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zms是什么意思 zms的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:15:12
  • 269

zms是什么意思 zms的中文翻译、读音、例句

zms的中文翻译为“中间件安全管理系统”,读音为“zì zhōng jiàn guǎn lǐ xìtǒng”,以下为例句:

1. zms可以帮助企业在中间件层面上进行安全管理。

2. zms的出现使得中间件的安全性得到大幅提高。

3. 通过zms的监控,企业可以及时发现并解决中间件安全问题。




例句:Can ZMQ publish message to specific client by pub-sub socket? (可以发布消息到特定的客户端ZM Q酒吧子插座? )


例句:Captain Jebediah S. Hawks... requesting permission to board, sir. (Jebediah S. Hawks船长 请求登船)


例句:There are bigger fish than the SSR, and right now, they're more concerned with a breach of national security than evidence protocol. (还有比战略科研署更厉害的人物 There are bigger fish than the S. S. R.)


1. There are bigger fish than the SSR, and right now, they're more concerned with a breach of national security than evidence protocol. (翻译:还有比战略科研署更厉害的人物 There are bigger fish than the S. S. R.)

2. And welcome to STS-200 ops overview briefing. (翻译:欢迎莅临 S T S 2 0 0 行动简报)

3. Construction Technology of ZM Light-Weight Aggregate Concrete Wall for AOC Works of Shanghai Pudong International Airport (翻译:上海浦东国际AOC工程中的ZM轻集料混凝土墙板施工技术)

4. Because STS-200 is a delicate, top-secret satellite recovery that's why. (翻译:因为 S T S 2 0 0 是最高机密 所以不能)

5. In addition to the A330-200s on their way out, SAA currently operates 17 737-800s, 11 A319s, six A340-300s and nine A340-600s. (翻译:除了将要淘汰的A330 - 220s,南非航空目前运营17架737 - 800s、11架A319s、6架A340 - 300s、9架A340 - 600s。)

6. The isearch-forward-regexp and isearch-backward-regexp functions are typically bound to the M-S-s and M-S-r keystrokes. (翻译:isearch-forward-regexp 和 isearch-backward-regexp 功能通常绑定到 M-S-s 和 M-S-r 键盘输入。)

7. "Both completely exhausted, thrown off course, like never before." (翻译:Nous étions tous les deux essorés,)

8. My name's Grant, U.S. Marshal Service. (翻译:U. S. Marshal Service.)

9. You will get your throat slit just like chickens! (翻译:Vous allez mourir égorgés!)

10. The Rozenthals are educated people. (翻译:Les Rosenthal sont les gens cultivés,)

11. Captai n, I want you to send a coded message, hi gh priority, to the U.. (翻译:Captai N,我要你发送编码消息, 喜GH优先级,给美国。S. S.)

12. - Je suis tres desole, messieurs. (翻译:- Je suis très desole, messieurs.)

13. I-I don't mean to bother you, but we're just really big fans of Firefly. (翻译:先... Hi, excuse me, s... s...)

14. This is the S.S. Great Western that he built to take care of the second half of that journey. (翻译:这就是他建造的S.S大西部铁路 连接旅程的第二段。)

15. It is discovered that mischmetal can heighten the ignition point of ZM5 alloy obviously. (翻译:实验发现,混合稀土能明显提高ZM5镁合金的起燃温度。)

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