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chandelier是什么意思 chandelier的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:14:58
  • 249

chandelier是什么意思 chandelier的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The chandelier in the ballroom is truly magnificent. (舞厅里的枝形吊灯真是壮观。)

2. She bought a vintage chandelier for her dining room. (她为自己的餐厅买了一个复古枝形吊灯。)




例句:Greyback forced the prisoners to turn again so as to place Harry directly beneath the chandelier. (格雷·伯克又推着犯人转了起来,为了让哈利站在枝形吊灯的正下方。)


例句:As prices move up, the Chandelier Exit, suspended from the highest point of that trend, also rises. (当价格上涨,吊灯止损,掉在趋势的最高点,也上涨。)


例句:How about you giving all my things away? How about my chandelier? (那么怎么解释你把我的所有东西 都扔了,还有我的吊灯)


例句:I added a vintage 60s Venini chandelier and a few hand towels monogrammed in orange from Leontine Linens. (翻译:我加上了一个六十年代的古董吊灯,几条Leontine Linens擦手巾,上面用橙色装饰了首字母。)


chandelier一般作为名词使用,如在favic chandelier mycelium(黄癣菌丝)等常见短语中出现较多。

favic chandelier mycelium黄癣菌丝


1. How about you giving all my things away? How about my chandelier? (翻译:那么怎么解释你把我的所有东西 都扔了,还有我的吊灯)

2. I added a vintage 60s Venini chandelier and a few hand towels monogrammed in orange from Leontine Linens. (翻译:我加上了一个六十年代的古董吊灯,几条Leontine Linens擦手巾,上面用橙色装饰了首字母。)

3. The "EAS" had this giant lighting chandelier called Medusa. (翻译:EAS号上装有这种叫做米都萨的 巨型照明装饰灯)

4. "Oh, heavenly! " said Miss Sharp, and her eyes went from the carpet straight to the chandelier. (翻译:夏泼眼光从地毯上直接移到烛台上,接口道:“唷!美极了!”)

5. Concerning the price of the chandelier, I've got an expert opinion. (翻译:还有一张证明。关于吊灯价格, 我这里有一张专家鉴定书。)

6. Your chandelier fall down again? (翻译:Your chandelier fall down again? 莎莉。你的吊灯掉下来了吗?)

7. A crystal chandelier lit the room. (翻译:一盏水晶吊灯照亮了房间。)

8. The Masked Bandit arrived at the Chandelier Hall too late. (翻译:蒙面侠太晚抵达Chandelier Hall)

9. See-through Lucite chairs and an airy chandelier don't cramp the style of the heavy oak Stickley table. (翻译:透过璐彩特椅子和一个通风吊灯使沉重的橡木斯蒂克利桌子的样式不抽筋了。)

10. Egypt donated a bronze chandelier and sent specialists to write the Quranic verses adorning the mosque's walls and ceiling. (翻译:埃及捐赠一盏枝形吊灯,并派遣专家在寺的墙上和天花板上撰写《》做装饰。)

11. We are told, ladies and gentlemen, that this is the very chandelier which figures in the famous disaster. (翻译:女士们先生们,据说这个就是 那次著名事件中的吊灯)

12. Put a chandelier in a pigsty if the fancy took them. (翻译:他们要是真有钱就应该在猪圈里也挂上吊灯 Put a chandelier in a pigsty if the fancy took them.)

13. Other people might just have thrown it away, but Leski was inspired to produce a starburst chandelier that was probably the most notable of its kind of the 20th century. (翻译:换做别人可能直接把稿纸扔了。但雷斯基从中获得灵感, 设计出了星射线水晶灯, 或许是 20 世纪此类设计中 最为突出的一例。)

14. He turned to face a chandelier covered with tarpaulin. (翻译:他转身面对着一个被油布盖着的吊灯。)

15. A chandelier in the bedroom? (翻译:卧室里面挂吊灯? A chandelier in the bedroom?)

1. 词义和定义:'Chandelier'是一个名词,表示吊灯或枝形吊灯。

2. 拼写和发音:单词的拼写和发音都比较容易,读作/shænˈdɛlɪə(r)/。

3. 用途和场合:'Chandelier'通常用于描述大型、精致的吊灯,通常安装在高大的房间或大厅中。它可以是某个房间的独特装饰,也可以成为房间中心的焦点。

4. 历史和文化:'Chandelier'这个词起源于法语,意为蜡烛架。最早的吊灯是由蜡烛所点亮的,后来随着电灯的普及,吊灯的设计和用法也有了很大的改变。在文学作品和电影中,'Chandelier'也经常被用作象征和隐喻的形象,如莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》中玛丽王后曾道:“别看天上的满地星斗,我最崇拜这吊灯。”


1. The chandelier in the ballroom was dazzlingly bright and beautiful.


2. She walked into the candle-lit room, her eyes drawn to the huge, sparkling chandelier hanging from the ceiling.


3. The chandelier was so huge that it took a team of workers to install it.


4. The chandelier was old and dusty, but it still held a certain charm for the antique collector.


5. The hotel's grand chandelier gave the lobby a feeling of elegance and luxury.


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