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the crowd是什么意思 the crowd的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:33:02
  • 176

the crowd是什么意思 the crowd的中文翻译、读音、例句

the crowd的意思是人群、观众。


读音:[ðə kraʊd]


1. The crowd cheered as the band started playing.


2. The players were surrounded by a large crowd of fans after the game.


3. It's hard to move around in the crowded streets during rush hour.


the crowd的意思是"人群",其次还有"人群"的意思,在线发音:[thecrowd],the crowd常被用作名词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到74个与the crowd相关的句子。

The crowd的词典翻译


例句:- # To remember - # Hear the crowd ({\fn方正粗倩简体\fs12\an8\1cHFFFF00\b0} - 铭记于心 - 仔细听)


the crowd一般作为名词使用,如在crowd(人群)、in crowd(n. 小圈子\n[网络] 大道上)、in the crowd([网络] 在人群中;在狂热的人群中;即使是在人群当中)等常见短语中出现较多。

in crowdn. 小圈子\n[网络] 大道上
in the crowd[网络] 在人群中;在狂热的人群中;即使是在人群当中
the in crowd[电影]辣手美眉
to crowd on满帆
draw a crowd[网络] 招来人群
expressive crowd叙情群众
flash crowd[网络] 瞬间拥塞;快闪群众;突发增长
follow the crowd随大流


1. We have so crowd of gangsters here! (翻译:有这么多兄弟在这里,你怕差人? ! We have so crowd of gangsters here!)

2. And just listen to that crowd go wild for Hobbs! (翻译:听听大家欢呼霍布斯的声音! And just listen to that crowd go wild for Hobbs!)

3. He encouraged the crowd to stone Stephen. (翻译:他煽动众人砸死司提反 He encouraged the crowd to stone Stephen.)

4. Long live the king. Long live the king. (翻译:大王万岁,大王万岁 [With Crowd] Long live the king.)

5. The way it flows in the summer breeze. (翻译:祝你好运 HE A GOOD SHOW. ,, Crowd:)

6. Duck, take a look at the crowd-- looking for anything or anyone that doesn't look right. (翻译:Duck, 看看这群人 寻找任何看上去不对劲的 take a look at the crowd -)

7. The crowd comes back to insane life. (翻译:The crowd comes back to insane life. 观众又回复了疯狂)

8. When walking in a crowd... one is under scrutiny all the time. (翻译:走在人群中... When walking in a crowd...)

9. You shall accept this peace offering, Warwick. (翻译:[Warwick grunts] [Crowd gasping])

10. Or it could be a stranger in a crowd. (翻译:或者是人群里的一个陌生人 Or it could be a stranger in a crowd.)

11. You just fell in with the wrong crowd. (翻译:但那都是过去的事了 You just fell in with the wrong crowd.)

12. ♪ All my people in the crowd, grab a partner, take it down. ♪ (翻译:我的子民们 抓个舞伴来狂欢吧* *All my people in the crowd, grab a partner, take it down)

13. (Crowd chanting approaches) (翻译:一切都是的! 现在我们换换Pappulal!)

14. And primitive demonstrations of electricity never failed as a crowd pleaser. (翻译:对于电学原理的初步演示 And primitive demonstrations of electricity 深受公众的欢迎 never failed as a crowd pleaser.)

15. ♪ I lost you somewhere in the crowd (翻译:# I lost you somewhere in the crowd)

词义:'the crowd' 指的是一群聚集在一起的人,通常指的是在公共场合,如演唱会、体育比赛、等聚集在一起的人群。


词组搭配:in the crowd(在人群中),join the crowd(加入人群),the crowd gathers(人群聚集)

短语:the crowd goes wild(人群发狂),get lost in the crowd(在人群中迷失),the crowd disperses(人群散去)

发音拼写:/ðə kraʊd/


1. The crowd cheered loudly when the team scored a goal. (当球队进球时,人群欢呼雀跃。)

2. The streets were filled with the crowd protesting against the government's decision. (街头上挤满了决定的人群。)

3. I lost my phone in the crowd at the concert. (我在音乐会人群中丢失了手机。)

4. The crowd at the parade was so huge that it took us hours to get to the front. (队伍中的人群非常庞大,我们花了几个小时才挤到最前面。)

5. The singer was overwhelmed by the support of the crowd at his concert. (歌手在音乐会上得到了人群的大力支持,他感到很振奋。)

6. I prefer to watch football games on TV instead of being in the crowd. (我更喜欢在电视上观看足球比赛,而不是混在人群中。)

7. The police had to use tear gas to disperse the crowd that had turned violent. (警方不得不使用催泪瓦斯来驱散变得暴力的人群。)

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