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new day是什么意思 new day的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:29:07
  • 209

new day是什么意思 new day的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:njuː deɪ


1. Today is a new day, let's start fresh and make the most of it.(今天是崭新的一天,让我们重新开始,充分利用它。)

2. Each morning brings a new day, a new opportunity to make a difference.(每天早上都带来了一个崭新的一天,一个改变的新机会。)

3. No matter how difficult yesterday was, today is a new day with new possibilities.(无论昨天有多困难,今天是一个崭新的一天,有新的可能性。)

new day在英语中代表"新的开端"的意思,其中文解释还有"新的开端"的意思,读音为[newday],new day是一个英语名词,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到32个与new day相关的句子。

New day的翻译


例句:A pitiless new day is dawning. (无情的新日已经露出了曙光。)


new day一般作为名词使用,如在new-day(现代的,新的一天;旭日;纽带艺术)、New Year's day(元旦)、for the day([网络] 那天;为了那一天;给那一天)等常见短语中出现较多。

New Year's day元旦
for the day[网络] 那天;为了那一天;给那一天
if a day十足
in ... day[网络] 宝贝
in a day一日
in day[网络] 宝贝
in the day在白天
of a day短命的


1. # Confusion is nothing new (翻译:# Confusion is nothing new)

2. It's a new day and a new life for me ♪ (翻译:♪Believe me when I tell you♪)

3. New ones come through here every day. (翻译:每天都有新人来 New ones come through here every day.)

4. The colours of the world Are changing day by day- (翻译:世界的颜色 每天都在变幻 The colours of the world are changing day by day-)

5. One day to a new beginning! (翻译:明日就是崭新的开始 One day to a new beginning!)

6. Orleans they call the rising sun ♪ (翻译:♪There is a house in New Orleans♪)

7. Bringing a new and unspoiled day. (翻译:带来全新而自然的一天。)

8. Uh, the new rules will increase wait times by two weeks. (翻译:the new rules will increase)

9. ♪ tried to run, tried to hide ♪ ♪ break on through to the other side ♪ (翻译:♪ Night divides the day ♪)

10. You play beautifully, Miss Day. (翻译:你弹得很好,Day。You play beautifully, Miss Day.)

11. ¿ Got a new fun Got a new crime,yeah ¿ (翻译:.. got a new fun got a new crime,yeah..)

12. A Gallagher saved the day! (翻译:A Gallagher saved the day!)

13. The adoration of Miss Fancy Day. (翻译:Fancy Day的爱慕。The adoration of Miss Fancy Day.)

14. - Yeah, I know, first day. (翻译:- Big day tomorrow. - Yeah, I know, first day.)

15. New drugs are being developed every day. (翻译:New drugs are being developed every day.)

我将给出对于"new day"的解释和例句。

"New day" 可以理解为一个词组,表示"新的一天",也可以理解为一个缩写词,代表"ND"(以英文单词首字母缩写的方式)。


1. 时间:这个词组或缩写词通常与时间有关。它指的是新一天的开始或者刚刚开始的一段时间。


- I like to wake up early and start my day with a cup of coffee, ready to tackle whatever challenges the new day brings.(我喜欢早起,喝杯咖啡开始新的一天,准备迎接任何挑战。)

- Today is a new day, full of opportunity and potential. Let's make the most of it!(今天是全新的一天,充满机遇和潜力。让我们最大限度地利用它!)

2. 机会:由于新的一天代表新的开始,它也经常被用来表示新的机会,新的希望和新的可能性。


- Every new day is a chance to start over and learn from our mistakes.(每一个新的一天都是重新开始和从错误中学习的机会。)

- Starting a new day with a positive attitude can open up all kinds of opportunities for us.(以积极的态度开始新的一天可以为我们带来各种各样的机会。)

3. 活力:这个词组或缩写词也可以用来表示勃勃生机,充满活力的状态。


- The fresh air and sunshine of a new day always fill me with energy and vitality.(新的一天的新鲜空气和阳光总是让我充满活力。)

- Whenever I feel down, I remind myself that tomorrow is a new day, full of new possibilities and excitement.(每当我感到失落时,我会提醒自己明天是新的一天,充满新的可能性和激动。)

4. 改变:新的一天也可以意味着改变。它通常被用来表达一种愿望或者动力去改变自己的生活或者改变世界。


- I want to use each new day as an opportunity to make a difference in the world, no matter how small.(我想利用每一个新的一天作为改变世界的机会,无论它有多么微小。)

- We can't change the past, but we can make the most of every new day and create a better future for ourselves and others.(我们无法改变过去,但是我们可以利用每一个新的一天,为自己和他人创造一个更好的未来。)

5. 希望:最后,新的一天也经常被用来表达希望和信仰,即相信每一天都有新的希望和新的可能性。


- Even in the darkest of times, we must hold on to the hope that a new day will dawn and bring us light.(即使在最黑暗的时刻,我们也必须抱着希望,相信新的一天将会到来,给我们带来光明。)

- No matter what challenges we face, we can always find hope in the knowledge that each new day is a fresh start.(无论我们面临什么挑战,我们总可以从每一个新的一天开始寻找希望。)

以上是针对"new day"这个单词或缩写词的5个方面的说明,并且提供了5个中英文的例句。

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