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turnips是什么意思 turnips的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-09-05 11:05:26
  • 239

turnips是什么意思 turnips的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. I like to roast turnips with some olive oil and herbs.


2. The farmer harvested a large crop of turnips this year.







例句:An old Halloween mask somewhere, but definitely don't have any turnips, and it's Sunday night and the food market closed at 9:00. (有个旧的万圣节面具 但肯定没有大头菜啊 周日晚上菜市场9点就关门了)


例句:They immediately planted potatoes and turnips, built a dam, and had a solemn ceremony to dedicate the area as their "Promised Land. " (他们立刻在当地种植马铃薯与芜菁甘蓝,建筑了一道水坝,同时还举办仪式订定此地区为“乐土”。)


例句:"No turnips for you, then, " the girl said, saucily. "Get out, " Lord Jonos roared at her. (“那芜菁就不卖给你了。”女孩儿傲慢地说。)


例句:Pumpkins seemed to be a suitable substitute for the turnips and pumpkins have been an essential part of Halloween celebrations ever since. (翻译:南瓜似乎是一个合适的替代萝卜、南瓜已不可或缺自从庆祝万圣节。)


turnips一般作为名词使用,如在indian turnips(【植物】印度天南星,印度芜青(Arisaema triphyllum)印度芜青)、prairie turnips([网络] 草原萝卜)、Swedish turnips(Swedish turnip\n【植物】芜菁甘蓝,瑞典芜菁(Brassica napobrassica))等常见短语中出现较多。

indian turnips【植物】印度天南星,印度芜青(Arisaema triphyllum)印度芜青
prairie turnips[网络] 草原萝卜
Swedish turnipsSwedish turnip\n【植物】芜菁甘蓝,瑞典芜菁(Brassica napobrassica)
white turnips白萝卜
yellow turnips[网络] 黄芜菁\n(yellow turnip 的复数)


1. "No turnips for you, then, " the girl said, saucily. "Get out, " Lord Jonos roared at her. (翻译:“那芜菁就不卖给你了。”女孩儿傲慢地说。)

2. Pumpkins seemed to be a suitable substitute for the turnips and pumpkins have been an essential part of Halloween celebrations ever since. (翻译:南瓜似乎是一个合适的替代萝卜、南瓜已不可或缺自从庆祝万圣节。)

3. Pea-soup, pickled cabbage, salty bacon, sour milk, turnips? (翻译:豆子汤 腌卷心菜 烤培根 豆奶 萝卜?)

4. Carrots, turnips, salad beetroot, salsify, celeriac, radishes and similar edible roots, fresh or chilled. (翻译:鲜或冷藏的胡萝卜、萝卜、色拉甜菜根、婆罗门参、块根芹、小萝卜及类似的食用根茎。)

5. Plus the easy-to-gather local food: clams, lobsters, cod, eels, onions, turnips and greens from spinach to chard. (翻译:在加上一点很容易收集到的本地食物:蛤蚌,龙虾,鳕鱼,鳗鱼,洋葱,胡萝卜和菠菜甜菜等各式青菜。)

6. Plus the easy-to-gather local food: clams, lobsters, cod, eels, onions, turnips and greens from spinach to chard. (翻译:在加上一点很容易收集到的本地食物:蛤蚌,龙虾,鳕鱼,鳗鱼,洋葱,胡萝卜和菠菜甜菜等各式青菜。)

7. When planting time came the peasant did not plant turnips again, but wheat. (翻译:播种的季节又到了,这次他可不播萝卜,而是种上了小麦。)

8. Turnips are usually eaten boiled, steamed, roasted, fried, pickled, or even raw. (翻译:萝卜通常可水煮、蒸、烤、油炸、腌着吃,或者甚至生吃。)

9. Raw material to cattle, sheep, pigs, chickens and other meat and potatoes, turnips and other vegetables category. (翻译:原料以牛、羊、猪、鸡等肉食,以及土豆、萝卜类等蔬菜。)

10. Their parents stuffed the empty sack with three rotten vegetable marrows , an old blacking brush and two decayed turnips. (翻译:牠们的父母将三个腐烂的葫芦瓜、一个老旧的鞋油刷子和两个烂掉的芜菁塞进空麻袋。)

11. The deserted street could only occasionally see a countryman torpidly peddling along with a worn-out felt cap on his head and a basket of potatoes or turnips on his arm. (翻译:空荡荡的街道上,有时会偶尔走过来一个乡下人,破毡帽护着脑门,胳膊上挽一筐子土豆或萝卜,有气无力地呼唤着买主。)

12. The First World War came, and instead of geese, she had only turnips to sell. (翻译:第一次世界大战来了 鹅没得卖了 她只有靠卖芜菁为生)

13. The Irish people carved scary faces out of turnips, beets or potatoes representing " Jack of the Lantern " , or Jack-O-Lantern . (翻译:爱尔兰人于是就用萝卜、甜菜根或土豆刻一张恐怖的脸,代表杰克灯。)

14. I'm just glad I haven't been replaced by a bucket of turnips. (翻译

15. Daddy, Daddy, Archibald ate an entire bucket of turnips, come, quick! (翻译:爸爸,阿奇博尔德把一桶萝卜吃了 快点来看看啊!)





词组搭配:turnip soup(芜菁汤);mashed turnips(捣碎的芜菁);pickled turnips(腌制的萝卜);roasted turnips(烤芜菁);boiled turnips(煮芜菁)




1. 她每天喜欢吃一些煮熟的芜菁汤。

She likes to eat some boiled turnip soup every day.

2. 我喜欢将芜菁切成小块,拌入沙拉中。

I like to chop up turnips and add them to my salad.

3. 这个冬天导演让演员吃芜菁来保持体形。

The director made the actors eat turnips to stay in shape during the winter.

4. 这些芜菁来自新鲜的农田,食用非常健康。

These turnips come from fresh farmland and are very healthy to eat.

5. 我们常常吃腌制芜菁作为早餐的一部分。

We often eat pickled turnips as part of our breakfast.

6. 我喜欢将烤芜菁和冬季蔬菜混合在一起。

I like to mix roasted turnips with winter vegetables.

7. 她的芜菁汤加了一些香料,味道非常好。

Her turnip soup had some spices added to it, and it tasted really good.

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