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curved是什么意思 curved的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:16:30
  • 190

curved是什么意思 curved的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. The road ahead is curved, so drive slowly.(前方的道路有弯曲,所以请慢行。)

2. The curved suce of the mirror distorted the reflection.(镜子的弯曲表面扭曲了反射。)

3. The curved handle of the mug fits comfortably in my hand.(杯子的弯曲手柄很适合握在手中。)




例句:They may be straight or curved, but not in sharply kinked configurations. (它们可以是直的或弯的,但不呈现纠缠在一起的外形。)


例句:And remember... fingers curved like a tunnel. (还有 要记得... ... 手指头要弯得像地道一样)


例句:Her spine curved. (她的脊柱弯了。)


例句:By a uniquely curved blade. (翻译:一种独特的弯刀造成的 by a uniquely curved blade.)


curved一般作为名词、形容词、动词使用,如在slightly curved(略弯的)、double curved line(复曲线)、double curved shell([建] 双曲扁壳)等常见短语中出现较多。

slightly curved略弯的
double curved line复曲线
double curved shell[建] 双曲扁壳
downstepped curved jib下向截槽弯曲截盘
foreward curved vane[机] 朝前弯曲轮叶
forward curved cane弯叶片
forward curved vane前弯叶片
fully curved runnerun. 弯滑刀式开沟器
irregular curved line不规则曲线


1. Her spine curved. (翻译:她的脊柱弯了。)

2. By a uniquely curved blade. (翻译:一种独特的弯刀造成的 by a uniquely curved blade.)

3. testa leathery, seeds fully covered by an aril and adnate to testa; embryo curved. (翻译:种皮革质,完全被假种皮盖住且贴生于种皮;)

4. Curved growth lines are a prominent feature of virtually all Verneuil synthetic corundums. (翻译:弯曲生长纹是所有焰熔法合成刚玉的一个显著特征。)

5. A smile is just a genly curved line that sets a lot of things straight. (翻译:微笑仅是一道弯弯的弧线,却可以使很多事变直。)

6. Seeds few, reddish black, smooth, lucid, with a membranous strophiole; embryo curved. (翻译:很少,带红色黑色,平滑,有光泽,具一膜质种阜;)

7. And in the 1970’s, engineers calculated the curved tower’s center of gravity. (翻译:20 世纪 80 年代, 工程师们计算出塔的重心曲线, )

8. Old gears are usually spoked, sometimes curved spokes. (翻译:老式齿轮通常带辐条,有时辐条是曲线形的。)

9. It turns out that the universe could be curved like a ball or sphere. (翻译:结果表明 宇宙可能是呈球状或半球状的曲线。)

10. volume growth and curvature decay of complete positively curved Kahler manifolds; (翻译:完备正曲率凯拉流形的体积增长与曲率衰减;)

11. Even foliated metamorphic rocks and banded gabbro can BE curved to form folds. (翻译:即使变质岩中的片理以及辉长岩中的条带也可产生弯曲而形成褶皱。)

12. The dendrite growth direction is changed and dendrites are curved in the zone of white band. (翻译:白亮带处的枝晶生长方向改变而生成弯曲的枝晶。)

13. The visceral reach, running fingertips along the curved notches of a spine. (翻译:自己的手指尖沿着脊骨在滑动 的轮廓使肌肉更加明显)

14. Jodhpurs curved to the waist and velvet vests were snug. (翻译:短马靴中部的弯曲以及天鹅绒马甲贴身舒适。)

15. The road curved around the bay. (翻译:那条路沿海湾呈曲线伸展。)

1. 词释:


2. 使用场合:


3. 同义词:



1. The road ahead is very curved and requires careful steering. (前方的道路非常弯曲,需要小心驾驶。)

2. The tree had many curved branches that hung low to the ground. (这棵树有许多弯曲的树枝,低垂在地面上。)

3. The river curved gracefully through the valley. (河流在峡谷中优雅地弯曲。)

4. She has a very curved figure, which makes her look very attractive. (她的身材非常曲线美,让她看起来非常迷人。)

5. The calculus problem involved finding the area under a curved line. (这个微积分问题要求求出曲线下的面积。)

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