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patton是什么意思 patton的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-01 14:02:35
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patton是什么意思 patton的中文翻译、读音、例句

Patton的中文翻译为帕顿,读音为pǎ tēng。


1. George S. Patton是一位非常出色的二战将领。

2. 这本书讲述了帕顿的军事生涯和他的经验教训。

3. 彼得·帕顿曾经是一名优秀的棒球运动员。




例句:Lieutenant Colonel Patton's aide had been experienced wars and many setbacks, in an accident in his eyes was blown blind. (中校曾经是巴顿将军的副官,经历过战争和许多挫折,在一次意外事故中双眼被炸瞎。)


例句:If you look at management theory these days, it used to be that our ideal leader sounded something like General Patton, right? (如果你观察一下当今的管理理论, 我们曾经的理想化的领导是 像乔治-巴顿一样的人。)


例句:Meanwhile, the main body of Patton's army... resupplied now and rolling like a juggernaut, slashes toward the Saar. (同时,巴顿军团的主力重新补给而且势不可当 正在冲向萨尔区)


例句:And after two years of chasing Rommel through the North African desert, they were deployed to Patton's Third Army in Europe. (翻译:獶‵簔い 发阑订焊ぇ 砆だ ぺ箉稼瑆材瓁刮)


patton一般作为名词使用,如在general patton([网络] 巴顿将军;柏顿将军;派顿将军)、George Patton([网络] 巴顿;乔治·巴顿;巴顿将军)、Patton Bay([地名] 帕顿湾 ( 美 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

general patton[网络] 巴顿将军;柏顿将军;派顿将军
George Patton[网络] 巴顿;乔治·巴顿;巴顿将军
Patton Bay[地名] 帕顿湾 ( 美 )
Patton Seamount[地名] 帕顿海山 ( 太平洋 )
Patton Seamounts[地名] 帕顿海山群 ( 太平洋 )
patton M46【军械】巴顿 M46中型坦克


1. Meanwhile, the main body of Patton's army... resupplied now and rolling like a juggernaut, slashes toward the Saar. (翻译:同时,巴顿军团的主力重新补给而且势不可当 正在冲向萨尔区)

2. And after two years of chasing Rommel through the North African desert, they were deployed to Patton's Third Army in Europe. (翻译:獶‵簔い 发阑订焊ぇ 砆だ ぺ箉稼瑆材瓁刮)

3. The war had been raging in Europe for four terrible years by the time Patton's tank crews were ready to fight. (翻译:待巴顿的坦克人员可以出战时,欧洲战事已经肆虐四年之久。)

4. The new IMF team led by Cruise also features franchise stars Ving Rhames and Simon Pegg while new team members include Jeremy Renner, Paula Patton and Vladimir Mashkov. (翻译:最新的IMF小组将以克鲁斯为首,文-勒姆斯和西蒙-佩格搭档,新组员还包括杰瑞米-雷纳、保罗-巴顿、弗拉基米尔-马什科夫。)

5. Well, it wasn't an fbi agent. It was this guy Patton Dubois. (翻译:哦,他不是联邦调查局的 他叫巴顿・杜博伊斯)

6. The next day an armored force of Patton's Third Army broke through from the south and relieved the town . (翻译:第二天,巴顿的第三集团军的一支装甲从南突围过来解了围。)

7. Here's the gangster Patton, landing at Gela with his Seventh Army. (翻译:这就是悍匪巴顿 带着他的第七军团在基陆)

8. Obviously they now have two prima donnas in Sicily, Montgomery and Patton! (翻译:显然,他们在西西里有两个唱主角的,蒙哥马利和巴顿。)

9. Bittrich's panzer troops need some rest if they're to stop Patton. (翻译:比崔斯的装甲需要休息 养精蓄锐 对付巴顿)

10. But we need to maintain good relations with General Patton at all costs. (翻译:但是我们无论如何都需要和巴顿将军 保持良好的关系)

11. If you look at management theory these days, it used to be that our ideal leader sounded something like General Patton, right? (翻译:如果你观察一下当今的管理理论, 我们曾经的理想化的领导是 像乔治-巴顿一样的人。)

12. General Patton has said that wars are fought with weapons, but they are won by men. (翻译:巴顿将军说... ...打仗靠武器,但得靠人赢得战争)

13. Patton says in the last five years, there has been an effort to clean up the air within the two ports, and they are not the only ones. (翻译:帕顿说,过去五年来,他们一直努力清洁这两座港口的空气。)

14. LC: I've got George Patton hanging in my dining room because I want to remember. (翻译:利亚: 我把乔治·巴顿的肖像 挂在我的饭厅, 因为我想记住, )

15. Perhaps now was the time for a lightning dash, in the style of General Patton, for the gates of Rome. (翻译:或许现在是闪电般猛冲的时候了, 以巴顿将军的方式,直扑罗马的大门)



作为语言模型,我会尽力回答问题。首先,'patton' 这个单词或缩写词可以指以下三个方面:

1. 人名

'Patton'是一个姓氏,在美国历史上有一位著名的将领叫做乔治·帕顿 (George Patton),他是二战时期美国陆军的一位高级将领,曾指挥了许多重要的战役。也有一些人叫'Patton'作为自己的名字。


- General George S. Patton was a great American military leader of World War II.


- My nephew's middle name is Patton, after the great general.

(我侄子的中间名是 Patton ,取名自这位伟大的将军。)

2. 缩写词


- Parallel Automated Tuner for T Operations on Networks

- Portable Arsenic Test Kit for Organic and Inorganic Samples



- The PATTON tool can be used to optimize network performance automatically.

(PATTON 工具可以自动优化网络性能。)

- Scientists are developing a new portable PATTON kit to test for nic in water samples.

(科学家正在开发一种新的便携式 PATTON 测量盒,用于检测水样中的砷。)

3. 电影

除了上述两个意义外,'Patton' 还是一部1969年的经典电影的名称,该电影以乔治·帕顿将军为主角,讲述了他在二战时期的故事。这部电影获得了众多奖项,至今仍被视为一部经典作品。


- Have you ever seen the movie Patton? It's a real classic.


- Patton's portrayal of the famous general earned him an Academy Award for Best Actor.



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