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shulian是什么意思 shulian的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:31:08
  • 212

shulian是什么意思 shulian的中文翻译、读音、例句





例句:Lian: Yes. Very pleasant. (丽安:是啊,非常愉快。)


例句:We go to wine Lian and finish having fun behind tonight (今晚我们去酒帘玩完了后 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}We go to wine Lian and finish having fun behind tonight)


1. Lively and lovely Huali Shu originally thick lush forests. (翻译:活泼可爱的花栗鼠原本属于浓密茂盛的树林。)

2. 90 days in the SHU oughta be enough time to convince you of that. (翻译:九十天的禁闭 {\3cH202020}90 days in the SHU 足够让你想清楚的了 {\3cH202020}That ought to be enough time to convince you of that fact.)

3. Zhili Shu is "non-ego". He represents the flesh body. (翻译:支离叔是“非我”,他代表这个肉身。)

4. Qiong Lian. What price are you paying for our dalliance? (翻译:朱利安 你为我们的轻浮付出了什么样的代价!)

5. I wanna see the tapes of the SHU yard before anyone touches them. (翻译:我要在别人之前看一下 碰隔间的录像带)

6. Erjie is married to Jia Lian stole the two-bedroom, which was a tragedy for the Erjie foreed. (翻译:尤二姐是贾琏偷娶来的二房,这就为尤二姐后来的悲剧埋下了伏笔。)

7. Kung pao chicken, spring rolls, moo shu pork, and the rolls, moo shu pork, and the pancakes. (翻译:宫保鸡丁,弹簧 卷,木须肉,和 卷,木须肉,和 煎饼。)

8. Shu Buldak compound, 70 miles south of here. (翻译:Shu Buldak大院 在这儿向南70英里处)

9. Lian calls it 'a community with small lanes, dotted with small hair salons, clinics, groceries and Internet cafes. ' (翻译:廉思说,这是一个由小街小巷组成的社区,小理发店、诊所、杂货店和网吧遍布其间。)

10. Lian: Pleased to meet you. (翻译:丽安:很高兴见到您。)

11. Comparing with "lian" and "yilian" , the verbs that "lian lian" can be used with is limit both in types and numbers. (翻译:“连”和“一连”能修饰的动词无论在种类上还是在数量上都比“连连”要丰富。)

12. Have a family the Mie roll up into the tube Shu insolates over there. (翻译:有户人家将条篾席卷成筒竖在那里晒着。)

13. Sanxingdui culture is the Shu culture in Yufu Era, when the kingdom of Shu was already established. (翻译:三星堆文化是鱼凫时代的蜀国文化,此时蜀国已经形成。)

14. Hetalks something aboutYueng Kong Shu (翻译:他说什么玄光术? {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Hetalks something aboutYueng Kong Shu)

15. Lian Kudu is my wrong. (翻译:连哭都是我的错。)

1. 定义:shulian可以是一个名词,表示书籍联盟;也可以是一个缩写词,表示数理化联考。

2. 来源:shulian这个词的来源是“书联网”,是在互联网时代下,为了方便读者获取更多的阅读资源,建立的一种联盟形式。

3. 应用:shulian作为书籍联盟,可以帮助读者更好地获取阅读资源;作为数理化联考,可以方便考生报名、考试,也有助于提升教育教学质量。

4. 形式:shulian的形式可以是线上的,比如网站、应用程序等;也可以是线下的,例如实体书店、考试中心等。

5. 未来:随着互联网的不断发展和教育领域的变化,shulian的形式和应用也将不断变化和发展,为读者和考生带来更好的服务和体验。


1. 我们制定了一个shulian计划,为学生提供更多的阅读资料。We have developed a shulian program to provide students with more reading materials.

2. 这个学校已经加入了shulian联盟,学生可以免费获取更多的图书。This school has joined the shulian alliance, and students can access more books for free.

3. 我们的数学老师建议我报名shulian联考。Our math teacher suggested I sign up for the shulian math, physics, and chemistry joint exam.

4. 我喜欢去shulian书店,那里有很多好书。I like to go to the shulian bookstore, where there are many good books.

5. 为了提高考生的水平,已经对shulian考试进行了改革。In order to improve the level of examinees, the government has reformed the shulian exam.

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