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wading是什么意思 wading的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:29:58
  • 235

wading是什么意思 wading的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The children were wading in the shallow water.


2. The hikers had to wade through the river to reach the campsite.


3. I saw a heron wading in the pond.





例句:Many women had children strapped to their backs while they were panning for gold, wading in water poisoned by mercury. (很多妇女还背着自己的小孩 他们在淘金 在被汞染的脏水里行走 )


wading一般作为名词使用,如在wading in(na. 入浅水;参加;猛烈地攻击对方;〈美口〉精神抖擞地开始[动手]\n[网络] 费力的行走)、wading into(精神饱满地开始;猛烈攻击)、wading bird(n. 涉水鸟,涉禽)等常见短语中出现较多。

wading inna. 入浅水;参加;猛烈地攻击对方;〈美口〉精神抖擞地开始[动手]\n[网络] 费力的行走
wading into精神饱满地开始;猛烈攻击
wading birdn. 涉水鸟,涉禽
wading birdsun. 涉禽\n[网络] 涉水鸟;涉禽类
wading crossing涉水, 涉渡
wading measurement涉水测量
wading pool浅水池
wading poolsun. 浅水池\n[网络] 供儿童玩水的浅水池;浅水娱乐池
wading rod测流杆;测深杆


1. Any of several wading birds of the genera Botaurus and Ixobrychus, having mottled, brownish plumage and a deep, booming cry in the male. (翻译:麻,小鹭一种麻属和粘豆象属的涉水禽鸟,有斑驳的褐色羽毛,其雄鸟有。)

2. She accompanies me on some of my expeditions, but I can't seem to get her to go wading with me in the Everglades. (翻译:她有时也陪伴我一起探险,但是,我似乎不再可能同她一起在大沼泽跋涉了。)

3. Genus of large brown long-billed wading birds found in warm swampy regions of the western hemisphere: courlan; limpkin. (翻译:在西半球暖湿沼泽区可见的一种长嘴涉水鸟;库隆鸟;涉禽之一属。)

4. Imagine Silicon Valley in 1999 times a huge sprawling country and population, and that? s what I? m wading into for the next two weeks. (翻译:想象1999年的硅谷乘以巨大幅员和人口基数,那就是我在未来两周将投入的一个世界。)

5. any of numerous usually small wading birds having a slender bill and piping call; closely related to the plovers. (翻译:多种通常为小型的涉水鸟,嘴细长,叫声洪亮;与鸻有亲缘关系。)

6. Two surfers in wetsuits were already wading into the blue Mediterranean with their boards. (翻译:有两名穿着泳衣的冲浪者已经带着冲浪板投身到蓝色地中海的怀抱里。)

7. I could see the lights and fires in the rebels' camp but I kept wading down, out of sight of their sentry posts. (翻译:我可以看见叛军营地的灯光和火堆 不过我还是顺利往下走 避过了他们的岗哨)

8. the floor was thick with mud , where ruffians had sat down to drink or consult after wading in the marshes round their camp. (翻译:地板上厚厚地沾着一层泥浆,也许那群恶棍从营地那边的沼泽地里跑回来后就坐在这里喝酒或商量怎样办。)

9. Two surfers in wetsuits were already wading into the blue Mediterranean with their boards. (翻译:有两名穿着泳衣的冲浪者已经带着冲浪板投身到蓝色地中海的怀抱里。)

10. For some, wading through Chinese economic data is like wrapping your head around the Talmud. (翻译:对一些人来说,一旦涉及中国的经济数据,就仿佛研究犹太经典般让人头晕。)

11. Individual investors are wading back into the U. S. stock market. That ought to make uber-bulls think twice. (翻译:散户投资者回到美国股市,这值得极度看多人士仔细考虑。)

12. Cornices far-reaching, Wading ease the slope, so the appearance of ease, special shapes, star anise, commonly known as Wu Hua Temple. (翻译:飞檐深远,瓦顶坡度缓和,因而外观舒畅,形制特殊,俗称五花八角殿。)

13. His directions were perfect, and soon I was wading through icy water that only the day before had been snow in the Himalayas. (翻译:他的指引是完美的 很快我就在冰冷的溪水里跋涉了 这些是前一天喜马拉雅山上的雪水)

14. I was walking up in the hills and I came over by this little lake, and there were these beautiful, pure white birds wading around in the shallows. (翻译:I was walking up in the hills 当时我沿着丘陵往上走 and I came over by this little lake, 可以俯看这片小湖泊 and there were these beautiful,pure white birds 那些纯白色的鸟儿)

15. In the time it takes to draw a breath, we were plunged into a darkness so immense that it was almost tangible; what I imagine wading through tar might be like. (翻译:在一个深呼吸所需的瞬间 我们坠入了一片无边无际的黑暗 那黑暗几乎触手可及 或许蹚过柏油的感觉也不过如此 )



1. 词性:wading是一个动词,表示“涉水行走”。

2. 用法:wading一般用于描述人或动物在水中行走,通常用于深度较浅的水域,例如溪流、河流或者海滩。

3. 相关词汇:wading与进入水中行走的动物有关,例如“wading birds”(涉禽),类似的词汇还有“heron”(鹭鸟)、“crane”(鹤)、“stork”(鸳鸯)等。


1. I saw children wading in the stream, looking for fish and crayfish.(我看到孩子们在小溪中涉水,寻找鱼和小龙虾。)

2. The dog barked excitedly, wading through the water to chase after a ball.(狗兴奋地吠叫,涉水追球。)

3. We had to wade across the river to get to the other side.(我们不得不涉水过河才能到达对岸。)

4. The wading birds stood in the shallow water, searching for food.(涉禽站在浅水中寻找食物。)

5. As the tide receded, the beach was left with pools of water that were perfect for wading.(随着潮退,沙滩上留下了一些水洼,非常适合涉水嬉戏。)

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