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gr是什么意思 gr的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:32:52
  • 274

gr是什么意思 gr的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:jiā ér


1. 您的名字首字母是“gr”吗?(Is your name initials "gr"?)

2. 这个单词的开头字母是“gr”。(The first letter of this word is "gr".)




例句:And in that capacity, did you attend a meeting at which Hammett executives discussed potential problems with the GR-6? (这种情况下 你是否出席过一个会议 在会上Hammett的执行董事们 讨论了GR)


例句:The fermentative characters of the brewer, s yeast protoplast fusant GR8 were studied. (研究了啤酒酵母原生质体融合株GR8的主要发酵特性。)


例句:Results: Einc, copper and calcium in blood have obviously increased in the group for drug moxibustion heated by electricity and the gr... (结果:电热隔药灸组和传统隔药灸组均能显著升高血中锌、铜、钙含量。)


例句:The grain size of the acid-treated stellerite affects the nucleation and crystal gr… (翻译:型沸石的晶粒数量、晶体形态和晶粒大小主要受反应时间长短的影响。)


gr一般作为名词使用,如在GR(射击场, 总预备队\n[医] 喱, 格令, 谷(英国重量单位))、Gr Br(大不列颠)、gr wt([医]gross weight 总重, 毛重)等常见短语中出现较多。

GR射击场, 总预备队\n[医] 喱, 格令, 谷(英国重量单位)
Gr Br大不列颠
gr wt[医]gross weight 总重, 毛重
Gr.abbr. Grecian;Greece;Greek
Grœnajall[地名] 格赖纳山 ( 冰 )
Grœnavatn[地名] 格赖纳湖 ( 冰 )
Grφna[地名] 格勒纳河 ( 挪 )
Grφnbjerg[地名] 格伦比约 ( 丹 )
Grφning[地名] 格勒宁 ( 挪 )
Grφnkapp[地名] 格伦角 ( 挪 )


1. Results: Einc, copper and calcium in blood have obviously increased in the group for drug moxibustion heated by electricity and the gr... (翻译:结果:电热隔药灸组和传统隔药灸组均能显著升高血中锌、铜、钙含量。)

2. The grain size of the acid-treated stellerite affects the nucleation and crystal gr… (翻译:型沸石的晶粒数量、晶体形态和晶粒大小主要受反应时间长短的影响。)

3. For example , 8 sounds like -eat in great , so to save time , people write gr8. (翻译:比如,8听起来像great中eat[eit]的发音,因此为了节省时间,人们就写成了gr8[来代表great]。)

4. The calcarenaceous sandstone reservoir in the 4th Member of Xujiahe Formation in Fenggu area are of the characteristics of low GR, high resistance and high impedance. (翻译:丰谷须四段钙屑砂岩储层具有低伽玛、高电阻、高波阻抗等特点,储层含气后波阻抗值有所降低,但仍高于或接近于泥岩。)

5. The Sniper was selected recently for use on Harrier GR9s as an urgent operational requirement for aircraft in Afghanistan. (翻译:“狙击手”吊舱已被选中作为紧急作战需求装备于在阿富汗作战的“鹞”GR9型攻击机。)

6. Don't worry, what you're doing... what you've already done is gr... perfect. (翻译:不用担心, 你在做什么? 你已经做了 为克. 完美的。)

7. For example, 8 sounds like -eat in great, so to save time, people write gr8. (翻译:比如,8听起来像great中eat [eit]的发音,因此为了节省时间,人们就写成了gr 8[来代表great]。)

8. The expression of GR in hippocampus did not consistent with that in PBMC. (翻译:外周血中GR表达与海马gr表达不完全一致。)

9. It's nothing. I am pleased to see that through me you have found a common ground. (翻译:我很开心因为我 Je suis content de voir que grâce à moi,)

10. Lοwer dοwn yοur head, grοοm, like yοu lονe each οther. (翻译:新郎头再低下来一点点 再下来一点点,很相爱的样子)

11. Stuffed peppers in olive oil"Piaceri Italiani", 180gr. (翻译:比爱吃橄榄油浸包馅小辣椒 产地… )

12. For sustainability, 34 kg is 900 gr per... (翻译:对于可持续发展, 34公斤为每900克.)

13. There is no way to support 255 gr meat per person per day, what Americans consume today. (翻译:没有办法来支持 每人每天255克的肉, 美国人消耗的今天。)

14. The Sniper was selected recently for use on Harrier GR9s as an urgent operational requirement for aircraft in Afghanistan. (翻译:“狙击手”吊舱已被选中作为紧急作战需求装备于在阿富汗作战的“鹞”GR9型攻击机。)

15. The Bellcore GR-253 standard for SONET networks defines the bytes over which a particular parity error is calculated. (翻译:符合Bellcore GR - 253 SONET网络标准定义了一个特定的奇偶校验错误计算的字节。)

'gr' 不是单独的单词,但可以作为词根、缩写或缩写的一部分出现在单词中,分别介绍:

1. 词根

'gr' 可以作为词根出现在许多英语单词中,表示“写、画、刻、雕刻”的意思,常见的有:

- graphic:图形的,图像的

- graffiti:涂鸦,乱写乱画的图案

- engrave:雕刻,刻上

- photograph:照片,摄影

2. 缩写

'gr' 可以作为某些单词的缩写出现,是一些例子:

- gr.:缩写词“grade”的缩写,表示“年级”

- grs.:缩写词“grains”的缩写,表示“颗粒”

3. 缩写的一部分

'gr' 也可以作为某些单词的缩写的一部分出现,是一些例子:

- grrrl:girl的缩写,表示“女孩”

- gro:group的缩写,表示“团体”


- graham cracker:格林姆饼干

- grain size:颗粒大小

- graphic design:平面设计

- graffiti artist:涂鸦艺术家


- GR system:广义相对论

- grinning from ear to ear:咧嘴笑得合不拢嘴



1. The graphic design of the website is very attractive. (这个网站的平面设计很吸引人。)

2. The wall is covered with graffiti. (墙上到处是涂鸦。)

3. She engraves her name on the trophy. (她把自己的名字刻在奖杯上。)

4. He developed his photographs in the dark room. (他在暗房里冲洗照片。)

5. Mary is in the tenth gr of high school. (玛丽在高中十年级。)

6. The sand has different grain sizes. (这些沙子颗粒大小不同。)

7. She was grinning from ear to ear when she got the good news. (她得到好消息后笑得合不拢嘴。)

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