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rushing是什么意思 rushing的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:15:03
  • 348

rushing是什么意思 rushing的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The students were rushing to catch the bus before it left.


2. The company is rushing to finish the project before the deadline.


3. The sound of rushing water filled the canyon.


4. The football player was rushing towards the end zone to score a touchdown.





例句:Our galaxy is rushing toward the great galaxy Andromeda, they're rushing toward each other, and they're going to encounter each other in a couple billion years. (我们的星系正冲向宏伟的 安德洛墨达星系 它们冲向对方 几十亿年后)


例句:I saw an Eyeborg rushing out, and it attacked me. (我看到一Eyeborg冲出, 它攻击我。)


例句:And now, the world's largest democracy is rushing headlong into the future. (如今,这个世界上最大的国家 正在迅猛发展)


例句:I'm not rushing. And you're flushed. (翻译:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}我不是很着急)


rushing一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在rushing into(un. 一拥而上;冲进;投到;推行)、pass rushing([网络] 通过冲)、rushing around(东奔西跑,到处乱闯)等常见短语中出现较多。

rushing intoun. 一拥而上;冲进;投到;推行
pass rushing[网络] 通过冲
rushing around东奔西跑,到处乱闯
rushing away匆忙跑开
rushing board推板
rushing drainage抢排
rushing off冲出
rushing outna. 赶制出来\n[网络] 出击;出迎;可能是出击
rushing sound噪声


1. And now, the world's largest democracy is rushing headlong into the future. (翻译:如今,这个世界上最大的国家 正在迅猛发展)

2. I'm not rushing. And you're flushed. (翻译:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}我不是很着急)

3. Like an iron bastion, the dam withstood the rushing floodwaters. (翻译:大坝好似铜墙铁壁,顶住了洪水的冲击。)

4. Sudden rainstorms would bring the mountain torrents rushing down. (翻译:突然的暴雨会使山洪暴发。)

5. You said I was rushing in London. (翻译:- 你说我是很冲动.. -怎么说呢 - You said I was rushing in London.)

6. There are at least two good reasons for not rushing it, Couper says. (翻译:至少有两个好理由你不要急着给,Couper说。)

7. Eichmann came rushing to Theresienstadt. (翻译:伤寒流感爆发了 艾希曼 赶来特莱西恩施塔特)

8. No more rushing, because you could never be late. (翻译:没有更多的冲过来,因为 你永远都不会迟到。)

9. Then why is every single major power rushing to do business there today? (翻译:那么为什么现在每个大国 都争着去做生意呢? )

10. Police are on scene in riot gear. SWAT officers are rushing forward. (翻译:身着防暴装备抵达现场 反恐准备进攻)

11. You want to tape me rushing around, trying to get dinner ready? (翻译:你要带我跑来跑去, 试图让晚餐准备好了吗?)

12. Jump away from Scouts rushing forward with the Boston Basher. (翻译:远离拿著波士顿狼牙棒冲过来的敌方侦查兵。)

13. There are at least two good reasons for not rushing it, Couper says. (翻译:至少有两个好理由你不要急着给,Couper说。)

14. Why am I rushing into things? (翻译:我为什么要急着结婚呢 {\fs19. 078}{\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}Why am I rushing into things?)

15. Sheldon, have you ever considered not rushing into something new? (翻译:Sheldon 你有想过 不那么急着找个新领域吗?)





词组搭配:rush out (冲出),rush in (冲进),rush off (仓促离开),rush hour (交通高峰期),rush job (仓促完成的工作)等。

短语:in a rush (匆促地),rush to do something (急忙去做某事)等。



1. He was rushing to catch the train but sadly missed it. (他匆忙赶火车,但遗憾错过了。)

2. The students were rushing to finish their exams before the bell rang. (学生们为了在下课铃响之前完成考试而匆忙进行。)

3. The news of the sudden death of his mother left him rushing back home. (母亲的突然去世的消息使他匆忙回家。)

4. We need to complete this project in a rush, otherwise we'll miss the deadline. (我们需要匆忙完成这个项目,否则我们会错过最后期限。)

5. The passengers were all rushing towards the gate to board the plane. (乘客们都在匆忙赶向登机口。)

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