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privately是什么意思 privately的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-26 08:42:05
  • 196

privately是什么意思 privately的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. She privately admitted to me that she was unhappy with her job.(她私下向我承认她对工作感到不满意。)

2. We need to discuss this matter privately.(我们需要私下讨论这件事。)

3. The company's financial information is kept privately among the top executives.(公司的财务信息仅在高管之间秘密保持。)

4. He privately complained about the new policy to his colleagues.(他私下向同事抱怨了关于新政策的事情。)

5. The couple enjoyed a romantic dinner together privately.(这对夫妇私下享受了浪漫的晚餐。)




例句:- Hi. May I speak with you privately for a minute? (我能单独和你聊几句吗 May I speak with you privately for a minute?)


例句:Slipped the scheme to the minister privately, under plain cover! (秘密跟大臣勾兑 Slipped the scheme to the minister privately, 牛皮纸袋 私相授受 under plain cover!)


例句:The girls have refrained from acting on their needs privately, as your law demands, (我们的女孩整天拒绝接受来自他们自己的援助 顺从你们的命令)


例句:Could we speak privately about this? (翻译:能不能跟您单独谈谈? Could we speak privately about this?)


privately一般作为副词、动词使用,如在privately held([网络] 私人持有;私有;私有企业)、privately maintained([网络] 私人的)、privately owned([网络] 私有;私有公司;私人持有)等常见短语中出现较多。

privately held[网络] 私人持有;私有;私有企业
privately maintained[网络] 私人的
privately owned[网络] 私有;私有公司;私人持有
privately held corporation[网络] 公开发行公司;非公开发行公司
privately held corporations非公开发行公司
privately maintained light自设灯标
privately managed pools私募理财基金
Privately negotiated options[网络] 私下洽商期权;私下洽商选择权
Privately operated mines[网络] 民采矿


1. The girls have refrained from acting on their needs privately, as your law demands, (翻译:我们的女孩整天拒绝接受来自他们自己的援助 顺从你们的命令)

2. Could we speak privately about this? (翻译:能不能跟您单独谈谈? Could we speak privately about this?)

3. The museum is privately funded. (翻译:这家博物馆由私人提供资金。)

4. Privately, she worries about whether she's really good enough. (翻译:私下里,她担心她是不是真的够好。)

5. Most of the apartments are privately owned. (翻译:多数公寓房都是私人的。)

6. Officially means our Section, privately means me and her (翻译:公事是我们凶杀组的事 私事是我跟她之间的事)

7. Did you or did you not meet with Lucas Goodwin privately in Cincinnati? (翻译:你是否 曾与卢卡斯·古德温在辛辛那提私下见面)

8. Often the latifundia are surrounded by privately-owned small plots or minifundia. (翻译:大庄园经常被私人所有的小地块或称小庄园所包围。)

9. but privately it cheers for him. and some countries even express their acceptance of Kira. (翻译:而支持KIRA的派别渐起 最后终于出现 公开表明认同KIRA的国家)

10. The founding fathers knew the evils of a privately-owned central bank. (翻译:创国者知道一家私人拥有的中央银行所带来的弊端)

11. I sent them out so we could speak privately and off... (翻译:我请他们出去了 这样他才肯透露私... {\3cH202020}I sent them out so we could speak privately and off...)

12. Together they travel the world, sourcing clothes for the small, privately owned company. (翻译:他们一起环游世界,为那家小私营公司寻找服装货源。)

13. -I have been told privately, Mr. Secretary,that the King has already sold (翻译:大臣阁下 听闻约克郡的索里修道院 I have been told privately, Mr. Secretary,that the King has already sold)

14. Mr Ohlsson argues that IKEA is more competitive as a privately owned company. (翻译:Ohlsson先生争辩说作为一家私有制公司会使宜家更有竞争力。)

15. Agent Boyle, I want to speak with you privately. (翻译:Boyle探员 我想和你单独谈谈 Agent Boyle, I want to speak with you privately.)

1. 词义:私下地,秘密地

2. 词性:副词

3. 词组搭配:私下交流 privately communicate; 私人领域 privately owned; 私下商讨 privately discuss

4. 短语:私下说 privately say; 私下处理 privately deal with

5. 发音拼写:[ˈpraɪvətli]


1. They spoke privately about the matter in hand. (他们私下谈论了手头的事情。)

2. She prefers to deal with her problems privately. (她更愿意私下解决她的问题。)

3. The couple announced their engagement privately before revealing it to the public. (这对夫妻在向公众公布之前私下宣布了他们的订婚。)

4. The manager interviewed the job candidates privately. (经理私试了求职者。)

5. He privately admitted his mistakes to his boss. (他私下向老板承认了自己的错误。)

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