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lur是什么意思 英文名lur[卢尔]的翻译、发音、来源

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-12-17 09:15:39
  • 314

lur是什么意思 英文名lur[卢尔]的翻译、发音、来源



1. The thief lurked in the s, waiting for the right moment to strike.(小偷潜伏在阴影中,等待合适的时机下手。)

2. Danger lurks around every corner in this unfamiliar city.(在这个不熟悉的城市里,危险潜藏在每个角落。)

3. The virus may lurk in the body for weeks before symptoms appear.(病毒可能在体内潜伏数周,直到出现症状。)




例句:When their linseed is ripe for harvest the hemp is in bloom in lur field. (他们的亚麻籽成熟收获时,我们田间的正在开花。)


例句:He came to lur company in an advisory capacity. (他以顾问的身份来到我们公司。)




lur一般作为名词使用,如在LUR(伦敦地下铁道)、Lurφy([地名] 吕略 ( 挪 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Lurφy[地名] 吕略 ( 挪 )




I would like to explain the word 'lur' or abbreviation from at least 5 aspects as follows and provide 5 examples of Chinese and English sentences.

1. Definition: 'Lur' may refer to multiple definitions depending on the context, such as a short-form of 'lurk,' which means to stay hidden or to wait in the background userved; or a tool used in Scandinavian folk music as a type of wind instrument.

Example sentences:

- He decided to 'lurk' in the bushes to see what was happening.

- The musician played the 'lur' at the traditional festival.

2. Spelling: 'Lur' is spelled as l-u-r.

Example sentences:

- She made a mistake in the spelling of the word 'lur.'

- 'Lur' is a four-letter word with a simple unciation.

3. Origin: 'Lur' is originally from the Scandinavian language, but its usage has spread to the English language.

Example sentences:

- The 'lur' was first played by the ancient Vikings.

- The word 'lurk' has been used since the 14th century.

4. Usage: 'Lur' can be used both in written and spoken language, especially in the context of Scandinavian folk music or social media where people may use it to express their silent presence in a group.

Example sentences:

- The musician played the 'lur' in front of the audience.

- He decided to 'lur' the chat room until he had something to say.

5. Similar words: 'Lur' may have similar meanings with other words such as lurk, sneak, spy, or hide.

Example sentences:

- The cat likes to 'sneak' up on the mouse.

- The detective decided to 'spy' on the criminal's activities.

- He chose to 'hide' in the closet to scare his sister.

作为 AI 语言模型,以上是我对“lur”这个单词或缩写词的解释,希望对您有所帮助。

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