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iqbal是什么意思 iqbal的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-01 18:16:34
  • 178

iqbal是什么意思 iqbal的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. Iqbal是一个让人十分钦佩的人物,他为巴基斯坦的独立事业作出了巨大贡献。

Iqbal is a highly respected personality who made a great contribution to the independence movement of Pakistan.

2. Iqbal的散文和诗歌都被认为是文学的杰作之一。

The prose and poetry of Iqbal is considered to be one of the masterpieces of Arabic literature.




例句:Let's go before Iqbal gets angry and leave us behind. (我们要在伊克巴尔生气之前赶回去 省得他把我们扔下跑了)


例句:Iqbal Masih was sold to a Pakistani carpet factory when he was four years old as collateral on a loan his parents had taken out to pay for their eldest son's wedding. (伊拜尔·马西是一个巴基斯坦男孩,四岁时父母为筹办大儿子的婚礼将他作为贷款抵押卖给了巴基斯坦的一家地毯加工厂。)


例句:Then learn cooking from uncle Iqbal.. (然后跟Lqbal Chacha学做饭...)


例句:And then two weeks later, Iqbal Quadir can issue his electricity in Bangladesh bonds. (翻译:可能再过两个星期,伊卡柏·卡迪尔开始 在孟加拉国发行他的电力债券。)


1. Then learn cooking from uncle Iqbal.. (翻译:然后跟Lqbal Chacha学做饭...)

2. And then two weeks later, Iqbal Quadir can issue his electricity in Bangladesh bonds. (翻译:可能再过两个星期,伊卡柏·卡迪尔开始 在孟加拉国发行他的电力债券。)

3. And then two weeks later, Iqbal Quadir can issue his electricity in Bangladesh bonds. (翻译:可能再过两个星期,伊卡柏·卡迪尔开始 在孟加拉国发行他的电力债券。)

4. Sahir Khan, the owner of the circus, is Iqbal Haroon Khan's son (翻译:萨希尔·汗是马戏团的现任负责人 伊克巴·哈罗·汗的儿子)

://www.ted.com/talks/iqbal_quadir_says_mobiles_fight_poverty.html (翻译://www.ted.com/talks/lang/zh-cn/iqbal_quadir_says_mobiles_fight_poverty.html)

6. Here Iqbal takes his grand-daughter Shahana for a ride in reverse. (翻译:伊克巴尔在这里需要他的大女儿沙哈纳为乘坐在扭转。)

7. At twelve years of age, Iqbal was the size of a six-year old boy. (翻译:12岁时,他的身高只相当于一个6岁孩子的高度。)

8. Khyber government official Iqbal Khan said the convoy had been returning from a mission in three vehicles when it was attacked. (翻译:碦布尔官员伊克巴尔·卡恩透漏说当护卫队完成任务正带着三辆车返回时遭到袭击。)

9. He struck up a relationship with Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank, which provides microfinance, to turn the dream into reality. (翻译:Iqbal和孟加拉乡村银行的创始人MuhammadYunus建立了关系,该银行向孟加拉提供,帮助人们梦想成真。)

1. 意释:'iqbal'是一个名字,在语中意为“快乐”,在乌尔都语中则表示“神圣的人”;同时'IQBAL'也可以是一些机构、组织等的缩写。

2. 人名:'iqbal'是一种常见的语和乌尔都语名字,在印度、巴基斯坦等国家都有使用。


- Iqbal is my friend's name.

- Muhammad Iqbal was a prominent philosopher and poet in Pakistan.

- The famous Pakistani cricketer Inzamam-ul-Haq's son is named Iqbal.

3. 机构缩写:'IQBAL'可以是一些机构、组织等的缩写,如印度贸易全球平台(India Quality Brand of Agricultural Products and Livestock),国际质量管理标准(International Quality Benchmarking And Liability)等。


- IQBAL aims to promote Indian agricultural products on the global market.

- This company adheres to IQBAL standards for quality management.

4. 电影名:'Iqbal'是一部2005年的印度电影,讲述了一个聋哑少年追逐他成为一名职业板球手的故事。


- Have you seen the movie 'Iqbal'? It's really inspiring.

- The actor who played Iqbal in the movie did a fantastic job.

5. 地名:'Iqbal'也是一些地名,在巴基斯坦的旁遮普省就有一个叫'Iqbal'的城市。


- Iqbal is a relatively small city, but it's very beautiful.

- My grandparents live in Iqbal.

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