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occurrence是什么意思 occurrence的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:25:27
  • 170

occurrence是什么意思 occurrence的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. This type of occurrence is rare, but it can happen.(这种情况很少见,但确实会发生。)

2. The occurrence of natural disasters is beyond human control.(自然灾害的发生超出了人类的控制范围。)

3. We need to investigate the occurrence of these errors and find a solution.(我们需要调查这些错误的发生并找出解决方法。)




例句:In the treatment, the occurrence of Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction is brought attention. (治疗中可发生吉海反应应引起注意。)


例句:Was physical abuse a normal occurrence in your relationship,or is this more of a recent thing? (你是经常这样她 还是说那是一次个别事件?)


例句:The occurrence of duodenal obstruction after HDJS or CJS was 29.3%. (单纯胆肠吻合术十二指肠梗阻发生率为2 9 3%。)


例句:Occurrence of memory and one scene from the hall Yuhao flashed. (翻译:有记忆以来发生的一幕幕不断从霍雨浩脑海中闪过。)


occurrence一般作为名词使用,如在entity occurrence(实体(出现)值)、energy occurrence(能源产出)、explicit occurrence([计] 显出现)等常见短语中出现较多。

entity occurrence实体(出现)值
energy occurrence能源产出
explicit occurrence[计] 显出现
failure occurrence故障出现
free occurrence[计] 自由出现
frequency of occurrence出现频率, 出现率,发生率
generation occurrence定值性出现;生成出现
geologic occurrence地质产状
grammatical occurrence[计] 文法出现


1. The occurrence of duodenal obstruction after HDJS or CJS was 29.3%. (翻译:单纯胆肠吻合术十二指肠梗阻发生率为2 9 3%。)

2. Occurrence of memory and one scene from the hall Yuhao flashed. (翻译:有记忆以来发生的一幕幕不断从霍雨浩脑海中闪过。)

3. But you insist there's a strong possibility of such an occurrence! (翻译:可是唯独金博士您说可能性极大 所以我才会这么问)

4. It's an amazingly common occurrence. (翻译:在这个苍茫的内陆. 惊人的是,这时常会发生.)

5. Yes, sir, due to equipment problems and an unexplained occurrence... (翻译:是的,由于装备问题 以及无法解释的情况...)

6. Will not occupy occurrence of, I have me the mother to my amulet. (翻译:不会有事情发生的,我有我妈妈给我的护身符。)

7. Not like me. I mean, that was a nightly occurrence (翻译:来熬过那段难熬的时间 little happy pills to get me through that down spell.)

8. Listing 4. Event output from a nodeList occurrence. (翻译:清单4 . nodeList事件发生后的输出结果。)

9. The occurrence of apomictic reproductive structures on the leaf of the bog orchid , is of interest. (翻译:有趣的是在叶状沼兰叶子上发生无融合的结构。)

10. The relativity of amniotic fluid contamination with newborns pustulosis occurrence and intervention on this disease (翻译:羊水染与新生儿脓疱疮发生的相关性及干预措施)

11. Objective To understand the occurrence situation of needling damage of probationer nurses during probation. To probe the occurrence link. (翻译:目的了解实习护生在毕业实习期间发生伤的情况,探讨容易发生伤的受伤环节。)

12. The effect of hypothermal dialysate on intradialytic hypotension occurrence (翻译:低温透析对血液透析过程中低血压的干预研究)

13. Study on occurrence, damage and control techniques of Lygus lucorum in Hezhe city (翻译:菏泽市绿盲蝽发生为害情况调查及防治技术初探)

14. These disease injuries can be effectively controlled by application of Derosal and Tuzet and other bactericides in its early occurrence phase or occurrence phase. (翻译:在病害发生初期或发生期施用多菌灵、退菌特等可有效地防治病害。)

15. It is discussed the occurrence and harmfulness of valsa sordida of poplar in 4 aspects. (翻译:从4个方面论述了杨树烂皮病的发生规律及危害性。)






1. frequent occurrences:频繁发生的事情

2. unusual occurrence:不寻常的事情

3. occurrence rate:出现率

4. natural occurrence:自然现象


1. the occurrence of:...的发生

2. an occurrence of:一次出现的...

3. the occurrence rate of:...的出现率

4. an uncommon occurrence:一个不寻常的事件



1. The occurrence of the pandemic has brought unprecedented challenges to global public health.(流行病的发生给全球公共卫生带来了前所未有的挑战。)

2. The frequency of earthquakes in this region is much higher than the national average occurrence rate.(这个地区地震频率远高于全国平均发生率。)

3. An occurrence of heavy rain caused the road to be flooded, leading to severe traffic congestion.(一次暴雨导致道路被淹,引发了严重的交通拥堵。)

4. The occurrence of a rare plant species in this area attracts many researchers and tourists.(这个地区出现一种稀有植物物种,吸引了许多研究人员和游客。)

5. The company has a strict policy on reporting any occurrence of accidents or incidents in the workplace.(公司有严格的政策,要求报告工作场所中任何事故或事件的发生。)

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