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words fail me是什么意思 words fail me的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-09 04:42:17
  • 152

words fail me是什么意思 words fail me的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:wǒrds fēil mē


1. When I saw the beautiful sunset, words failed me.


2. I was so shocked by the news that words failed me.


3. Words fail me when I try to describe the feeling of holding my newborn baby for the first time.


words fail me的意思是"说不出话来、网络",读音为[wordsfailme],words fail me常被用作名词,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到48个与words fail me相关的例句。

Words fail me的词典翻译


例句:In other words, the reason (In other words, the reason)


例句:Only thing missing are words. (Only thing missing are words.)

例句:If it fails, we fail, and it will fail if you don't get me where l need to go. (奇袭失败 人类就输了 你若不让我们去 我们就必输无疑了)

例句, it was a little hard to make out words (翻译, it was a little hard to make out words)


words fail me一般作为名词使用,如在words fail someone([口语](由于太激动等)不知道说什么好;某人说不出话来)、fail(①不及格②失败③未能 )、fail as is(电时不改变原有位置)等常见短语中出现较多。

words fail someone[口语](由于太激动等)不知道说什么好;某人说不出话来
fail as is电时不改变原有位置
fail in在…失败;缺乏…
fail of不能获得,达不到,缺乏…
fail to未能…
not fail to务必,必定
words failed me[网络] 我说不出话来;我无话可说;辞不达意
for wordsn. 丰华(唱片名)


1. If it fails, we fail, and it will fail if you don't get me where l need to go. (翻译:奇袭失败 人类就输了 你若不让我们去 我们就必输无疑了)

it was a little hard to make out words (翻译, it was a little hard to make out words)

3. Words exchanged, differences? (翻译:Words exchanged, differences?)

4. His last words to me, and you... (翻译:那是他对我说的最后几个字 而你... His last words to me, and you...)

5. And he really hates to fail. (翻译:而且非常讨厌失败 And he really hates to fail.)

6. The infamous words of Peter Druker say it clearly "Fail to Plan and Plan to Fail". (翻译:皮特•德鲁克说过一句著名的话:“失败的计划正计划走向失败”。)

7. You set me up to fail on this one. (翻译:是 我就是这样的! 你设下圈套让我通不过的)

8. Let me present soothing words (翻译:坐上前来把好言奉敬 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Let me present soothing words)

9. In the big leagues now, huh? (翻译:-called mentor - - your words)

10. A cub will fail many times. (翻译:A cub will fail many times. 幼虎会失败多次)

11. Woman, your words mean nothing to me! (翻译:女人 你的话对我来说一文不值! Woman, your words mean nothing to me!)

12. "Fail not to bring it to me presently," said Bluebeard. (翻译:“马上拿给我,别弄砸了,”蓝胡子说。)

13. Words that can never be published. (翻译:Words that can never be published.)

14. In other words, that's roughly one flight in every 200 will fail. (翻译:换句话说, 这大约是每200个航班将有一次失败)

15. - Words to live by, Eggsy. (翻译:- Words to live by, Eggsy.)




短语:words fail me

发音拼写: /wɜːdz feɪl mi/


1. Whenever I think about what happened that day, words fail me.(每当我想到那天发生了什么,我都无话可说。)

2. Words fail me when I try to express how grateful I am to have met you.(当我想要表达我有多感激能够遇见你时,我无从表述。)

3. The beauty of the sunset is so overwhelming that words fail me.(夕阳的美丽是如此震撼,让我无话可说。)

4. He was so shocked by the news that words failed him.(他对这个消息如此震惊,让他无法表达。)

5. When I saw the amazing view from the top of the mountain, words failed me.(当我看到从山顶上看到的美景。)

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