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dropouts是什么意思 dropouts的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:16:00
  • 347

dropouts是什么意思 dropouts的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. Many of the kids in the neighborhood are dropouts and have few prospects for the future. (许多邻里的孩子是辍学者,未来前景不佳。)

2. The school is trying to reduce the number of dropouts by providing more support and resources for struggling students. (学校正在尽力通过为困难学生提供更多支持和资源来减少辍学人数。)




例句:After primaries and dropouts, we are down to 921 House survivors. (经过初选和部分人退选后,众议院生还者剩下921人。)


例句:Google, Facebook and Microsoft, to name a few. But these very same companies, among hundreds of others, shun college dropouts. (但是这些有着非常相似经历的公司,却和其他数以百计的大公司一样,拒绝录用大学辍学生。)


例句:The later is usefull if you wish to use a single gear on a frame with vertical dropouts . (如果你愿和垂直的辍学生一起使用在一个体格上的一个单一齿轮,比较迟人是有用。)


1. The later is usefull if you wish to use a single gear on a frame with vertical dropouts . (翻译:如果你愿和垂直的辍学生一起使用在一个体格上的一个单一齿轮,比较迟人是有用。)

2. I'll log a call for dropouts that match the timeline. (翻译:那她就是在学校里怀孕的 我去找出符合时间的辍学生名单)

3. Furthermore, there was a decline in the number of female dropouts due to marriage in the post-intervention period. (翻译:此外,干预阶段后,女生因结婚辍学的人数也有所下降。)

4. We need to check currently enrolled medical students as well as recent dropouts, both here and abroad. (翻译:我们得查查境内外 已注册和近期退学的医科学生)

5. They act it out. They act it out, and they're on their way to jail or they're on their way to being dropouts. (翻译:他们表现脱轨行为,然后踏上 通往之路,或踏上辍学之路 )

6. He thinks modern dance was created by a bunch of wild-haired hippie dropouts (翻译:他觉得,跳现代舞的 都是一群头发蓬乱,中途退学的嬉皮士)

7. But fortunately, I had a secret weapon with me, which was a chart that had the average income of all of the graduates from Stanford PhD programs, and then the average income of all the dropouts from Stanford graduate programs. (翻译:但幸运的是,我有秘密武器, 那是一张图表,上面展示的是 斯坦福博士毕业生的 平均收入水平, 还有从斯坦福退学的人的 平均收入水平。)

8. The USX-800 incorporates a dual antenna UHF receiver with two identical tuners eliminating dropouts and unstable reception. (翻译:在塞克斯-800采用了超高频与消除辍学和不稳定的接待两个相同的双天线接收调谐器。)





词组搭配:dropout rate(辍学率)、school dropout(辍学生)、dropout prevention(防止辍学)、dropout recovery(防止辍学)




1. The dropout rate is much higher in disadvantaged areas.(在弱势地区,辍学率要高得多。)

2. Many age dropouts later regret their decision to leave school.(许多青少年辍学后后悔离开学校。)

3. Dropout prevention programs have been implemented to reduce the number of students who leave high school before graduation.(为了减少高中辍学生的数量,辍学预防项目已经开始实施。)

4. The organization has strict dropout criteria that must be met in order to remain a member.(为了能保持成员身份,组织设有严格的脱离标准必须满足。)

5. The data dropout rate has been reduced since the network upgrade.(自网络升级以来,数据丢失率已经降低。)

6. The company's product was considered a dropout because it did not meet industry standards.(由于未能达到行业标准,该公司的产品被认为是个失败品。)

7. Dropout recovery programs have been established to help individuals who have left school return and complete their education.(为了帮助离校的个人回归并完成学业,已经建立了“防止辍学恢复”项目。)

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