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roka是什么意思 英文名roka[罗卡]的翻译、发音、来源

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:12:03
  • 168

roka是什么意思 英文名roka[罗卡]的翻译、发音、来源

roka的中文翻译为“灶台”,读音为rō kə,例句:

1. The chef was busy preparing sushi at the roka. (厨师在灶台忙着准备寿司。)

2. The roka in our kitchen is made of stainless steel. (我们厨房的灶台是用不锈钢做的。)




例句:Doctors say the worst hit village in the area's HIV outbreak appears to be Roka village where 12 percent of villagers tested so far have proven positive - 20 times the national rate. (医生说该地区病毒感染最严重的村子似乎是洛卡村,有12%的村民到目前为止测试呈阳性,是全国比率的20倍数。)





1. 词释:'roka'是一个缩写词,常用于商业或金融领域,通常指代“贷款申请”的全称,即“Request of Knowledge and Assessment”。

2. 应用场合:'roka'一般用于以下场合:银行、金融机构、贷款公司等领域,用于客户申请贷款时的审核和评估流程中。

3. 功能作用:'roka'广泛应用于贷款申请的审核流程中,可帮助贷款机构更好地了解申请人情况,对申请人的信用、就业、家庭情况进行评估,从而决定是否批准其贷款。

4. 注意事项:'roka'申请材料需要填写详细、准确的信息,以便机构对申请人资格进行评估。同时,申请人应遵守机构的相关规定,确保申请过程合规,避免造成不必要的麻烦。

5. 例句:

- The client submitted a thorough ROKA to the bank in order to apply for a mortgage.


- The loan officer reviewed the ROKA carefully to determine if the client was eligible for a loan.


- The ROKA process can take up to a week to complete, depending on the complexity of the application.


- The bank requires applicants to submit a ROKA as part of the loan application process.


- The loan officer noted several discrepancies in the ROKA and requested additional documentation from the applicant.


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