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pretence是什么意思 pretence的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:22:26
  • 147

pretence是什么意思 pretence的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. She put on a pretence of being interested.


2. He made a pretence of not noticing her.


3. Don't try to impress anyone with pretence.





例句:Hyewon joined Dohwaseo under false pretence of a man and by doing so, brought the court into contempt (蕙园隐藏女人的身分 成为了图画署的一员 严重凌蔑了宗庙祭礼)


例句:She got a considerable sum of money out of the unsuspecting people under the pretence of collecting for the blind. (盲人募捐为借口,从轻信的人们那里骗取了一大笔钱。)


例句:By the end of the evening she had abandoned all pretence of being interested. (到晚会结束时,她已将假装的兴趣抛得一干二净。)


例句:test pilots are killed all the time. But the pretence was maintained that the shuttle was a workaday craft. (翻译:一直有测试的飞行员丧生,但他们一直假装,这辆巴士是一个正常工作的飞行器。)


pretence一般作为名词使用,如在escutcheon of pretence((尤指女继承人丈夫佩戴的)盾形徽章中央的小盾片)、false pretence([经] 欺诈)、legal pretence(法律上的虚构)等常见短语中出现较多。

escutcheon of pretence(尤指女继承人丈夫佩戴的)盾形徽章中央的小盾片
false pretence[经] 欺诈
legal pretence法律上的虚构
make a pretence假装…[与 of 连用,后接名词或动名词;与to 连用,后接不定式;与 that 连用,后接从句]
make pretence假装…[与 of 连用,后接名词或动名词;与to 连用,后接不定式;与 that 连用,后接从句]
pretence of ignorance[法] 假装无知


1. By the end of the evening she had abandoned all pretence of being interested. (翻译:到晚会结束时,她已将假装的兴趣抛得一干二净。)

2. test pilots are killed all the time. But the pretence was maintained that the shuttle was a workaday craft. (翻译:一直有测试的飞行员丧生,但他们一直假装,这辆巴士是一个正常工作的飞行器。)

3. Look, you're operating under a false pretence. (翻译:很显然,你被假象给骗了 瑞奇和并没有...)

4. 1, Under pretence of softening the previous outrage, of stroking and soothing me into placidity, you stick a sly penknife under my ear! (翻译:原来你假装要缓和一下刚才的伤害,抚慰我让我平静下来,可实际上又狡猾地在我耳朵跟上捅了一刀。)

5. To remedy which, there was a sort of people bred up among us in the profession, or pretence, of curing the sick. (翻译:为了治疗这些疾病,我们中间就培养了一类专以治病为业的人,不过也有冒充的。)

6. She was unable to keep up the pretence that she loved him. (翻译:她无法继续假装爱他了。)

7. There can be no more pretence that monetary union respects the premise on which it was sold to European citizens, Germans in particular. (翻译:欧洲货币联盟无法再假称自己遵守其被兜售给欧洲公民,尤其是德国公民时的前提。)

8. Their friendliness was only pretence. (翻译:他们的友善态度只不过是装出来的。)

9. But the fact is that this situation is only sustainable as long as additional amounts of money are available to continue the pretence. (翻译:但事实是,必须有新增资金不断流入,目前的局面才可以继续下去。)

10. No, please respect me enough to spare me the pretence that you are actually offended. (翻译:请放尊重点 别犯了错还在我面前 装模做样)

11. Daddy likes to affect the pretence of being a dunce. (翻译:爸爸喜欢装傻 Daddy likes to affect the pretence of being a dunce.)

12. Only, the cruelty must be whitewashed by a moral excuse, and a pretence of reluctance. (翻译:只有这样,才会有一种合乎道德的借口和假装的不情愿而被掩盖。)

13. To many, the Desert War was a private war, the last to retain any pretence of chivalry. (翻译:对许多人来说,沙漠战争是一场个人的战争, 最后一场保留一点骑士精神伪装的战争)

14. In the great hand of God I stand and thence, against the undivulged pretence, I fight of treasonous malice. (翻译:用堂堂正正的理由向我们兴师问罪, 而是法国举兵侵犯我们的领土, 这是我们所不能容忍的。您说得有理。- 这种话讲它做什么呢?)

15. Keiko Arimoto While studying in London, she was lured to Copenhagen on the pretence of a job interview in July 1983. (翻译:还在伦敦念书的Keiko Arimoto于1983年7月被诱骗到哥本哈根,有人骗她在那里有一场工作面试。)



1. 意义:pretence指的是假装、虚伪行为,常常是为了掩盖真实情感或者欺骗他人。


- He was a pretence of reading the newspaper, but I could tell he was really watching me. (他表面上在看报纸,能感觉到他其实是在看着我。)

- She put on a pretence of confidence, but I could see the fear in her eyes. (她表现出了自信,能看出她的眼中有恐惧。)

2. 用法:常常和"make"或者"put on"搭配使用,表示装作或者假装。


- She made a pretence of being interested in his stories, but really she was just being polite. (她表现得很感兴趣听他的故事,但实际上只是在做礼貌。)

- He put on a pretence of being angry, but I could tell he was secretly amused. (他假装生气,能看出他其实在偷乐。)

3. 同义词:pretence的同义词包括pretend、act、feign等。


- She pretended to be sick in order to get out of the meeting. (为了逃避会议,她假装生病。)

- He acted like he was surprised, but I could tell he already knew the news. (他假装很惊讶,能看出他早已知道这个消息。)

4. 反义词:pretence的反义词是sincerity,表示真诚、诚实。


- I appreciate your sincerity in telling me the truth. (你告诉我的真诚我很感激。)

- His lack of pretence was refreshing in a world of fake people. (在这个假人横行的世界里,他缺乏虚伪的做法很让人耳目一新。)

5. 词源:pretence源自于拉丁语pretendere,意为“假装、声称”。


- His pretence of being a famous author was quickly exposed as a fraud. (他假装是一名著名作者的伪装很快被揭穿了。)

- The company's pretence of caring about the environment was contradicted by their continued pollution. (这家公司假装关心环境,但他们持续的染行为完全矛盾。)

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