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avenues是什么意思 avenues的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:28:35
  • 258

avenues是什么意思 avenues的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. There are many avenues to success. (成功的途径有很多。)

2. The city is famous for its wide avenues and beautiful parks. (这个城市以宽阔的大街和美丽的公园而闻名。)

3. The company is exploring new avenues for growth. (公司正在探索增长的新途径。)




例句:Given the long, thin shape of the island, the north-south avenues carry more vehicular and foot traffic. (这考虑了考虑到岛屿的狭长形状,南北走向的大道能容纳更多的车辆和行人。)


例句:But since Nadal has now beaten him in five of their seven grand slam final meetings, Federer needs to explore new avenues. (但是自从纳达尔在他们七次大满贯决赛的交手中第五次将其打败,费德勒需要另辟蹊径了。)


例句:These were the avenues left me. (这是给我留的活路 These were the avenues left me.)


例句:Fuck the Sikhs and the Pakistanis, bombing down the avenues in decrepit cabs, curry steaming outta their pores, stinking up my day. (翻译:去那些锡克人和巴基斯坦人 开着计程车横冲直撞 浑身都是咖哩味臭得要命)


avenues一般作为名词使用,如在seventh avenues(第七大道)、Explore all avenues([网络] 竭尽所能)等常见短语中出现较多。

seventh avenues第七大道
Explore all avenues[网络] 竭尽所能


1. These were the avenues left me. (翻译:这是给我留的活路 These were the avenues left me.)

2. Fuck the Sikhs and the Pakistanis, bombing down the avenues in decrepit cabs, curry steaming outta their pores, stinking up my day. (翻译:去那些锡克人和巴基斯坦人 开着计程车横冲直撞 浑身都是咖哩味臭得要命)

3. Tourists were surprised to see a woman driving a huge orange tractor down one of Rome's main avenues . (翻译:游客们惊异地发现一位女性驾驶着一辆大型橙色的拖拉机驶向罗马城的一条主街。)

4. The best policy: the wash site for a period of time, more points proper business, the stock market is not the only avenues. (翻译:上上策:金盘洗手一段时间,多干点正事,股市不是唯一门路。)

5. they glide down snowy avenues With lamp lights all aglow; The sleeping city blanketed in freshly hallen snow. (翻译:他们在路灯通红铺满白雪的大街上滑倒,沉睡中的城市覆盖在纷纷的大雪中。)

6. It opened up avenues and opportunities to me that I could never have imagined. (翻译:而这一改变为我提供了 难以想象的途径和机会。)

7. S? O Paulo, while not lovely, has more shaded jacaranda lined avenues than you might expect. (翻译:圣保罗尽管不美,但两侧栽有蓝花楹的林荫大道比你能够想象到的还要多。)

8. But it will give a chance to create avenues to start to work together to solve many of humanity's problems. (翻译:但可以给我们机会创建渠道, 为解决诸多人道问题来共同努力。)

9. In summer time. the town is sweet to see; full of fine maples -long avenues of green and gold. (翻译:夏季里,这城市看了真叫人爱;尽是些美丽的枫树-形成一条条翠绿金黄的幽道。)

10. Mr. Bequelin said that 'when people have no legitimate political or legal avenues to express themselves, it does radicalize them. ' (翻译:他说,当人们没有合法的或法律场所来表达意见时,这就会使他们更为激进。)

11. That is, until Colonel Childers arrived and prevented me... from pursuing further avenues of diplomacy. (翻译:我正在寻求外交途径解决... 丘上校来到,就阻止我)

12. In Basildon Mr Ball says that he sympathises with the gypsies but all avenues except eviction have been exhausted. (翻译:Basildon的Ball先生指出,他同情吉普赛人的境遇,但除了驱逐,其他方法已经用尽。)

13. You could only reach it by a cross-road, bordered by trees, and as trimly kept as the avenues in a gentleman's park. (翻译:你只能从一条支路走到那儿,一路上两边都是树木,修剪得整整齐齐,好比绅士邸园里的林荫道。)

14. Four avenues opened out of the small cavern which the great rock stood in. (翻译:大岩石所在的岩洞里有四条岔路。)

15. Websites, email, wikis, blogs, microblogs and social networks created a network of avenues for leaks to come in and to spread out again. (翻译:网站,电子邮件,博客,微博客和社交网络为机密的获取和传播同时开辟了绿色通道。)



1. 词性及含义:avenues是一个名词,表示“大街;途径;手段”的意思,通常指提供特定事物或服务的途径或方式。

2. 派生词:avenues可派生出avenues of approach(入手点)、avenues of escape(逃生路线)、avenues of opportunity(机会之路)等。

3. 搭配及用法:avenues常与介词in、to、for、through等搭配使用。比如说,in the avenues of science(在科学领域中)、open up new avenues for development(开拓新的发展道路)等。

4. 形似词及区别:avenues的形似词包括avenge(报复)、avenir(未来)等,需要注意其区别。

5. 实际应用:在现实生活中,avenues可以用于描述商业、金融、教育等领域中的不同途径或选择,也可以用于文学创作等方面。


1. Avenues of communication between different departments need to be improved.(需要改善不同部门之间的通讯途径。)

2. The Internet has opened up new avenues of learning and provided access to educational resources.(互联网开辟了新的学习途径,并提供了教育资源。)

3. The city's avenues are lined with tall buildings and shops.(城市的大街两旁是高楼和商店。)

4. Studying abroad may provide avenues for personal growth and career development.(出国留学可能为个人成长和职业发展提供途径。)

5. New technologies are providing avenues for innovation in the financial sector.(新技术为金融行业中的创新提供了途径。)

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