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bert是什么意思 bert的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-10 11:51:48
  • 256

bert是什么意思 bert的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:bè té


1. Bert 是一种自然语言处理的模型。

(Translation: Bert is a model for natural language processing.)

2. 我的朋友名叫 Bert,他是个很聪明的人。

(Translation: My friend's name is Bert, he is a very intelligent person.)




例句:That den of yours, or Bert's rather, over in Glendale. (你的小屋 确切的说是伯特在格伦代尔的小屋)


例句:Uh... Bert Aframian and his son, Hector. Scored two cards out of the deal. (Bert Aframian和他的儿子Hector 两张可透支的卡)


例句:And remember, this was the very first year of the BERT program. (请记住,是BERT项目在这一年开始实施。)


bert一般作为名词使用,如在Bert(伯特 男子名 等于)、Ernie and Bert([网络] 伯特)、he'bert([网络] 他伯特)等常见短语中出现较多。

Bert伯特 男子名 等于
Ernie and Bert[网络] 伯特
he'bert[网络] 他伯特
Uncle Bert[网络] 贝特叔叔


1. And remember, this was the very first year of the BERT program. (翻译:请记住,是BERT项目在这一年开始实施。)

2. Yeah. I met this guy, Bert Gordon. He said I was a born loser. (翻译:我遇到巴特戈登这家伙 他说我是个天生的输家)

3. If you're very close to what happened, you actually do have to duck and cover, like Bert told you, Bert the Turtle. (翻译:如果你距离爆炸发生的地方很近,你需要迅速低头并且找掩体躲起来 正如贝尔告诉你的那样-就是那只叫贝尔的乌龟 )

4. Bert Lamberti was a pioneer in the punching industry and will be sorely missed. (翻译:伯特宁柏迪是在冲压行业的先驱和将深切的怀念。)

5. The second one Bert was a fat stock breeder. (翻译:第二个是伯特是一个胖的养畜者。)

6. If you're very close to what happened, you actually do have to duck and cover, like Bert told you, Bert the Turtle. (翻译:如果你距离爆炸发生的地方很近,你需要迅速低头并且找掩体躲起来 正如贝尔告诉你的那样-就是那只叫贝尔的乌龟)

7. Percentage players die broke, too, don't they, Bert? (翻译:精准的球员也可能死得很惨 可不是吗 巴特)

8. Me and Bert used to roam all over these hills when we were kids. (翻译:当我们还是孩子时代 我和伯特习惯在这里漫游)

9. "The obstacles have not gone away, " said Bert Ely, a banking industry consultant in Alexandria, Va. (翻译:“那些障碍并没有消失,”弗吉尼亚州Alexandria的一位银行业顾问BertEly说。)

10. The third chapter discusses transmitter' s de-sign scheme of high speed BERT. (翻译:第三章介绍高速误码率测试仪发端子系统的设计方案; )

11. But if you duck and cover, like Bert, you'll be much safer. (翻译:但如果你像伯特一样 卧倒并掩护 But if you duck and cover like Bert, 你会安全很多 you will be much safer.)

12. With Ray Bolger, Jack Haley, and Bert Lahr she really started off on the road to success. (翻译:With Ray Bolger, Jack Haley, and Bert Lahr... 和Ray Bolger、 Jack Haley、 及Bert Lahr一道 ...she really started off on the road to success.)

13. Bert van Marwijk, currently in charge of Feyenoord, takes over the REINS as the Dutch manager. (翻译:目前担任费耶·诺德队教练的伯特范马尔韦克将接任荷兰国家队教练的职位。)

14. You go over there today Bert, and that's the last you see of this place, so help me God. (翻译:今天你要是去找她 伯特 我发誓这是你最后一次见到这个家)

15. That's right: Bert "If You Want It, Work For It" Stone was crying like a baby in his wife's arms. (翻译:没错,这位“要想有所收获,就得努力工作”的伯特?斯通在妻子怀里孩子似地泪流满面。)

似乎 'bert' 不是一个独立的词汇。

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