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ardent是什么意思 ardent的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:16:18
  • 174

ardent是什么意思 ardent的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. He was an ardent supporter of the team and went to all of their matches.


2. She had an ardent desire to succeed in her career and worked tirelessly to achieve her goals.


3. Their ardent love for each other was evident in the way they looked at each other.





例句:Not for us. You know what he's like. He's one of these ardent types. (局势对咱们不妙 你认识戴夫 他可是个激进份子)


例句:Today, they are the most ardent conservation champions and manta rays earn the Maldivian economy in excess of 8 million dollars every single year. (而如今,他们成为了魔鬼鱼最坚定的保护者, 魔鬼鱼每年为马尔代夫带来 超过800万美元的收入。)


例句:Republican Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee is an ardent opponent of tax hikes. (来自田纳西州的共和党参议员鲍伯。考克激烈反对增税。)

4.热情的 、炽热的

例句:must also be taken to see that the ardent male doesn't "talk" the lyrics of a song. (翻译:这要不惜一切地抵制,并确保热情的男人不要说出歌词来。)


1. Republican Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee is an ardent opponent of tax hikes. (翻译:来自田纳西州的共和党参议员鲍伯。考克激烈反对增税。)

2. must also be taken to see that the ardent male doesn't "talk" the lyrics of a song. (翻译:这要不惜一切地抵制,并确保热情的男人不要说出歌词来。)

3. So I began to be an ardent student of technology trends, and track where technology would be at different points in time, and began to build the mathematical models of that. (翻译:因此,我成为一个对技术发展趋势很热衷的学生, 并关注在不同的时间点,科技将会变成什么样子, 并且开始建造其数学模型。)

4. With each of his works ChengZhi Zhang has provoked ardent attention among the critics. (翻译:张承志的每部作品几乎都引起批评界不同视角、不同侧面的热情关注。)

5. Half the men in this church, including you, Father and you, reverend are as ardent patriots as I. (翻译:这里半数的人包括你父亲... 和你,牧师... 都和我一样爱国)

6. Before all that got too awfully far along, the move to Madison Avenue occurred where Ardent moved from their old storefront on National Street over to this big, wonderful new studio. (翻译:之前所有的 有太多非常远沿, 迁移到麦迪逊大道发生 从他们那里热心感动 老店面国庆街)

7. I still marvel at the fact that Ardent Records paid to get 140 rock writers in the same place. (翻译:我仍惊叹于这个事实, 已缴付的殷切记录 获得140岩石作家 在同一个地方。)

8. We had sort of weaseled our way into Ardent a little bit and we actually were allowed to go into the studio late at night, starting to put down... no kidding... real tracks. (翻译:那种我们已经weaseled 我们的方式进入炽热一点点 而我们实际上被允许 进入录音棚 夜深了, 开始放下...)

9. It was sort of chaotic at Ardent and the future was all unknown. (翻译:杂志内容有点混乱的殷切 和未来一切都不得而知。)

10. So I began to be an ardent student of technology trends, and track where technology would be at different points in time, and began to build the mathematical models of that. (翻译:因此,我成为一个对技术发展趋势很热衷的学生, 并关注在不同的时间点,科技将会变成什么样子, 并且开始建造其数学模型。)

11. An ardent Conservative moderniser, he founded and ran a think-tank before helping to oversee the party's preparations for office. (翻译:他在帮助监管该党大选时的准备工作前,曾创建并运营着一个智库。)

12. Speaking as an ardent feminist myself, (翻译,)

13. And they say they are ardent apostles of Adam Smith: competition is great, we're all in it individually, government doesn't help us. (翻译:他们说他们是亚当·斯密的忠实信徒: 竞争非常激烈,我们全靠自己, 不会出手相助。)

14. Ardent supporters of public higher education know the importance of sustaining private higher education. (翻译:热心支持公立高等教育的人知道维持私立高等教育的重要性。)

15. His singing voice, asthmatic and whiny, makes his success at first seem inconceivable, but for so many of his ardent admirers, (翻译:在当初,要让人相信他那气喘、带着呜咽的歌喉 能够获得成功,是件令人难以置信的事情 但是对于他那许多狂热的崇拜者来说)



词组搭配:ardent desire(热望),ardent love(热爱),ardent zeal(热情),ardent supporter(狂热支持者)




1. She is an ardent fan of rock music.(她是一位摇滚音乐的狂热爱好者。)

2. He was an ardent supporter of the socialist revolution.(他是社会主义的狂热支持者。)

3. They had an ardent discussion about the future of the company.(他们就公司的未来展开了热烈的讨论。)

4. He gave an ardent speech at the rally.(他在上发表了慷慨激昂的演讲。)

5. The ardent sunshine made everyone feel hot and sweaty.(烈日炎炎,让每个人都感到炎热和出汗。)


1. 她是一位花园爱好者,对植物有着热切的的热情。

2. 他是一位狂热的足球迷,每周都会去看球赛。

3. 她对救助流浪动物有着满腔的热爱和热情。

4. 那位演讲者充满热情地对听众讲解了他的新理念。

5. 他是一位热心的志愿者,每周都会去做义工。

6. 那部电影深深地触动了她的内心,让她感到非常热切地想要去改变世界。

7. 这个项目的成功离不开每个人的热情和投入。

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