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stellar是什么意思 stellar的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-13 12:43:17
  • 219

stellar是什么意思 stellar的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. The actor gave a stellar performance in the movie and received critical acclaim.


2. The new telescope has enhanced our ability to observe the stellar objects in the universe.


3. The newly discovered planet has a stellar system that is different from any other in the galaxy.


stellar在中文中有"星的 、星球的"的意思,其次还有"主要的"的意思,在线发音:['stelә],stellar来源于英语,在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到11个与stellar相关的例句。



例句:It's perhaps they don't understand physics and the laws of stellar evolution. (可能是因为他们不理解物理 不了解恒星演化的定律)


例句:The Hubble Space Telescope provided an image of a stellar jet in the Carina Nebula. (哈勃空间望远镜提供了一幅船底座星云恒星喷流的图像。)


例句:And it just so happens that they was running the stellar, legendary recording studio of Detroit called United Sounds. (凑巧那时他们在底特律经营明星级的 传奇性的录音工作室,名叫联合音响)


例句:This is a stellar roster of open source committers and innovators. (翻译:这是开放源码参与者和创新者的一个全名星队。)


stellar一般作为形容词使用,如在stellar aberration(恒星光行差)、stellar abundance(星体〔元素〕丰度)、stellar activity(恒星活动性)等常见短语中出现较多。

stellar aberration恒星光行差
stellar abundance星体〔元素〕丰度
stellar activity恒星活动性
stellar alkaliine[医] 星状磷酸盐
stellar assemblage恒星集团, 恒星集团
stellar association星协
stellar astronomy恒星天文学
stellar astrophysics恒星物理学
stellar atmosphere恒星大气


1. And it just so happens that they was running the stellar, legendary recording studio of Detroit called United Sounds. (翻译:凑巧那时他们在底特律经营明星级的 传奇性的录音工作室,名叫联合音响)

2. This is a stellar roster of open source committers and innovators. (翻译:这是开放源码参与者和创新者的一个全名星队。)

3. She kept up her stellar performances in 1997 by winning six of eleven WPBA events. (翻译:年她一直表现出色,赢得了十一项WPBA中的六项。)

4. Really, really stellar job. You are so far my favorite (翻译:《Addicted To Love》 很适合你俩)

5. Tenth, we see a fragment of the Trifid Nebula, a stellar cradle to 9000 light-years. (翻译:第十,我们看到一个片段的三裂星云的恒星摇篮到9000光年。)

6. It wasn't until the 19th century that scientists were able to detect the stellar parallax. (翻译:直到19世纪 科学家才能检测出 星球视差。)

7. Most of the stars in our night sky actually orbit around one or more stellar companions. (翻译:夜空中的大多数恒星 Most of the stars in our night sky 会环绕一个或多个恒星小伙伴运行 actually orbit around one or more stellar companions.)

8. Ohhh! Get out of my body! It's just the beginning, pal. (翻译:我刚重新浏览了我们交给法官的数据 单单上一季度 Stellar航空就亏损三百万)

9. The carbon is created by helium fusion near the stellar core and dredged up into the stars' outer layers. (翻译:恒星核附近的氦融化之后,流到恒星的外表层就形成了碳。)

10. A little behind, 6.4 million, $6,429,089. (翻译:Stellar航空 另一家破产企业 你从来不听别人讲话吗?)

11. While the exterior retained a stellar image, the interior was cramped an economically unviable. (翻译:虽然外表保留了巨星的风采,内部却完全过时了。)

12. after the initial collapse and hydrodynamic phases , a young stellar object is still embedded deep within its progenitor. (翻译:在初始坍缩和流体力学阶段之后,一个年青星体仍然深深嵌在产生它的母体之中。)

13. Hydroponics, stellar cartography, deflector control. -They would not have stopped there unless it gave them a tactical advantage. (翻译:化学栽培区、星象制图仪 导向装置,只有这些)

14. Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, has a very faint stellar companion-- a white dwarf. (翻译:天狼星 夜空中最亮那颗星 Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky, 又一个非常暗淡的伴随者 has a very faint stellar companion --)

15. Stellar work with the witnesses. (翻译:现在的主要任务是那些目击人 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Stellar work with the witnesses.)


1. 词性:形容词

2. 含义:出色的、杰出的、非常好的、极佳的

3. 来源:源自拉丁语的"stella",意为“星星”

4. 词根意思:与星星相关的事物、属性、质量、特征


1. This was a stellar performance by the orchestra tonight.


2. The company's stellar growth in the last five years is largely due to its innovative products.


3. Our team's stellar performance during the season earned us a place in the national championships.


4. The restaurant received a stellar review from the food critic.


5. The stellar quality of this new smartphone model has won over many customers.


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