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lovingly是什么意思 lovingly的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:34:57
  • 197

lovingly是什么意思 lovingly的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. She looked at him lovingly and touched his hand gently.(她充满爱地看着他,温柔地触摸了他的手。)

2. He spoke to his daughter lovingly, assuring her that everything would be okay.(他亲切地对女儿说话,向她保证一切都会好起来。)

3. The couple cuddled up on the couch and talked lovingly about their future together.(这对夫妇依偎在沙发上,充满爱地谈论着他们的未来。)




例句:And you'll always look at me lovingly and not say a word of reproach. (而你总是含情脉脉地看着我 一句怨言都没有)


例句:And for the past 25 years, it has been lovingly maintained by my now grown-up son, (而在25年里 它一直由我长大的儿子精心维护)


例句:Brett spoke lovingly to his mother and father and for the first time took responsibility for the heartaches he had caused. (Brett亲切地和他的母亲父亲说话,而且第一次对他所引起的痛心事承担责任。)


例句:Her eyes lit up as she lovingly placed a dish in front of me. (翻译:当奶奶慈爱地把一碟菜端到我面前时,她的双眼闪闪发光。)


1. Brett spoke lovingly to his mother and father and for the first time took responsibility for the heartaches he had caused. (翻译:Brett亲切地和他的母亲父亲说话,而且第一次对他所引起的痛心事承担责任。)

2. Her eyes lit up as she lovingly placed a dish in front of me. (翻译:当奶奶慈爱地把一碟菜端到我面前时,她的双眼闪闪发光。)

3. I wish that you'd see me like you did before... and say my name lovingly like you used to. (翻译:我希望你能够像从前那样的看着我... 就像从前那样温柔的叫着我的名字.)

4. Talk cheerily to the young and anxious enquirer, lovingly try to remove stumbling blocks out of his way. (翻译:愉快地和年轻人和渴慕的发问者谈话。以爱心试著除去他路上的绊脚石。)

5. James, we will think of you lovingly this July as we sip the cold summer beverages for which you gave your life. (翻译:詹姆斯,我们会记得爱在七月 当你拿到冷饮,你给的生命。)

6. One day when I was sitting with her in her room, she said lovingly, ' You know, David dear, I'm afraid I was too young. (翻译:一天,我在她房间坐在她身边,她动情地说:“你知道,大卫,亲爱的,恐怕我太年轻了。”)

7. The camera travels lovingly over her body, and you know she's going to get killed in the next reel. (翻译:摄影机爱美的掠过她的身体,此时身为观众的你知道她将会在接下来的情节里被杀掉。)

8. A light jacket and white shirt gold saddle, a Pomo landscapes painted skin clean, bright moon, lovingly pathetic. (翻译:一身轻衣白衫流金鞍,一幅泼墨山水风景画,肤洁皎月,楚楚动人。)

9. One of several displayed at the "In Flanders Fields" museum in Ypres bears a lovingly carved poem. (翻译:其中的一个被展示在伊普尔的“在弗兰德斯土地上”的博物馆里,上面雕刻着一首诗,承载着肝肠寸断的思乡之情。)

10. Have them support you through the grieving process and lovingly let you know if you're indulging in it too long. (翻译:让他们在这个过程中支持你、好意地告诉你是否已经在这一状态停留时间过长。)

11. Marguerite Lepluche, learning of her divorce... or rather, when he broke the news, he broke the mad pact she had lovingly, obsessively constructed. (翻译:当玛格瑞蒂・雷布露西听到离婚的消息... 或者,不如说,当他这坏消息告诉她时, 他就撕毁了她痴情构建的这疯狂协定。)

12. He gazed lovingly at his children. (翻译:他慈爱地注视着自己的孩子们。)

13. Unmarked and untraceable Yankee tourist dollars, gathered and lovingly swaddled by central banks all over the world... (翻译:外汇 The exchange. 未标记 无法追踪的美元现金 Unmarked and untraceable Yankee tourist dollars, 在全世界范围内 由中央银行聚集 gathered and lovingly swaddled by central banks)

14. Brian gazed lovingly at Mary Ann. (翻译:布赖恩充满爱意地凝视着玛丽·安。)

15. And decently reclothed, I enter the ancient courts of ancient men, where received by them lovingly, I feed on the food that alone is mine and that I was born for. (翻译:合宜之后,我进入先贤的远古殿堂,他们都热情地接待我,我饱食专属我个人的丰美知识,那也是我生来应做的事。)



词组搭配:lovingly可以和许多动词和形容词一起使用,例如speak lovingly(温柔地说话),smile lovingly(深情地微笑),handle lovingly(温柔地对待),caress lovingly(深情地抚爱),kiss lovingly(深情地亲吻)等。




1. She lovingly brushed her daughter's hair and kissed her forehead.


2. He spoke lovingly of his grandmother, who had passed away several years ago.


3. The couple danced lovingly and gazed into each other's eyes.


4. The mother held her newborn baby lovingly and rocked her to sleep.


5. The artist painted the landscape lovingly, capturing every detail and nuance.


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