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apanda是什么意思 apanda的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:33:37
  • 266

apanda是什么意思 apanda的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Apanda is not a word in the Chinese language.("apanda" 不是中文单词。)

2. Have you heard of the word "apanda"?(你听过"apanda"这个单词吗?)




例句:♪ you better get used to me... ♪ (粒粒尘 datou panda梓喵酱v 小未 小在 校对: 小貂 时间轴: 弗洛拉 iTunes版调校:)


例句:Panda came back to the bench. (熊猫回到长椅上。)


例句:{\fnHobo Std\fs48}See? That Panda was a piece of cake. ({\fnHobo Std\fs48}看到没?)


1. {\fnHobo Std\fs48}See? That Panda was a piece of cake. (翻译:{\fnHobo Std\fs48}看到没?)

2. The panda's natural habitat is the bamboo forest. (翻译:大熊猫的天然栖息地是竹林。)

3. {\fnHobo Std\fs48}Be quiet! It's a Panda! (翻译:{\fnHobo Std\fs48}安静点,这是只熊猫!)

4. That flabby panda can't possibly be the answer to our problem. (翻译:那个焉儿叭肌的熊猫 不可能是我们要找的神龙大侠)

5. The first brown giant panda Dandan was also found in Foping in1985. (翻译:1985年,第一只棕色熊猫丹丹同样是在佛坪出现的。)

6. Ah, the cute, cuddly furry Panda is a symbol of Pax Sinica. (翻译:这个可爱,毛茸茸的熊猫就是中国研究院的标志。)

7. Oh, I could simply have poisoned you and your Panda friend, (翻译:对哦 虽然只要下毒就能轻易结果了 你和你的熊猫朋友)

8. Bamboo is the panda's staple diet. (翻译:大熊猫的基本食物是竹子。)

9. I was expecting the Panda. But no, Shifu. (翻译:也许他是个蠢货 但是我可以一直指望他来保护我)

10. Panda is one of the scarcest animals. (翻译:熊猫是最稀有的动物之一。)

11. I'm going to take them to the zoo, because I heard that the giant panda bear has a little baby panda bear, and there's just nothing cuter than a little baby panda bear... (翻译:我要带他们去动物园 因为我听说那只大猫熊 已经生宝宝了 还有比猫熊宝宝更可爱的吗...)

12. Slippers and blankets and panda bears. (翻译:拖鞋 毛毯 还有熊猫抱枕 Slippers and blankets and panda bears.)

13. Scientists in China said they sequnce sequenced the genes for genome of a giant panda. (翻译:中国科学家表示他们排列出了大熊猫的基因组。)

14. The baby panda sneezes, and the mama panda gets so scared. (翻译:The baby panda sneezes, 把熊猫妈妈吓坏了 and the mama panda gets so scared.)

15. The Wanglang Preserve in western Sichuan is the haunt of the giant panda. (翻译:川西的王朗自然保护区是大熊猫出没的地方。)

'apanda' 不是一个有效的词汇或常用语。

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