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sprite是什么意思 sprite的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:28:14
  • 245

sprite是什么意思 sprite的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. She looked like a sprite as she danced across the meadow.(她跳过草地时,看起来像一个精灵。)

2. I always order a can of Sprite with my meal.(我吃饭时总是点一听雪碧。)




例句:Just see this particular sprite script. (只查看这个特定的精灵脚本。)


例句:The amount a Sprite moves in any given update can then be calculated as the rate of the Sprite times ElapsedTime. (在任何更新中赋予精灵的运动总数之后被以精灵的占时次数比值计算。)


例句:While its taste is attactive more than color. Vodka and Bols Blue mixed with Sprite makes the taste very complex with bitter and sweet. (但最重要的不是这杯鸡尾酒的外表,而是她甜甜的雪碧加上伏特加的浓烈酒味,蓝橙力娇酒的桔子幽香混合成甘苦掺杂的复杂感。)


例句:Waiter: We have Lemonade, lce Tea, Coke and Sprite. (翻译:服务生:我们有柠檬水、冰红茶、可乐和雪碧。)


sprite一般作为名词使用,如在Dirty sprite(雪碧)、red sprite([网络] 红色精灵;红色精灵闪电)、Sea Sprite(【军械】(美制)“海妖”直升机)等常见短语中出现较多。

Dirty sprite雪碧
red sprite[网络] 红色精灵;红色精灵闪电
Sea Sprite【军械】(美制)“海妖”直升机
sprite code[计]单色画面代码
sprite crab= ghost crab
Sprite detector扫积型探测器
sprite halo[网络] 精灵光晕;闪晕
water sprite水妖


1. While its taste is attactive more than color. Vodka and Bols Blue mixed with Sprite makes the taste very complex with bitter and sweet. (翻译:但最重要的不是这杯鸡尾酒的外表,而是她甜甜的雪碧加上伏特加的浓烈酒味,蓝橙力娇酒的桔子幽香混合成甘苦掺杂的复杂感。)

2. Waiter: We have Lemonade, lce Tea, Coke and Sprite. (翻译:服务生:我们有柠檬水、冰红茶、可乐和雪碧。)

3. In addition to trademark Coke, the company sells Sprite, Fanta, VitaminWater, Dasani bottled water and Minute Maid orange juice. (翻译:除了可口可乐商标以外,该公司还销售雪碧,芬达,VitaminWater, Dasani瓶装水和Minute Maid橙汁。)

4. So if you're running Namibia for Coca-Cola, and you have a 107 constituencies, you know where every can versus bottle of Sprite, Fanta or Coke was sold, whether it was a corner store, a supermarket or a pushcart. (翻译:假设你是可口可乐在的负责人, 你在当地有107个选区, 每售出一瓶或一罐雪碧,芬达或可乐, 你都知道是从哪里出售的, 不管是在街角的杂货店, 某家超市或者某个手推车上。)

5. Warlord beats troll, troll beats elf, elf beats water sprite and basically everything beats Enchanted Bunny. (翻译:战神大过巨人 巨过精灵 精灵大过水鬼 基本什么都能大过魔法小兔兔)

6. I think that was probably outside the field of view, I'm not sure. It could have been a sprite. (翻译:在温度较高的海水里 另一种浮游生物大量繁殖)

7. Waiter: We have Lemonade, lce Tea, Coke and Sprite. (翻译:服务生:我们有柠檬水、冰红茶、可乐和雪碧。)

8. You cannot reasonably tell a child he is allowed only one soda a week if you keep two-liter bottles of Coke and Sprite in the refrigerator. (翻译:如果你坚持每星期在冰箱里防止两升瓶装的可口可乐和雪碧,那么你将无法合理地告诉孩子,他每周只能喝一小杯苏打汽水。)

9. So if you're running Namibia for Coca-Cola, and you have a 107 constituencies, you know where every can versus bottle of Sprite, Fanta or Coke was sold, whether it was a corner store, a supermarket or a pushcart. (翻译:假设你是可口可乐在的负责人, 你在当地有107个选区, 每售出一瓶或一罐雪碧,芬达或可乐, 你都知道是从哪里出售的, 不管是在街角的杂货店, 某家超市或者某个手推车上。)

10. We're now at minus four degrees elevation. And then... Sprite. (翻译:这种超快的浮游生物 每秒可以移动身长500倍的距离)

11. In Semper Fi, the command level of an HQ determines the size of the sprite on the map, so Theatre HQs are huge and single brigades tiny. (翻译:在《永》中,兵牌的大小取决于级别。所以战区司令部会很大而旅会很小。)

12. Drink Pepsi, Coke, Mountain Dew or Sprite, and you feel good because it tastes good. (翻译:喝百事、可口可乐、山露或者雪碧,你会感觉很好,因为它的味道非常好。)

13. Once upon a time there was a wicked sprite, indeed he was the most mischievous of all sprites. (翻译:从前有一个的精灵,他是所有精灵中最淘气的一个。)

14. Just sitting in a quiet air-conditioned room, sitting down, eating my lunch with no one touching me, drinking a Diet Sprite, by myself. (翻译:就这样静静地坐在 有空调的房间里... 坐下来 吃午饭 没人会来碰我 一个人喝着健怡雪碧)

15. She is fairies, the cute sea-sprite and sprite in backwood and marsh. She often appears in the field, forest, river and lake, sea and the wilderness. (翻译:山林水泽中的仙女,楚楚动人的海妖和小妖,常出没于田野、树林、江湖、大海以及荒原之中。)



首先,‘sprite’是一个英语名词,意为‘小精灵’或‘雪碧’(一种饮料),也可以是指‘精灵图’(computer graphics)。


1. Software Process Improvement and Traceability Engineering(软件过程改进和可追溯性工程)。

2. Scalable Processor Architecture(可扩展处理器结构)。

3. Single Photon Ranging In Time and Energy(能量和时间的单光子测距)。

4. Statewide Persistent Rural Integrated Technology Environment(州级持续性农村集成技术环境)。




1. The sprite in the garden sprinkled a handful of fairy dust, and suddenly the flowers bloomed.(花园中的小精灵撒了一把仙尘,花儿瞬间绽放。)

2. I prefer Sprite over other carbonated drinks.(我更喜欢雪碧,胜过其他碳酸饮料。)

3. The video game uses sprite graphics to create a nostalgic feel.(这个游戏使用精灵图形来营造一种怀旧的感觉。)

4. The software project integrates SPRITE methodology for process improvement.(该软件项目集成了SPRITE方来进行流程改进。)

5. The function 'createSprite()' is used to generate a sprite object in the game.(函数“createSprite()”用于生成游戏中的精灵对象。)

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