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monocle是什么意思 monocle的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-29 06:55:38
  • 166

monocle是什么意思 monocle的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. He adjusted his monocle and looked around the room. (他调整了他的单片眼镜,环顾了一下房间。)

2. In the 19th century, monocles were considered a symbol of sophistication and elegance. (在19世纪,单片眼镜被看作是优雅和精致的象征。)




例句:There are also scenes where Veronica is feverishly writing in her diary while sporting a monocle! (这里面同样会出现维罗妮卡在认真写她日记时所秀出单片眼镜的场景!)


例句:They let buildings, escape routes, and enemies be marked in green on every soldier's monocle. (能让建筑,逃生路线和敌人在每个士兵的单眼屏幕上用绿色标注出来。)


例句:"Perhaps he wore a monocle because he had something wrong with one eye" Charles said. (“也许他戴单片眼镜是因为他的一只眼睛出了点问题,”查尔斯说。)

4.单片眼镜 、医

例句:Dressed in a white dress, wear a monocle, behind the cloak can become a hang gliding. (翻译:身着白色礼服,佩单片眼镜,背后的披风可以变为滑翔翼。)


1. "Perhaps he wore a monocle because he had something wrong with one eye" Charles said. (翻译:“也许他戴单片眼镜是因为他的一只眼睛出了点问题,”查尔斯说。)

2. Dressed in a white dress, wear a monocle, behind the cloak can become a hang gliding. (翻译:身着白色礼服,佩单片眼镜,背后的披风可以变为滑翔翼。)

3. What about a monocle? (翻译:单片眼镜怎么样? )

4. From an evil doctor, that's a fetus in a jar wearing a top hat and a monocle. (翻译:为此要对抗一个坐在罐子里 西装革履还戴着单片眼镜的的婴儿博士)

5. "Perhaps he wore a monocle because he had something wrong with one eye" Charles said. (翻译:“也许他戴单片眼镜是因为他的一只眼睛出了点问题,”查尔斯说。)

6. Lord Layard's latest book has a much jauntier image on its cover: a "happy eccentric" with a fez on his head, a monocle in his eye and a bunch of flowers in his hand. (翻译:莱亚德勋爵的新书的封面上有一个更加神气活现的形象:一个幸福的怪人头戴小圆红帽,戴着单片眼镜,手上拿着一束鲜花。)

7. Andrew Mueller is a Monocle contributing editor. (翻译:安德鲁·米勒,《单片镜》特约编辑。)

8. This is not a good subject for gossip over drinks at the Monocle, or spliffs in the stationery cupboard, you. (翻译:别在餐厅边喝酒边闲聊 或是哈草时不小心说出来)

9. Fixing his monocle, he stopped before a fishmonger's and, with a faint smile on his face, regarded a lobster. (翻译:他停在一个鱼贩摊前,正了正单片眼镜,微笑着盯着一只龙虾看。)




2. 来源:这个词的来源可以追溯到希腊语,其中“mono”指“单个”,“klein”指“眼球”。

3. 用途:Monocle的主要用途是矫正远视和老花眼,它们也可以作为时尚配件,例如在威尔顿银行, Downton Abbey和其他的古装剧中经常出现。

4. 历史:Monocle是一项早期的眼镜创新,最早出现在18世纪,但在19世纪成为了上层社会的象征。在现代,这种眼镜已不再普遍。

5. 文化象征:由于其昔日的高档社交形象,Monocle有时被视为体面、老式、保守或有品位的标志。


1. Nigel wore a suit, bowler hat and monocle to the party, which made him look like a caricature of an old English gentleman. (尼格尔穿着西装、圆顶礼帽和单片眼镜去参加晚会,这使他看起来像一个英国老绅士的漫画形象。)

2. My grandfather used to wear a monocle and a pocket watch, which was very fashionable in his younger days. (我的爷爷年轻时常带着单片眼镜和怀表,这在当时非常时尚。)

3. The character in the movie wore a monocle to show his high status and sophistication. (电影中的角色戴着单片眼镜以展现他高贵的地位和精明的性格。)

4. She was surprised to see her boss wearing a monocle, which made him look like an old-fashioned aristocrat. (她很惊讶地看到她的老板戴着单片眼镜,这使他看起来像一个老式的贵族。)

5. The monocle was once a symbol of wealth and privilege, but now it is rarely seen outside of old movies or period dramas. (单片眼镜曾经是财富和特权的象征,但现在它已经很少在老电影或古装剧中出现。)

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