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heads up是什么意思 heads up的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:23:06
  • 141

heads up是什么意思 heads up的中文翻译、读音、例句

heads up的中文翻译为“提醒”、“注意”,常见读音为[hedz ʌp]。


1. Heads up, the deadline for submitting the report is coming soon.(提醒一下,提交报告的截止日期即将到来)

2. She gave me a heads up about the new project they are going to start.(她提前通知了我他们将要启动的新项目)

heads up的意思是"小心",还有小心的意思,在线发音:[headsup],heads up在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到63个与heads up相关的例句。

Heads up的翻译


例句:The 8-7 caught it, but a buddy of mine there gave me a heads-up. (-7 caught it, but a buddy of mine there 给了我一个信息 gave me a heads -up.)


heads up一般作为名词使用,如在Heads up(小心)、Heads up!(st. 小心!)、heads up display([网络] 题头显示;视图显示项目;抬头数字显示仪)等常见短语中出现较多。

Heads up小心
Heads up!st. 小心!
heads up display[网络] 题头显示;视图显示项目;抬头数字显示仪
headsa. 正面朝上的
the heads[网络] 头;奈斯纳岬角;脑袋
drum heads[网络] 鼓皮;套装鼓皮;鼓面
dual heads双头
double heads双头人


1. - Well, thanks for the heads up. (翻译:thanks for the heads up!)

2. And if not, heads will roll... (翻译:一旦未果 引咎辞职 And if not, heads will roll...)

3. Guilds, studio heads, John Wayne. (翻译:Guilds, studio heads, John Wayne.)

4. Zarina switched our heads! (翻译:Oh, my gosh! Zarina switched our heads!)

5. - No heads up so I could put pants on? (翻译:- 连提前打个电话让我把裤子穿好都不行?)

6. We wake up all their sleepy heads so quietly and nice. (翻译:小动物在冬眠 Under the snow and ice)

7. The eyes are cut out of their heads. (翻译:好恐怖 眼睛被挖出来了 The eyes are cut out of their heads.)

8. This is Alpha. Heads up to the Coast Guard Sharks and Bravo Team. (翻译:这是A组,我们将和B组还有海岸警卫队会合)

9. Will we, you know, get a heads up? (翻译:我们会得到通知吗 will we, you know, get a heads up?)

10. Raise the crowns to their heads. (翻译:将皇冠举于新人头顶 Raise the crowns to their heads.)

11. In the middle of your hurry, lift up your heads, look up at the silver clouds. (翻译:在你们匆忙之间,不要忘记... ... ...抬起你们的头,仰望一下天上的银云)

12. Not so much as a heads up to me. (翻译:我也可以睁一只眼闭一只眼 Not so much as a heads up to me.)

13. Thanks for the heads-up, Brian Finch. (翻译:谢谢你提醒我 Brian Finch Thanks for the heads -up, Brian Finch.)

14. Well, thanks for the heads up. (翻译:thanks for the heads up.)

15. - What is it? - Adventurers, they have dragon heads. (翻译:they have dragon heads.)

Heads up 是一个常用于英语口语及美式足球的词组,其字面意思是“抬起头来”或“提高警觉”。其常用场景包括警示他人注意可能出现的危险情况、提供一些重要信息、告知某人即将来临的事情等等。Heads up 是一个口语化的词组,通常用于非正式场合。在职场中,也可以用来提醒同事,注意一些关键的事项。

该词组中的 heads 是名词,表示头部;up 是副词,表示向上、提高。heads up 在语法上可以作为动词短语,类似于 look up、stay up 等。

Heads up 有许多相关的短语和常用搭配,如 give someone a heads up(提醒某人注意)、heads up play(高质量的表现)、keep your head up(不放弃、坚定信念)等等。

发音上,heads up 的头一个音节 “heads” 念作 /hɛdz/,第二个音节 “up” 念作 /ʌp/。

总之,heads up 是一个常用于口语交流和美式足球中的词组,用法简单、口语化。它可以提醒别人注意事项,也可以用来形容出色的表现。

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