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colourful是什么意思 colourful的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:34:42
  • 190

colourful是什么意思 colourful的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The parade was a colourful display of different cultures and traditions. (这场是不同文化和传统的丰富多彩的展示。)

2. Her outfit was so colourful, it really stood out in the crowd. (她的服装色彩斑斓,非常引人注目。)

3. The artist used a very colourful palette for this painting. (这幅画的调色板非常丰富多彩。)



1. 词义与用法


2. 句型搭配


- a colourful life:丰富多彩的人生

- colourful language:多彩的语言、生动有趣的措辞

- a colourful personality:个性鲜明、多彩多姿的人

3. 拓展应用


- 名词:the colourfulness of the festival(节日的多彩性)

- 副词:She speaks very colourfully.(她讲话非常生动有趣。)

- 动词:He coloured his drawing very brightly.(他把他的画涂得很鲜艳。)


1. The buildings in the old town are so colourful that they look like a painting.(老城区的建筑物非常多彩,看起来像一幅画。)

2. She has a colourful personality and loves to try new things.(她个性鲜明,喜欢尝试新事物。)

3. The children were fascinated by the colourful fish in the aquarium.(孩子们被水族馆里的多彩鱼类迷住了。)

4. The magazine features a colourful article about the latest fashion trends.(这本杂志刊登了一篇关于最新时尚趋势的生动有趣的文章。)

5. He coloured the map so that the different regions were easy to distinguish.(他给地图涂上不同的颜色,以便区分不同的地区。)

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