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tle是什么意思 tle的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-10-07 14:42:36
  • 208

tle是什么意思 tle的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. "Title"(标题)的缩写

例如:Please provide the TLE for your article.(请提供您的文章标题)

2. "True Labelling Error"(真实标签错误)的缩写

例如:The TLE rate for this dataset is very low.(这个数据集的真实标签错误率非常低)

3. 三体问题(Three-Body Problem)的缩写

例如:The TLE is an important problem in celestial mechanics.(三体问题在天体力学中是一个重要的问题)





例句:The covers were encouraging: there were pictures of cowboys, ranches and cat-tle. (它们的封面挺令人振奋:有牛仔、牧场和牛的照片。)


例句:Time Limit Exceed (TLE) : Your problem was killed by judge because it use too much time. (您的程序使用了超过题目限制的时间后被系统杀死。)




1. 意思:'tle'是许多英语单词或缩写词的一部分,通常是指“technology, learning and education”(技术、学习和教育)的缩写。在一些专业领域,如信息技术和教育,'tle'常常用来快速指代这些概念。

2. 缩写例子:

- TLE (technology and livelihood education) 技术与生计教育

- CBTLE (computer-based technology and learning environment) 基于计算机的技术与学习环境

- TLEF (technology and learning enhancement fund) 技术与学习增强基金

- STLE (science, technology, and language education) 科技与语言教育

3. 教育应用:'tle'对于教育领域尤为重要,以下是一些例句:

- Our school is investing in TLE resources to enhance our students' digital literacy. (我们学校正在投资TLE资源,以提升学生的数字素养。)

- This CBTLE platform allows students to learn from home through interactive online lessons. (这个基于计算机的技术与学习平台可以让学生通过在线互动课程在家学习。)

- The TLEF provides grants to schools for innovative technology projects. (TLEF提供创新技术项目的学校拨款。)

- STLE programs aim to integrate science and technology education with language learning. (STLE项目旨在将科学技术教育与语言学习相融合。)

4. 技术应用:'tle'在技术领域也很常见,以下是一些例句:

- This software uses AI and TLE to improve its efficiency. (这个软件使用人工智能和TLE技术来提高效率。)

- Our company specializes in TLE consulting services for businesses. (我们公司专门提供企业的TLE咨询服务。)

- The new product features cutting-edge TLE that makes it stand out in the market. (新产品具有前沿的TLE技术,使其在市场上脱颖而出。)

- We offer TLE training programs for employees to improve their skills and knowledge. (我们为员工提供TLE培训项目,以提升其技能和知识。)

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