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faun是什么意思 faun的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:27:51
  • 217

faun是什么意思 faun的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The faun played his panpipes in the clearing.


2. The faun was a creature of the forest, worshipped by many.





例句:Do you know why you're here, faun? (你知道你为什么会在这里吗? )


例句:"The Faun Tumnus is hereby charged with High Treason against Her Imperial Majesty, (人羊吐纳思 被控犯下叛国罪 背叛至高无上的纳尼亚女王)


例句:"It's no good now, you know, " said the Faun, laying down its flute and shaking its head at her very sorrowfully. (“现在不行啊,你知道吗?”羊怪说,他放下笛子,非常悲伤地对她摇了摇头。)


例句:A sculpture of a faun by Rembrandt Bugatti sits on a windowsill in a conference room where transactions are discussed. (翻译:在一间会议室里,林布兰的牧神雕像放在窗台上,谈交易就在这个房间。)


1. "It's no good now, you know, " said the Faun, laying down its flute and shaking its head at her very sorrowfully. (翻译:“现在不行啊,你知道吗?”羊怪说,他放下笛子,非常悲伤地对她摇了摇头。)

2. A sculpture of a faun by Rembrandt Bugatti sits on a windowsill in a conference room where transactions are discussed. (翻译:在一间会议室里,林布兰的牧神雕像放在窗台上,谈交易就在这个房间。)

3. "Now, Daughter of Eve!" said the Faun. (翻译:“好了,夏娃的女儿,请吃吧。”羊怪说。)

4. You know, because he looks so much like the marble faun... and that had a very, um - that had quite a disastrous ending. (翻译:因为他长得和玉石雕像太像了 但是它后来... 下场很悲惨)

5. He was a Faun. (翻译:他是一只羊怪。)



1. 词性和词义:'faun'是一个名词,指的是希腊神话中森林神或野兽之神。在现代语言中,'faun'也可以指森林或大草原中的野生动物。


- In Greek mythology, a faun is a creature that is half human and half goat.

- We went on a hike and saw a faun in the woods.

- The fauns are known to be mischievous creatures who can play tricks on humans.

- The deer and other fauns live in harmony in this forest.

- The faun was so beautiful with its long, curly hair and big, brown eyes.

2. 发音:'faun'的发音是 /fɔːn/。


- Can you repeat the word 'faun' for me, please?

- The unciation of 'faun' is a little tricky for me.

- I had to practice saying 'faun' several times before I got it right.

3. 派生词:'faun'可以形成一些派生词,例如'faunlike'(像森林之神的)和'faunistic'(和森林动物有关的)。


- The dancer moved across the stage in a faunlike manner.

- The scientist was studying the faunistic diversity of the region.

4. 用法:'faun'是一个比较正式的词汇,通常出现在文学作品和神话故事中,较少在日常口语中出现。


- The author's use of fauns in his novel added a mystical element to the story.

- The students were fascinated by the faun depicted in the painting.

- I've never encountered a faun in real life, only in books and movies.

5. 常见搭配:'faun'经常与其他词汇搭配使用,例如'Pan'(希腊神话中的泛神,经常与'faun'联系起来)、'mythology'(神话)和'wildlife'(野生动物)。


- The faun in the story was often confused with Pan, another creature from Greek mythology.

- The children were fascinated by the tales of fauns and other mythical creatures.

- The national park is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including fauns.

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