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dismay是什么意思 dismay的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:21:10
  • 213

dismay是什么意思 dismay的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The news of the accident filled me with dismay.(那起事故的消息让我感到失望。)

2. She looked at her test score with dismay.(她惊愕地看着自己的考试分数。)

3. The team's defeat caused great dismay among its fans.(球队的失败让球迷们感到极度沮丧。)




例句:Even if hecanwithstand the opposition 's scorn, dismay and anger, he trenchant distrust within his own camp. (即便他们抵挡得住反对派的蔑视,恐吓和愤怒,那也还须禁受本方阵营尖刻怀疑的目光。)


例句:For a moment she stared at him bewildered, dropping her skirt in dismay. (她惶惑着朝他瞪了一会儿,惊恐中裙子自手中滑落。)


例句:But to her dismay being too small for Freddy and too big for Cropette, it fitted me perfectly. (让她惊愕的是, 西装对Freddy来说太小了,对Cropette又太大 对我却是刚好)


例句:Now I spent a lot of time in my garage, over the next weeks and months, and also in my kitchen -- much to the dismay of my wife. (Laughter) However, after a few failed prototypes, I finally came up with this, the Lifesaver bottle. (翻译:在接下来的几个星期和几个月里, 我在我的车库里花费了不少时间。也在我的厨房里花了不少时间, 使我的妻子看了摇头。然而,就在几个失败的试验模型后, 我终于做出了这个,救生瓶。)


dismay一般作为名词、动词使用,如在dismay at(对…感到惊愕(或灰心))、dismay by(以…使沮丧)、in dismay(沮丧,惊愕)等常见短语中出现较多。

dismay at对…感到惊愕(或灰心)
dismay by以…使沮丧
in dismay沮丧,惊愕
to ... dismay[网络] 惊恐
with dismay沮丧地,惊愕地


1. But to her dismay being too small for Freddy and too big for Cropette, it fitted me perfectly. (翻译:让她惊愕的是, 西装对Freddy来说太小了,对Cropette又太大 对我却是刚好)

2. Now I spent a lot of time in my garage, over the next weeks and months, and also in my kitchen -- much to the dismay of my wife. (Laughter) However, after a few failed prototypes, I finally came up with this, the Lifesaver bottle. (翻译:在接下来的几个星期和几个月里, 我在我的车库里花费了不少时间。也在我的厨房里花了不少时间, 使我的妻子看了摇头。然而,就在几个失败的试验模型后, 我终于做出了这个,救生瓶。)

3. She let out a groan of dismay. (翻译:她发出沮丧的叹息声。)

4. The prideful cat hunted around like a chicken with its head cut off in vain and finally left in dismay. (翻译:高傲的猫就像无头苍蝇一样四处寻找但一无所获,最后只好灰溜溜地走了。)

5. And I got all excited and came back, and they sort of looked at me in dismay and said, "An island? (翻译:我感到很兴奋,来告诉他们, 他们却失望得看着我,说,一个岛? )

6. You do look, my son, in a mov'd sort, as if you were dismay'd; (翻译:你看起来好像颇激动! 我儿! 你像失意一般!)

7. The only foreseeable problem might be Kobe's dismay at having to concede so much ball-time to Steve Nash. (翻译:唯一一个可能出现的问题就是,纳什将分走科比大量的控球时间,也许科比会因此沮丧。)

8. Connie hesitated, she ought to go. But she looked round the clean, tidy, rather dreary little sitting-room with something like dismay. (翻译:她应该走了,但是她用着一种颓丧的样子,向这所整洁的,有点忧郁的小屋子四下打量着。)

9. King Acrisius, in dismay, ordered mother and child to be boxed up in a chest, and set adrift on the sea. (翻译:阿克里西俄斯国王深为不安,下令将俩装进一只箱子扔到海里随波飘浮。)

10. And I got all excited and came back, and they sort of looked at me in dismay and said, "An island? (翻译:我感到很兴奋,来告诉他们, 他们却失望得看着我,说,一个岛?)

11. Jamie watches in dismay as the oarless boat is swept down the river. (翻译:杰米沮丧地看着没有桨的船被冲下河去。)

12. I did meet a lot of doctors, but to my mother's dismay, the more I met, the more I knew I would never, ever marry a doctor. (翻译:我见过很多医生 但是对于母亲来说,我见得越多的医生就越不想嫁给医生)

13. When the mother looks away, they could see the dismay on the child, even the boy would cry. (翻译:当妈妈看向别处,他们就会感到沮丧, 甚至会哭出来。)

14. This is a 100,000-volt Tesla coil that I built in my bedroom, much to the dismay of my mother. (翻译:这是一个十万伏特的泰斯拉变压器 是我在自己的卧室里搞出来的 对此,我老妈非常恼火)

15. God rest ye merry gentlemen let nothing you dismay (翻译:上帝安息你们快乐的绅士 让你没有任何不舍)





1. 用法

a) 作为名词:


b) 作为动词:


2. 同义词

与dismay相关的同义词包括disappointment、disillusion、shock、awe、and discouragement等。

3. 反义词

与dismay相反的词包括encouragement、 happiness、elation、hopefulness等。


1. The news of the accident filled me with dismay. (这个事故的消息让我感到失望。)

2. The team's poor performance in the game left everyone in a state of dismay. (球队在比赛中的差劲表现让所有人都感到失望。)

3. The company's decision to cut jobs has caused dismay among its employees. (公司裁员的决定让员工感到失望。)

4. I was dismayed to find that the hotel had lost my reservation. (我很失望地发现酒店丢失了我的预订。)

5. The editor's harsh criticism of my article left me feeling dismayed and demotivated. (编辑对我的文章进行了严厉的批评,让我感到失望和失去了动力。)

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