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predictive是什么意思 predictive的中文翻译、读音、例句

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-13 10:25:17
  • 187

predictive是什么意思 predictive的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. The predictive model uses machine learning algorithms to forecast future trends.


2. The company invested heavily in a predictive ytics tool to antite customer needs.


3. The data ysis showed a strong predictive relationship between sales and advertising expenditure.





例句:The accuracy of individual cutoffs was demonstrated by sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values. (个体截断点的准确性用来表示敏感性、特异性、正面和负面值。)


例句:Their climate science astounds with its precision, predictive power, and depth of observation. (他们以其对气候科学研究的精确性、预见力和深刻度震撼了我们。)


例句:And scientific theory means quantifiable -- relying on underlying generic principles that can be made into a predictive framework. (科学理论意味着它是可量化的 依据基本的普遍原理 我们能够推导出一个可预见的结构 )


例句:Predictive policing relying on hard data, not the (翻译:根据科学数据 Predictive policing 来监控 relying on hard data, not the)


predictive一般作为形容词使用,如在predictive ability(推测能力)、predictive accuracy([网络] 准确性;未来的准确性;精确性)、predictive bargaining([经] 预见性的谈判)等常见短语中出现较多。

predictive ability推测能力
predictive accuracy[网络] 准确性;未来的准确性;精确性
predictive bargaining[经] 预见性的谈判
predictive branching[网络] 分支功能
predictive causality因果关系
predictive code[计] 码
predictive coding[计] 编码
predictive codings[网络] 编码
predictive coefficient[计] 系数


1. And scientific theory means quantifiable -- relying on underlying generic principles that can be made into a predictive framework. (翻译:科学理论意味着它是可量化的 依据基本的普遍原理 我们能够推导出一个可预见的结构 )

2. Predictive policing relying on hard data, not the (翻译:根据科学数据 Predictive policing 来监控 relying on hard data, not the)

3. ARMA Predictive Model Based CELP Speech Coding Algorithm (翻译:基于零极点模型的码激励线性语音编码算法)

4. This indicates that the developed ANN model has good interpolation capability and can be used as an efficient predictive tool for warpage. (翻译:这表明ANN模型具有良好的插值能力,可作为一种对于翘曲的有效工具。)

5. Wolpert is not alone in believing in the predictive value of the genome. (翻译:Wolpert并不是唯一一个坚信人类基因组价值的人。)

6. An elevation of anti-ABO titers after transplantation may be a predictive risk factor for increased mortality and morbidity. (翻译:移植后抗ABO抗体滴度的升高可能是增加发病率和死亡率的一个危险因素。)

7. Yeah, predictive policing and-and computers as cops. (翻译:听过 预知型办案... 电脑充当 Yeah, predictive policing and... and computers as cops.)

8. During the alignment, the alignment speed is adjustable flexibly by comparing the predictive position with an actual postion. (翻译:在定位过程中通过位置与实际位置比较,灵活调整定位速度。)

9. In predictive environments, learning is often discouraged. You lay out things in advance and then follow that design. (翻译:在可预知的环境中,学习是不被鼓励的。你把事情预先安排好,然后照做就是了。)

10. Result: We completed tain of all cases and combined with VTK to compile predictive software. (翻译:结果:完成所有病例的训练并结合VTK编写出手术效果软件。)

11. Wolpert is not alone in believing in the predictive value of the genome. (翻译:并不是唯一一个坚信人类基因组价值的人。)

12. They are self-aware, they are predictive, reactive and social. (翻译:它们能感知自我,有能力, 反应迅速,可以社交。)

13. Ellenbogen says this gives researchers a new predictive power. (翻译:Ellenbogen说,这给研究人员新的研究动力。)

14. Professor Harrison, were you saying that the periodic table is predictive? (翻译:哈里森教授,你是在说周期表是可以的吗? )

15. LPC Predictive Residual of Speech Based Cepstral Pitch Detection Algorithm Analysis (翻译:基于LPC残差的倒谱基音检测算法分析)

作为 AI 语言模型,我来为您解答:

'predictive' 定义:

adj. 的,预示的,有能力的


'predictive' 的使用方面:

1. 数据分析

‘Predictive’ 可以用来描述数据分析技术中的性分析(predictive ytics),包括统计分析、机器学习和数据挖掘等方法。这些方法可以帮助企业、等组织未来发展趋势,进行决策和策略制定。


- Predictive ytics is becoming increasingly important in the finance industry for detecting fraud and managing risks. (财务行业对于性分析的需求越来越大,用于检测欺诈和管理风险。)

- By using predictive modeling, we can identify which customers are more likely to churn and take actions to retain them. (通过使用建模,我们可以确定哪些客户更有可能流失,并采取措施留住他们。)

2. 人工智能

‘Predictive’ 还可以用来描述人工智能(AI)技术中的性建模(predictive modeling),主要是指使用机器学习算法来训练模型,从而未来的数据趋势和行为。


- The predictive capabilities of AI are transforming the way we interact with technology, it more personalized and efficient. (人工智能的能力正在改变我们与技术互动的方式,使其更加个性化和高效。)

- Companies are increasingly using predictive modeling to forecast their sales and optimize their marketing strategies. (公司越来越多地使用建模来销售,优化其营销策略。)

3. 统计学

‘Predictive’ 还可以用来描述统计学中的性分析方法,其中包括时间序列分析、回归分析、分类器、聚类分析等多种技术,用于未来的趋势和行为。


- Time series ysis is a powerful tool for predictive ytics in forecasting sales, demand, and other business metrics. (时间序列分析是性分析中销售、需求和其他业务指标的强大工具。)

- Classification algorithms are widely used in predictive modeling to predict customer behavior and preferences. (分类算法在建模中广泛用于客户行为和偏好。)


1. By yzing past trends and using predictive modeling, we can forecast the future demand for our products. (通过分析过去的趋势和使用建模,我们可以未来对我们产品的需求。)

2. The predictive power of machine learning algorithms can help us make better investment decisions. (机器学习算法的能力可以帮助我们做出更好的投资决策。)

3. With predictive ytics, we can identify potential health risks and take proactive measures to prevent them. (通过性分析,我们可以识别潜在的健康风险,并采取积极的措施来预防它们。)

4. The predictive accuracy of our forecasting model is constantly improving thanks to the latest AI technologies. (由于最新的人工智能技术,我们的模型的准确性不断提高。)

5. Predictive modeling is the cornerstone of modern data science, enabling us to make informed decisions based on historical data. (建模是现代数据科学的基石,使我们能够根据历史数据做出明智的决策。)

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