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utensils是什么意思 utensils的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:16:54
  • 236

utensils是什么意思 utensils的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. Please wash the utensils after you finish your meal.(请在用餐后清洗餐具。)

2. In Chinese culture, chopsticks are one of the most important utensils for eating.(在中国文化中,筷子是最重要的用餐器具之一。)




例句:All ice cream utensils used in the preparation must be throughly cleaned and sterilized with disinfectant or boiling water. (所有的冰淇淋器皿在准备使用前必须用消毒水或者沸水清洗,消毒)


例句:Oblate strip pick, bamboo utensils carrying goods. (扁圆长条形挑、抬物品的竹木用具。)


例句:The patterns of bronzy wares are similar to that of other sacrificial utensils, including the lacquered wares; (青铜礼器早期纹饰是对早于它作为礼器,包括漆器在内的其它器皿纹饰的模仿; )


例句:So the winter bark was used for larger utensils and containers. (翻译:所以冬天的树皮被用来制作更大的用具和容器。)


utensils一般作为名词使用,如在eating utensils([航天]餐具)、drawing utensils([机] 绘图用具)、farming utensils(农具)等常见短语中出现较多。

eating utensils[航天]餐具
drawing utensils[机] 绘图用具
farming utensils农具
household utensils器皿
kitchen utensils[医]厨房用器皿
mess utensils[网络] 餐具
milking utensils挤奶器皿
porcelain utensils瓷仪器;瓷器皿
writing utensils文具


1. The patterns of bronzy wares are similar to that of other sacrificial utensils, including the lacquered wares; (翻译:青铜礼器早期纹饰是对早于它作为礼器,包括漆器在内的其它器皿纹饰的模仿; )

2. So the winter bark was used for larger utensils and containers. (翻译:所以冬天的树皮被用来制作更大的用具和容器。)

3. I shut the door and, as a cook, began to play happily and loudly with the cooking utensils and dance around the oven. (翻译:我这位厨师关好厨房门,然后就在里面兴高采烈丁零当啷地演奏起锅碗瓢盆打击乐并跳起了锅边舞。)

4. Mainproducts: Paper Doyleys, Cake Cups, Muffin Cake Cups, Papers, Plastic food products, Aluminum Foil products, The Cake Decorates, Baking Utensils and kinds of food packaging. (翻译:经营项目:花底纸、蛋糕纸杯、高温纸杯、纸类、塑料制品、铝箔制品、蛋糕装饰、烘焙工具等。)

5. All of Napoleon's troops were fed with silver utensils, Napoleon himself with gold utensils. (翻译:所有的士兵 使用银器用餐, 自己则使用金器。)

6. My wife and I only argue about the big issues, such as whether it's a good idea for her to leave utensils in the sink. (翻译:我和我的妻子只会在大事上发生争吵:例如她把用过的厨房器皿统统放在洗涤槽里是不是个好主意。)

7. In ancient times, been enshrined in the dark sky for the Artifact, mainly as a sacrificial utensils. (翻译:在远古时期,鼓被尊奉为通天的神器,主要是作为祭祀的器具。)

8. the table and its utensils, and the pure lampstand with all its utensils, and the altar of incense. (翻译:桌子和桌子的器具,精金的灯台和灯台的一切器具并香坛。)

9. Or sat down to eat a restaurant and wondered which utensils to use? (翻译:或者在餐馆坐下用餐的时候, 却不知道如何使用这些餐具? )

10. It can also be transmitted through kissing, or sharing cigarettes, toothbrushes or utensils. (翻译:此类脑膜炎也可以通过接吻、 共享香烟、牙刷或餐具传播。)

11. Start with utensils for the main course, putting your dinner fork on the left and your dinner knife on the right-hand side since these are the hands we use them with. (翻译:从主餐用具开始, 餐叉放在左边, 餐刀放在右边, 因为这些都是我们用手来使用。)

12. The results indicated that the HBV pollution of haircutting utensils were serious. (翻译:结果表明,理发用具HBV染较为严重。)

13. The body of the fishing box has a strong capacity that is able to carry more fishing gadgets, and other utensils. (翻译:该钓箱箱体容量大,能装下较多的钓具、用具、物品;)

14. And now France has become the first country to completely ban all plastic utensils, cups and plates. (翻译:现在法国成为第一个 完全禁止塑料容器、杯子、 和盘子的国家。)

15. You see the autopsy table, morgue trays, x-ray machines and even used utensils, which you see on the autopsy table. (翻译:你能看到解剖台,停尸台,X光机, 甚至用过的手术用具 还就摆在解剖台上。)



1. 词性和含义:


2. 用途:


3. 材质:


4. 使用场合:


5. 与其他词汇的关系:



1. Stainless steel utensils are durable and long lasting.(不锈钢的器具耐用持久。)

2. Wooden utensils are a popular choice for cooking because they don't scratch non-stick pans.(木质器具是烹饪的热门选择,因为它不会刮伤不粘锅。)

3. The restaurant uses disposable utensils to save on washing up.(餐厅使用一次性餐具以节省洗涤成本。)

4. The chef demonstrated how to use various utensils to prepare the dish.(厨师演示如何使用各种器具来准备这道菜。)

5. The camping store sells a variety of utensils for outdoor cooking.(露营商店销售各种户外烹饪用具。)

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