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joyful是什么意思 joyful的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-06 07:06:41
  • 232

joyful是什么意思 joyful的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The children were joyful when they heard that they were going to Disneyland.(当孩子们听说他们要去迪斯尼乐园时,他们很开心。)

2. It was a joyful occasion, with friends and family gathered together.(这是一个欢乐的时刻,朋友和家人聚在一起。)




例句:That was the last buzzy, joyful Tokyo we would experience for a long time. (现在想起来 那个年末是东京最后一年如此热闹)


例句:A grateful world is a world of joyful people. (一个感恩的世界,是 生活在其中的人,都感到愉悦。)


例句:The joyful splendid days are over, and all that's left is sordid and terrible. (那些快乐的美好日子已然过去 只剩下这可恶肮脏的生活 在吞噬着我们)

4.快乐的 、令人高兴的

例句:Us and her, crazy dancers, locked in a joyful waltz on the golden parquet of night. (翻译:我们在与海共舞 完美的,疯狂的舞者 在夜幕下金色大厅中沉醉在欢快的华尔兹里)


joyful一般作为形容词使用,如在o be joyful([俚语](好)酒;白兰地)、oh be joyful([俚语](好)酒;白兰地)等常见短语中出现较多。

o be joyful[俚语](好)酒;白兰地
oh be joyful[俚语](好)酒;白兰地


1. The joyful splendid days are over, and all that's left is sordid and terrible. (翻译:那些快乐的美好日子已然过去 只剩下这可恶肮脏的生活 在吞噬着我们)

2. Us and her, crazy dancers, locked in a joyful waltz on the golden parquet of night. (翻译:我们在与海共舞 完美的,疯狂的舞者 在夜幕下金色大厅中沉醉在欢快的华尔兹里)

3. Believe it or not... today, I wrote joyful pages! (翻译:信不信由你 今天, 我写了很好笑的稿子!)

4. How can it be a joyful place when, every day, more of our people are being crucified in Jerusalem? (翻译:如果每天在耶路撒冷都有同胞被钉死在十字架上 How can it be a joyful place when, every day, 这里又如何称得上是乐土呢? more of our people are being crucified in Jerusalem?)

5. Of course you will come to your discussion sections in the same state of joyful preparedness. (翻译:你们当然需要参与到讨论中来,并做好充分的课前准备。)

6. I think when I first came to Kurten, I was truly joyful. (翻译:我觉得当我刚到达科顿时,我真的很开心。)

7. Our appetite is a gift, the most joyful thing in the world. (翻译:我们的食欲是一份礼物\ Nsamaya愉快的事情在世界上。)

8. Once was that joyful, but actually heartlessly is seized by the time! (翻译:曾经是那么快乐,但是却被时间无情地夺走!)

9. Certainly many more days bear forgetting than joyful commemoration (翻译:快乐的纪念日毕竟很少 人们更多面对的是不值得铭记的日常事物)

10. An unshared life, be it joyful or in pain, is a punishment. (翻译:没有人分享的人生,无论面对的是快乐还是痛苦,都是一种惩罚。)

11. Gifting Sagittarius mother with perfumes of different fragrance would make her joyful. (翻译:送给射手座母亲各式芬芳的香水一定会使她很开心。)

12. He turns joyful in the refrain , capering about the stage and snapping his fingers . (翻译:他在重唱中,变得高兴起来,在舞台上欢呼雀跃,两手噼啪地打着爆票。)

13. It was beautiful, it was complicated, joyful, hard -- in other words: just another expression of the human experience. (翻译:那是美丽的, 复杂的, 愉悦且困难的。换句话来说: 是人生经历的另一种体验。)

14. Grateful people are joyful people, and joyful people -- the more and more joyful people there are, the more and more we'll have a joyful world. (翻译:有感恩之心的人是快乐的人 快乐的人 人们越来越快乐 我们才越会有一个愉快的世界 )

15. Wishes the March Eighth to be joyful, is for everyoung attractively! (翻译:祝三八节快乐,永远年轻漂亮! )


1. 词义和同义词:'joyful'的意思是愉快的、快乐的,是形容一个人或事物充满欢乐和喜悦的状态。可以作为形容词,也可以作为名词 'joyfulness' 的形式出现。类似的同义词包括'cheerful'、'happy'、'pleased'、'delighted'等。

2. 用法和搭配:'joyful'通常用于描述个人或事物的状态,可以用在句子的主语、表语或宾语位置。常见的搭配包括'joyful occasion'、'joyful laughter'、'joyful experience'等。

3. 情感和语气:'joyful'是一种积极向上的情感和语气,常常用于传达开心、愉悦、兴奋等正面情绪。在写作、口语和交际中,选择'joyful'可以让你的语言更富有情感和生动性。


1. The children's faces were joyful as they opened their presents on Christmas morning.(孩子们在圣诞节早上打开礼物时脸上洋溢着喜悦。)

2. She felt joyful and grateful for the opportunity to travel and see new places.(她感到兴奋和感恩,因为有机会旅行并看到新的地方。)

3. The joyful occasion brought together friends and family from near and far.(这个充满欢乐的场合汇聚了来自远近的朋友和家人。)

4. The singer's performance was met with joyful applause from the audience.(歌手的表演引来了观众的欢呼掌声。)

5. She looked forward to the joyful experience of hiking in the mountains with her friends.(她期待着和朋友一起在山里徒步旅行的愉悦体验。)

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