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cwl是什么意思 cwl的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:30:39
  • 355

cwl是什么意思 cwl的中文翻译、读音、例句

cwl的中文翻译为“中心权力”。读音为“see-double-you-ell”。例句:The cwl is responsible for important decisions for the organization.(中心权力负责为组织做出重要决策。)




例句:I would tell him I loved him, and at the moment I said it, I did. (乔琳娜: 我我告诉他爱他, 目前,L表示,L没有。)





1. ♪ I was following a trail ♪ (翻译:l was following a trail)

2. A gold pack of Nafisi's cigarettes. (翻译:m 115 64 l 115 35 l 171 0 l 177 0 l 133 46 l 143 52 l 179 0 l 184 0 l 159 63 l 229 107 l 229 182 l 145 96 l 135 122 l 207 227 l 137 227 l 115 172 l 115 93 l 126 76 l 115 64 l 104 76 l 115 93 l 115 172 l 93 227 l 23 227 l 95 122 l 84 96 l 0 182 l 0 107 l 70 63 l 45 0 l 50 0 l 87 52 l 97 46 l 52 0 l 59 0 l 115 35)

3. Stroke adjustment: CW and CCW Infinite adjustment in both directions of rotation. (翻译:行程调节:化学武器和常规武器公约无限在两个方向上的旋转调整。)

4. I mean, I drank plenty with Katie when I was pregnant. (翻译:l drank plenty with Katie when l was pregnant.)

5. Finally, I felt I was right where I was supposed to be. (翻译:最后,L觉得L是正确的 我在那里应该是。)

6. I came once on a Tuesday when it was closed, and I just wanted to... (翻译, but...)

7. Today, 79 countries will began dispersing CW7... in the upper layers of the atmosphere. (翻译:今天, 79个国家将开始部署CW7 ... 在大气中的上层。)

8. According to scientists... the artificial cooling subtance CW7... will succeed in bringing average global temperature down to managable level. (翻译:...据科学家们... 人工冷却液CW7 ... 进行管理,以减少全球平均温度至正常水平。)

9. This isn't the way it was supposed to be. (翻译:What am l gonna do? What am l gonna do? What are...)

10. Not okay. They're listening. (翻译:m 115 64 l 115 35 l 171 0 l 177 0 l 133 46 l 143 52 l 179 0 l 184 0 l 159 63 l 229 107 l 229 182 l 145 96 l 135 122 l 207 227 l 137 227 l 115 172 l 115 93 l 126 76 l 115 64 l 104 76 l 115 93 l 115 172 l 93 227 l 23 227 l 95 122 l 84 96 l 0 182 l 0 107 l 70 63 l 45 0 l 50 0 l 87 52 l 97 46 l 52 0 l 59 0 l 115 35)

11. "E, F, L, E, P, T P, L, E, P, F, L, F, L, E P, T, P, L, F, E, T, E L, O, P, Z, D, D, E, F, P, O, T, E, C F, L, E, P, T, P, L, E, P F, L, F, L, E, P, T, P, L, F, L, T, M, A, D in U, S, A." (翻译:E F L E P T P L E P F L F L E P T P L F E T E)

12. The experimental study on the CW DCN laser stimulated by glow discharge direct current (翻译:直流辉光放电激励连续DCN激光器的实验研究)

13. Meester revealed that she knows when she is exiting The CW soap. (翻译:梅斯特透露,她知道自己将何时离开CW电视台的这部肥皂剧。)

14. I think I want to know you (翻译:l think l want to know you)

15. There was no significant difference in CW of cochineal insects derived from different cultivation areas and harvest seasons. (翻译:不同气候类型、收虫季节的胭脂虫蜡无显著性差异;)

目前没有一个常见的英文单词或常用短语是 'cwl',因此可以假设这是一个特定领域、特定场景或个人编造的缩写、简写或代号。根据上下文和语境来猜测它的含义。以下是一些可能的解释和示例:

1. 'CWL' 可能是某个组织、公司、团体或项目的缩写,例如:

- Central Working Level (中央工作层)

- China Water Law (中国水法)

- Common Workflow Language (通用工作流程语言)

- Canadian Women's League (加拿大妇女联盟)

2. 'cwl' 可能是某个英文单词的缩写或变形,例如:

- crawl (爬行)

- cool (酷,凉爽)

- cowardly (胆怯地)

- cowl (兜帽,罩头)

3. 'cwl' 可能是人名、地名、产品名或品牌名的缩写或代号,例如:

- Charles William Lonsdale (查尔斯··朗斯代尔)

- Chicago West Loop (芝加哥西区)

- Cold Weather Leather (冷天皮革)

- Crown Wearing Lord (戴王冠的主人)

4. 'cwl' 可能是某个方言、行话、黑话或密码的代称或符号,例如:

- Cockney World Language (伦敦方言世界语)

- Criminal Whistleblower Language (犯罪告密者语)

- Cryptographic White List (密码学白名单)

- Code Word List (密码词语表)

5. 'cwl' 可能是一种网络用语、表情符号或简化词汇的缩写,例如:

- crying with laughter (笑到哭)

- can't wait to laugh (迫不及待地要笑)

- cool with love (爱得很酷)

- cute with a little bit of wildness (可爱又有点狂野)

6. 'cwl' 可能是一种音乐、艺术、娱乐或体育方面的缩写或代号,例如:

- Concerts with Legends (传奇音乐会)

- Contemporary Women's Literature (当代女性文学)

- Crazy Wild Life (疯狂野性人生)

- Critical Wrestling League (批判性摔跤联盟)

7. 'cwl' 可能是个人、社交、情感或心理方面的缩写或代号,例如:

- Could We Love? (我们可能爱吗?)

- Concerned with Life (关注生命)

- Creative Writing Lab (创意写作实验室)

- Crazy Weird Life (疯狂奇怪的生活)

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