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unfriend you是什么意思 unfriend you的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:20:20
  • 135

unfriend you是什么意思 unfriend you的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:[ʌn'frend ju]


1. She decided to unfriend him on Facebook after their argument. (她在和他争吵后决定解除Facebook上与他的好友关系。)

2. If someone is being toxic or negative, it's okay to unfriend them. (如果有人有毒性或消极,解除与他们的好友关系也是可以的。)

3. I don't want to unfriend you, but I need some space right now. (我不想取消和你的好友关系,但现在我需要一些空间。)

unfriend you的中文解释是"删除好友、你不够朋友",其中文解释还有"网络"的意思,读音为[unfriendyou],unfriend you是一个英语名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到98个与unfriend you相关的例句。

Unfriend you的词典翻译


例句:You sit in the dark and you feel the loss. (and you - - you feel the loss.)


例句:For you and for me You and for me (For you and for me, you and for me)


例句:When the clown chased you and you got so scared that you... (When the clown chased you and you got so scared that you...)


例句:♪ Taste you, ride you Feel you deep inside me " (翻译:[Taste you, ride you, feel you deep inside me])


unfriend you一般作为名词使用,如在to unfriend([网络] 删除好友)、you(①你②你们 )、for you(为你; 面向你; 献给你)等常见短语中出现较多。

to unfriend[网络] 删除好友
for you为你; 面向你; 献给你
if you will如果你愿意那样说的话
in with you[网络] 进来吧;进里面去吧
in with you![口语]进去!
is that you[网络] 是你吗;那是你吗;你是那样的吗
not with you[网络] 不是和你;我不想跟你一起回
There you are给你,拿去吧


1. When the clown chased you and you got so scared that you... (翻译:When the clown chased you and you got so scared that you...)

2. ♪ Taste you, ride you Feel you deep inside me " (翻译:[Taste you, ride you, feel you deep inside me])

3. - You want me to help you? (翻译:- You want me to help you?)

4. We think we can throw money at the problem or throw technology at the problem -- we can undo and unfriend and unfollow. (翻译:我们以为用钱 或者科技就能解决问题- 我们能撤消,能解除好友关系 取消关注 )

5. But i'm gonna do a public service and, uh, let you know that ... (翻译:let you know that - - that you over)

6. - What are you, jealous of the kid? (翻译:are you jealous of the kid? - are you?)

7. You involve me, then go to him! (翻译:Or buy you? and you turn to him)

8. ♪ if they told you, you would cry, (翻译:♪ if they told you, you would cry)

9. We think we can throw money at the problem or throw technology at the problem -- we can undo and unfriend and unfollow. (翻译:我们以为用钱 或者科技就能解决问题- 我们能撤消,能解除好友关系 取消关注)

10. * you got my sunshine * * ooh * * when I see you * * it's a... * * beautiful world * * but when you're gone * * ooh * (翻译:* Baby, you * * You got my sunshine * * When I see you *)

11. And unfriend Howard Wolowitz. (翻译:解除与霍华德・沃罗威茨的好友关系 And unfriend Howard Wolowitz.)

12. Fiona, you need you to do this; (翻译:you need you to do this;)

13. Why bother, you look fine as you are. (翻译:you look fine as you are.)

14. # If you fall I will catch you (翻译:# If you fall I will catch you)

15. "Dangerous" music with video. Three... (翻译:♪ You and I, you and I ♪)

词义:'unfriend you' 意为取消与你的好友关系。

词性:'unfriend you' 是动词短语。

词组搭配:常与 'on social media' (在社交媒体上)等搭配使用,例如:“I need to unfriend you on social media.” (我需要在社交媒体上取消与你的好友关系。)


发音拼写:[ʌnˈfrend juː]



2. After the argument, he decided to unfriend her on Facebook.(争吵之后,他决定在Facebook上取消与她的好友关系。)

3. She unfriended me after I disagreed with her political views.(她因为我不同意她的观点而取消了与我的好友关系。)

4. I don't want to see their posts on my newsfeed anymore, so I'm going to unfriend them.(我不想再在我的新闻资讯中看到他们的贴子,所以我要取消与他们的好友关系。)

5. He was so upset with her that he threatened to unfriend her on all social media platforms.(他对她感到非常生气,威胁要在所有社交媒体平台上取消与她的好友关系。)

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