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lap dance是什么意思 lap dance的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-02 15:24:50
  • 350

lap dance是什么意思 lap dance的中文翻译、读音、例句

lap dance是一种舞蹈形式,表演者在观众的腿上跳舞,通常是在娱乐场所中进行。


读音: [læp dæns]


1. She worked as a lap dancer to pay for her college tuition. 她为了支付大学学费,兼职做膝舞表演者。

2. Lap dances are popular in some nightclubs. 在某些夜店中,膝舞表演很受欢迎。

3. He was embarrassed when his friends took him to a and he was offered a lap dance. 当他的朋友带他去舞俱乐部并向他提供膝舞表演时,他感到尴尬。

lap dance在中文中有"大腿舞"的意思,在日常中也代表"大腿舞"的意思,在线读音是[lapdance],lap dance常被用作名词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到61个与lap dance相关的例句。

Lap dance的词典翻译


例句:I'm talking about eggs and bacon, whipped cream, sausage and a lap dance, all in, $12.99. (我说的是鸡蛋和培根,鲜奶油 香肠和大腿舞,全部只要12.99元)


lap dance一般作为名词使用,如在dance(跳舞 )、to dance([网络] 跳舞;跳舞吧;致跳舞)、lap(①大腿②跑道的一圈)等常见短语中出现较多。

to dance[网络] 跳舞;跳舞吧;致跳舞
lap in裹; 包围
lap on轻拍
dinner dancen. 筵席后有舞会的宴会
dirty dance[网络] 辣身舞;脏舞;热舞十七
drum dance腰鼓舞
dragon dance舞龙


1. Lionhearted. No. No, I don't think so. (翻译:[Dance music playing])

2. Also there'd be someone practicing ballet or lap dance. (翻译:没问题,没有女才有问题 那你别再来烦我)

3. So do cancel your lap dances and make it a folk dance night. (翻译:所以你们的要取消 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}So do cancel your lap dances 改为一个民族之夜 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}and make it a folk dance night.)

4. Lit shield in the quarter lap. (翻译:Lit shield in the quarter lap.)

5. He got a lap dance and it says 9,900 lei. (翻译:我和我的朋友喝了点小酒 他和跳了支贴腿舞 这上面写的九千九百块)

6. I think I met your sister last night. She gave me a lap dance. Candy? (翻译:我想我昨晚遇到了妹 她给我跳了段 叫Candy?)

7. Please dance with me, Luca. (翻译:Please dance with me, Luca.)

8. Anytime you want a lap dance with that girl, kid, just let me know, all right? (翻译:你什么时候想和那个妞跳膝上舞 就和我说一声 知道吗)

9. Cohen: ♪ DANCE ME TO THE WEDDING NOW ♪ (翻译:# Dance me to the wedding now #)

10. Here on the dance floor, so dance (翻译:Here on the dance floor, so dance)

11. # Together we will dance in robes of gold (翻译:# Together we will dance in robes of gold)

12. # And do the Peter Panda dance (翻译:# And do the Peter Panda dance)

13. And we start the last lap. (翻译:最后一圈开始了 And we start the last lap.)

14. Did you dance in these tonight? (翻译:Are these? Dd you dance in these tonight?)

15. You know what I'm thinking? - Lap dance? (翻译:ﻫﻞ ﺗﻌﻠﻤﻮﻥ ﺑﻤﺎذﺍ اﻓﻜﺮ ؟)


关于'lap dance'这个单词或者缩写词,以下是三个方面的说明:

1. 含义:lap dance指的是一种舞蹈表演,通常是一个半裸的女性在顾客的腿上跳舞,以刺激其为目的。这种表演通常发生在娱乐场所或者,是一种以为主题的表演。

2. 社会影响:lap dance的存在和流行引发了社会的争议,一方面,人们认为这是一种自由和艺术的表达方式,可以提供娱乐和放松,另一方面,人们认为这是一种低俗和不道德的行为,剥夺了女性的尊严和权利。

3. 语言使用:lap dance这个词汇在口语和文学中很常见,但是使用这个词汇需要谨慎,避免引起不必要的争议和冒犯。在正式场合或者写作中,可以使用更礼貌和中性的表达方式。


1. She gave him a lap dance at the . (她在舞俱乐部给他跳了个舞)

2. The lap dance industry is a controversial and thriving business. (膝舞行业是一个备受争议和蓬勃发展的行业)

3. He felt uncomfortable and objectified when he received a lap dance from a stranger. (当他接受了陌生人的膝舞时,他感到不舒服和被物化)

4. Lap dance is not allowed in our establishment. (我们的场所不允许膝舞)

5. The debate about the morality of lap dance continues to rage on. (关于膝舞的道德问题的争论仍在继续)

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