sound of a thunderstorm”(我被雷声吵醒了)

3. 搭配:'Awoken'通常用于与其他动词和名词配合使用,以表示已被唤醒或者改变状态。例如,“I was awoken from a dream”(我从梦中惊醒) 和“Sara was awoken by the smell of coffee brewing”(Sara被咖啡香气惊醒了)。


1. After the earthquake, many people were awoken in the middle of the night. (地震后,许多人在半夜醒来了。)

2. The sound of the baby crying awoken me from a nap. (宝宝哭声将我从午睡中唤醒了。)

3. The smell of bacon cooking has awoken my appetite. (煮培根的气味让我食欲大开。)

4. They were awoken by their dog barking at something outside. (他们被狗吠声吵醒了,狗在窗外叫。)

5. The sudden noise awoken her from her daydream. (突然的噪音将她从幻想中唤醒了。)

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