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satchel是什么意思 satchel的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:17:04
  • 212

satchel是什么意思 satchel的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音: /ˈsætʃl/


1. She carried her books in a brown leather satchel.(她用一只棕色皮革的书包装着书。)

2. The traveler slung his satchel over his shoulder and set off on the road.(旅行者将皮袋挂在肩上,沿着道路出发了。)




例句:Tales are still told of the time I traveled all through Spain for two weeks with everything I needed efficiently packed into a hands-free belt satchel. (江湖上至今还有我的传说 传说着那次我去西班牙旅游 玩了两个星期 我把所有必需品)


例句:Now, lifting this switch will duplicate the action that Sara took when she opened up the magnetized satchel flaps. (拉起这个开关将同Sara打开那个包裹一样)


例句:Unscanned, unsearched, my satchel could easily have held the odd grenade or an anthrax-stuffed lunchbox. (没有扫描,没有搜查,我的背包里很容易就能装下那些奇怪的手或炭疽填充的午餐盒。)


例句:I'll just take out my lighter from my satchel... and I turned on the lighter and it didn't worked. (翻译:我把我的打火机从背包里边掏出来... 然后打火... 发现根本无法点燃)


satchel一般作为名词使用,如在satchel handbag(手提书包)、Satchel Paige([网络] 佩吉;萨奇·佩吉;佩奇)、satchel paiges([网络] 佩吉;萨奇·佩吉;佩奇\n(satchel paige 的复数))等常见短语中出现较多。

satchel handbag手提书包
Satchel Paige[网络] 佩吉;萨奇·佩吉;佩奇
satchel paiges[网络] 佩吉;萨奇·佩吉;佩奇\n(satchel paige 的复数)


1. Unscanned, unsearched, my satchel could easily have held the odd grenade or an anthrax-stuffed lunchbox. (翻译:没有扫描,没有搜查,我的背包里很容易就能装下那些奇怪的手或炭疽填充的午餐盒。)

2. I'll just take out my lighter from my satchel... and I turned on the lighter and it didn't worked. (翻译:我把我的打火机从背包里边掏出来... 然后打火... 发现根本无法点燃)

3. Any common laborer can afford a cheap nylon satchel. (翻译:任何一个普通人都买的起一个便宜的尼龙包。)

4. Doing another supermodel a solid, Cindy Crawford adds edge to her low-key outfits with her boldly patterned Kate Moss for Longchamp satchel. (翻译:向另一位超模致敬,辛迪·克劳馥用一只大胆的凯特莫斯为Longchamp设计的花纹包包搭配她低调的衣服,这样使得她整个人非常出跳。)

5. A swarthy boy opened a book and propped it nimbly under the breastwork of his satchel . (翻译:一个面色黑的少年打开书本,麻利地将它支在书包这座墙底下。)

6. Uh, no DNA off the bomb parts. Only John Doe's DNA on the straps of the satchel. (翻译:上没有留下DNA 包上只有无名氏的DNA)

7. Why don't you take what's left of the satchel, and I'll concentrate on the bomb frags. (翻译:不如你去看看包裹上留有什么线索 我来负责这个)

8. "the suspect took a knife from his satchel and stabbed him (翻译:凶嫌则一言不发,用预藏在 书包里的尖刀,砍杀受害人)

9. Or, if your workplace is more laid-back, try a patterned version, like Sienna Miller's, and add boots and a bright satchel. (翻译:如果你的工作环境比较轻松,那么可以尝试下有花式的,像西耶娜·米勒那样,搭配上靴子和闪亮的书包。)

10. She carried a filled canvas satchel. (翻译:她带了一个鼓鼓囊囊的帆布包。)

11. Len said we had to move fast so we de-rigged in a hurry, throwing various technical things into a bag and the tapes into a leather satchel. (翻译:伦恩说我们得动作快,于是大家七手八脚收拾了起身,把所有专门器材扔进一个包里,带子放进一个皮质小背包。)

12. Hang clothes tree simply, it is OK to let satchel, clothings, cap superpose, also be good idea. (翻译:一个简单的挂衣架,让书包、衣物、帽子都可以放在上面,也是不错的想法。)

13. As my partners and I approached the bunker, I pulled a small blue velvet satchel out of my golf bag. (翻译:我和同伴们来到障碍物旁,从高尔夫包里掏出一个蓝色的天鹅绒小包。)

14. He buckled his satchel on to his bicycle. (翻译:他把他的书包扣在他的自行车上。)

15. When Sage ordered him to leave immediately, Norcross dropped his dynamite-filled satchel to the floor. (翻译:当Sage命令他马上离开的时候,Norcross把装买的书包丢到了地上。)



1. 词性和含义:


2. 用法和搭配:


3. 来源和历史:

Satchel这个词源于古法语中的“sac” (意为袋子或包),最初在1700年代出现在英语中,用于指代各种形状和大小的袋子和包,随着时间的推移,逐渐演变成为现在的含义。

4. 地域差异:



1. She carried her laptop in her leather satchel.(她用皮质的satchel携带她的笔记本电脑。)

2. The teacher gave each student a satchel containing their textbooks.(老师给每个学生发了一个含有教科书的satchel。)

3. My daughter loves her new pink satchel for school.(我女儿很喜欢她新买的粉色学校satchel。)

4. He slung his satchel over his shoulder and headed out the door.(他将satchel挂在肩膀上,然后出门了。)

5. The messenger arrived with a satchel full of important documents.(信使带着装有重要文件的satchel到达了。)

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