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bleach是什么意思 bleach的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:24:08
  • 224

bleach是什么意思 bleach的中文翻译、读音、例句

bleach的中文翻译是漂白剂,读音为 /bliːtʃ/。


1. I need to buy some bleach to clean the bathroom.


2. Don't put too much bleach in the washing machine, or it may damage your clothes.





例句:The girl was pictured sitting with her mother reading celebrity magazines as the the bleach took effect. (下图中,小女孩在漂发的时候和妈妈一起看名人杂志。)


例句:But if it's what Esperanza says it is, then I guess it's gonna take a little bit more than a bottle of bleach. (但如果就像艾丝帕兰说的 我看还是 让它留著吧)


例句:He was living on the limit, like me. Where bleach is for your hair! (他在限界生活,就像我 唯一需要漂白剂的地方就是你的头发)


例句:And the Tide that has the little bit of bleach in it? (翻译:汰渍里是不是添加了少量漂白剂? - 嗯?)


bleach一般作为名词、动词使用,如在fluorescent bleach(荧光漂白)、full bleach(全漂白)、grass bleach(草地曝晒漂白法,日光漂白)等常见短语中出现较多。

fluorescent bleach荧光漂白
full bleach全漂白
grass bleach草地曝晒漂白法,日光漂白
half bleach半漂,半漂白亚麻布
leather bleach皮革漂白剂
liquid bleach液体漂白剂
madder bleach茜草漂白
mind bleach[网络] 心灵漂白剂
optical bleach光过泸剂


1. He was living on the limit, like me. Where bleach is for your hair! (翻译:他在限界生活,就像我 唯一需要漂白剂的地方就是你的头发)

2. And the Tide that has the little bit of bleach in it? (翻译:汰渍里是不是添加了少量漂白剂? - 嗯?)

3. No. Chlorine bleach whitens and disinfects 100% cotton. For blends and colors, use an oxygen bleach. (翻译:不。氯漂白剂可以漂白和消毒100%的纯棉。对混纺和有色衣服,应使用氧漂白剂。)

4. Chlorine dioxide is a strong oxidant and has been used in many fields, such as disinfection, bleach, water treatment technology, etc. (翻译:二氧化氯是一种氧化性很强的氧化剂,已在多种场合的消毒、杀菌、漂白,以及饮用水处理等方面得到广泛应用。)

5. One year ago, Motel rooms-- Bleach, ammonia, Trash bags-- (翻译:一年前 汽车旅馆的房间里 也有清洁剂 氨水 垃圾袋)

6. These products don't bleach the hair. (翻译:这些产品不会使头发脱色。)

7. To reuse their gloves, they wash them in this basin of dilute bleach, but you can see there's still blood on the gloves from the last delivery. (翻译:为了重复利用手套 她们用稀释的漂白水清洗手套, 但手套上仍有之前使用留下的血迹。)

8. Clean and disinfect common areas at least twice a day using a stronger bleach solution 1 part bleach: 49 parts water. (翻译:每天用较浓的1:49稀释家用漂白水至少清洁和消毒两次。)

9. - Peroxide acts as a bleach. (翻译:白色 {\3cH202020}White. -洗涤液起漂白作用)

10. Like its cousins that bleach, it's fighting back the algae. (翻译:像它已经白化的兄弟一样, 它正在回击藻类。)

11. The Automatic Buffer Diluter reduces user steps by preparing running buffer and sterilizing bleach solution automatically. (翻译:进口工业网的自动稀释器通过自动准备运行缓冲剂和消毒漂白溶液来减少用户的工作。)

12. You see, when dirty cops want to eliminate DNA from a crime scene, they use bleach. (翻译:当们想抹掉 犯罪现场的DNA时 会用漂白剂)

13. Blytex Industrial Quality Bleach Agent. (翻译:Our cleaning agent of choice. 布莱特克斯工业质量漂白剂 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Blytex Industrial Quality Bleach Agent.)

14. The tree's roots are stripped and hung to season and bleach. (翻译:这些树根被剥去皮并挂起来风干晒白。)

15. Chlorine bleach whitens and disinfects 100% cotton. (翻译:氯漂白剂可以漂白和消毒100%的纯棉。)

词义:bleach 是一个动词,表示用漂白剂或太阳光对某物进行漂白或褪色,也可以指将颜色或光泽削弱或移除,使其变白或淡化。



- bleach out:漂白、褪色

- bleach something white:使某物变白

- bleach hair:漂白头发

- bleach wood:漂白木材

- bleach stains:漂白渍

短语:bleach the clothes,bleach the hair,bleach the stains



1. I need to bleach this shirt to get the stain out.(我需要用漂白剂漂白这件衬衫,才能除去渍。)

2. She likes to bleach her hair in the summertime.(她喜欢在夏天漂白头发。)

3. The sun's rays will naturally bleach the wood over time.(太阳光线会随着时间的推移自然地漂白木材。)

4. She accidentally spilled bleach on her favorite shirt.(她不小心在她最喜欢的衬衫上洒了漂白剂。)

5. The artist used a technique to bleach the colors out of the painting.(这位艺术家使用一种技巧,使绘画的颜色变淡。)

6. We had to bleach the stains out of the carpet.(我们必须把地毯上的渍漂白掉。)

7. The ocean water bleached the coral of its color.(海洋水域使珊瑚变得无色。)

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