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subscription是什么意思 subscription的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:17:38
  • 288

subscription是什么意思 subscription的中文翻译、读音、例句

翻译:订阅; 订购; 预订



1. I have a subscription to a monthly magazine.(我有一份月刊的订阅)

2. The company offers a subscription service for its online content.(该公司为其在线内容提供订阅服务)

3. She forgot to cancel her subscription, so the magazine continues to arrive every month.(她忘记取消订阅,所以杂志每个月还在继续送来)




例句:SELT can reduce operators' costs and thereby the customer's subscription cost. (SELT能降低的成本进而是用户的花费。)


例句:Or some form of similar listings service, be it a website or by subscription? (或某种形式的类似上市公司服务,将是一个网站或订阅?)


例句:SELT can reduce operators' costs and thereby the customer's subscription cost. (SELT能降低的成本进而是用户的花费。)


例句:- We got him for the subscription. (翻译:- 我们已经为他下好了处方 - 埃米尔...)


subscription一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在equity subscription([财]认购股份)、forfeited subscription([经] 没收认股权)、invitation for subscription([经] 吸引认购, 邀请认购(证券))等常见短语中出现较多。

equity subscription[财]认购股份
forfeited subscription[经] 没收认股权
invitation for subscription[经] 吸引认购, 邀请认购(证券)
maintenance subscription[经] 保养费
management by subscription订阅式管理
members' subscription[网络] 募捐主任
minimum subscription[经] 最低认股额
offer for subscription公开招股
open subscription[网络] 公开申购;申购


1. SELT can reduce operators' costs and thereby the customer's subscription cost. (翻译:SELT能降低的成本进而是用户的花费。)

2. - We got him for the subscription. (翻译:- 我们已经为他下好了处方 - 埃米尔...)

3. You know: two cars, a subscription to the Times, and mais oui, Caitlin knows some French? (翻译:你知道,就像两辆汽车,订阅一份时代周刊,“是的,凯特琳也会说法语么?”)

4. A means is used to start subscription secretively. (翻译:是可以用以秘密发起收购某公司的一种方式。)

5. You get a 10-year subscription to the Encyclopedia Britannica. (翻译:让你去 然后让你订一份 10年的大英百科全书)

6. Security updates, published through advisories, are made available by IBM through subscription services. (翻译:IBM通过订阅服务提供安全更新,这些安全更新通过顾问程序发布。)

7. For big enterprise, the lowered cost of IT would make up for the greater up-front subscription fee. (翻译:对于大企业来说,降低的IT成本抵消了更高的最初使用费。)

8. A one-year subscription to a magazine. (翻译:订阅一年的杂志 A one -year subscription to a magazine.)

9. Hulu concurs with that, it needs to evolve to have a meaningful subscription model as part of its business. (翻译:Hulu也同意,有必要逐步推行一种有效的订阅模式来作为其业务的一部分。)

10. Edmond, we have overwhelming subscription worth several hundred billions. (翻译:耀庭,你知不知道 我们己经收了很多倍超额认购 这是几千亿呀)

11. Especially hard hit were the blue- and pink-collar departments, such as subscription fulfillment. (翻译:受打击最严重的是蓝领和粉领部门,比如订阅服务部门。)

12. Note that signing up for an email subscription from Dell is not the same as signing up for a My Account. (翻译:请注意,从戴尔的电子邮件订阅签署不签署了我的帐户相同。)

13. If there is an over-subscription, allocation will be done through a combination of pro-rata allocation and balloting. (翻译:如果出现超额认购,则会合并按比例分配和抽签方式来进行分配。)

14. There are no client-side changes when the requestor negotiates a different subscription level. (翻译:当请求者商议不同的订阅级别时,客户端没有任何改变。)

15. We can help as part of a subscription to ewin. com. (翻译:我们可以提供帮助,这是订阅ewin.com服务的一部分。)



1. 定义:subscription指的是订阅,通常用于指购买某种服务或产品的定期付费。

2. 用法:这个词可以用作名词或动词。在名词的用法中,通常指与某一个服务或产品有关的定期缴费。在动词的用法中,subscription可以表示订阅或定期缴费的行为。

3. 应用:subscription在数字化时代广泛应用,尤其在媒体和互联网行业中。比如,电子杂志、在线音乐和视频等服务都需要用户订阅才能使用。


1. I have a subscription to The New York Times, so I read the news every morning. (我订阅了《》,每天早上都会阅读新闻。)

2. The gym offers a monthly subscription for its members to use the facilities. (这家健身房为会员提供了使用设施的月度订阅。)

3. You can subscribe to our newsletter to receive regular updates on our company. (您可以订阅我们的新闻通讯以获取我们公司的定期更新。)

4. The streaming service requires a subscription fee to access its exclusive content. (该流媒体服务需要订阅费才能访问其独家内容。)

5. Many people have cancelled their subscriptions to cable TV and switched to streaming services. (很多人已经取消了有线电视的订阅,转而使用流媒体服务。)

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