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convened是什么意思 convened的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:14:23
  • 190

convened是什么意思 convened的中文翻译、读音、例句

【英】/kənˈviːnd/ 【美】/kənˈvind/



1. The emergency meeting was convened to address the sudden crisis.


2. The committee will convene next week to discuss the proposed changes.


3. The summit was convened to bring together leaders from different countries to discuss global issues.





例句:My friends, I have convened this extraordinary meeting of the council in order that I may report upon an action which I deemed necessary: (朋友们 我召开这次 非同寻常的国会 就是想告诉大家一件事情)


例句:In fact, a grand jury was convened to investigate your involvement. (实际上已经召集大陪审团 对你的参与程度进行调查)


例句:The Red Ribbon Centre Management Advisory Committee was re-convened and Dr. YU Chung-toi, Samuel succeeded to be the Chairman. (红丝带中心管理谘询委员会成员重组,并由俞宗岱博士接任为。)


例句:This is not a trial, but a tribunal convened expressly by the Praesidium... and it is to the Praesidium alone that we are responsible. (翻译:今天不是一个审讯,而是一次由 委员会特别召集的一次审判 由我们代表委员会全权负责)


1. The Red Ribbon Centre Management Advisory Committee was re-convened and Dr. YU Chung-toi, Samuel succeeded to be the Chairman. (翻译:红丝带中心管理谘询委员会成员重组,并由俞宗岱博士接任为。)

2. This is not a trial, but a tribunal convened expressly by the Praesidium... and it is to the Praesidium alone that we are responsible. (翻译:今天不是一个审讯,而是一次由 委员会特别召集的一次审判 由我们代表委员会全权负责)

3. Sector Seven is a special-access division of the government convened in secret under President Hoover 80 years ago. (翻译:第七区是内一个特殊部门 80年前奉胡佛总统之密令成立)

4. I suppose you're wondering why I convened this motley group. (翻译:我估计你们都在想为什么 我召集这么个混搭的小组)

5. After getting the results, we convened to try to unbundle the mandate of Dempsey. We were disappointed, very disappointed. (翻译:在得到结果后,我们主张尝试解除委员会。我们非常失望,非常的失望。)

6. Well, after years of working toward a climate agreement, the same governments convened in Copenhagen and failed miserably. (翻译:经过了长年累月有关气候协议的努力, 同样的与会国家被召集到哥本哈根, 结局却是惨不忍睹。)

7. This panel has convened in order to investigate the events... subsequent to the setting of condition 1 SQ for strategic missile launch... on board the USS Alabama on 1 November. (翻译:本委员会被召集和奉命调查... 11月1日 亚拉巴马号上所发生的... 进入一级战略战备状态事件)

8. At a conference convened by the U. N. , a provisional government was established under President Hamid Karzai. (翻译:在召集的大会上,阿富汗临时在卡尔扎伊总统的领导下成立了。)

9. He convened a special tribunal, to which I was not invited. (翻译:螖喂蔚尉萎蠂胃畏 未喂魏伪蟽蟿喂魏萎 苇蚁蔚?谓伪 蟽蟿畏谓 慰蟺慰委伪 未蔚谓 蟺萎蚁伪 渭苇蚁慰蟼.)

10. Your Honor, on behalf of Gregory House, we have convened an emergency session of this court... to bring a motion requesting that John Henry Giles remain on life support. (翻译:法官大人, 作为Gregory House的律师, 我们要求召开此次紧急庭审的目的... 是为了提请法庭能够允许John Henry Giles 继续接受生命支持.)

11. In that year, the Council of Nicaea was convened by emperor Constantine. (翻译:在那些年里,康斯坦丁大帝组建了尼西亚理事会。)

12. In June this year, the SCO convened its summit in Tashkent, when it determined its future development orientation and work objectives. (翻译:今年6月,上海合作组织在塔什干举行了峰会,规划了上海合作组织今后的发展方向,明确了今后的工作目标。)

13. Meetings of a standing committee shall be convened by its chairman and held at least once every other month. (翻译:第四十五条常务委员会会议由主任召集,每两个月至少举行一次。)

14. The council was hastily convened after his father said he was resigning. (翻译:在他父亲宣布他将辞职后,理事会被匆忙召集起来。)

15. Qiuhe have convened many professional landscape designers from domestic and overseas. (翻译:在老一辈专家的引领下,汇集了国内外大量的景观设计精英。)

1. 词性与词义


2. 用法与搭配


3. 相关扩展



1. The board of directors convened an emergency meeting to discuss the financial crisis. (董事会召开紧急会议讨论财务危机。)

2. The president convened all the members of the committee to discuss the new proposal. (召集委员会所有成员讨论新的建议。)

3. The union convenes its annual conference next month. (工会下个月召开年会。)

4. The governor has convened a task force to investigate the recent outbreak of violence in the city. (州长召集了一个特别小组来调查最近在城市爆发的暴力事件。)

5. The UN Security Council was convened to discuss the crisis in the Middle East. (安理会召开了会议,讨论中东危机。)

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